INTRODUCED BY   Senator Ducheny
    (   Coauthors:   Senators  
Alquist   and Hancock   ) 

                        FEBRUARY 23, 2009

   An act to amend Sections  99200,  99200.5, 99201, and
99202 of, and to repeal Section 99206 of, the Education Code,
relating to postsecondary education.


   SB 199, as amended, Ducheny. Postsecondary education:
instructional strategies: subject matter projects.
   (1) Existing law authorizes the Regents of the University of
California  , with the approval of the Concurrence Committee,
 to establish and maintain cooperative endeavors designed to
develop and enhance teachers' subject matter and content knowledge in
6 subject matter project areas.  Under existing law the
Concurrence Committee is composed of representatives selected by the
regents, the Board of Trustees of the California State University,
the State Board of Education, among others. Existing law
provides goals to be accomplished by the subject matter projects.
Among these is the goal to provide support to teachers to develop and
enhance the content knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to
implement State Board of Education standards.
   This bill would  provide   clarify  that
this support may include   includes 
assistance to  career technical education  teachers 
to develop and enhance the content knowledge and pedagogical skills
necessary to develop and deliver instruction in multiple pathway
programs and career technical education  .  The bill
would   require the Superintendent of Public Instruction to
select a representative to the Concurrence Committee.  The bill
would also authorize 3 additional subject matter projects: the
California Physical Education-Health Project, the California Arts
Project, and the California Foreign Language Project.
   (2) Existing law establishes a project advisory board in each
subject matter project area to set guidelines, make recommendations,
and monitor activities for compliance with existing law. Each project
advisory board is composed of representatives who are selected, in
varying numbers, by various individuals and entities. Some of the
representatives, as provided, are required to be classroom teachers
in subject areas addressed by the project.
   This bill would change the composition of each project advisory
board to consist of only one representative selected by each
appointing entity to the respective board  , except that the
Superintendent of Public Instruction would select two representatives
 . The bill would also delete the requirement that certain
representatives be classroom teachers and instead require that those
representatives be educators with expertise in the subject areas
addressed by the project.
   (3) Under existing law, the above provisions become inoperative on
June 30, 2012, and are repealed on January 1, 2013.
   This bill would delete these inoperative and repeal dates, thereby
extending the operation of these provisions indefinitely.
   (4) Existing law prohibits any of the provisions related to
instructional strategies from applying to the University of
California unless the Regents of the University of California, by
resolution, make those provisions applicable.
   This bill would apply to the University of California only if the
regents, by resolution, make these provisions applicable.
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 99200 of the  
Education Code   is amended to read: 
   99200.  (a) With funds appropriated therefor, and with the
approval of the Concurrence Committee, the Regents of the University
of California shall establish and maintain cooperative endeavors
designed to accomplish the following:
   (1) Develop and enhance teachers' subject matter and content
knowledge in the subject matter areas specified in Section 99201.
   (2) Develop and enhance teachers' instructional strategies to
improve student learning and academic performance as measured against
State Board of Education standards adopted pursuant to Section 60605
and, where applicable, to standards adopted pursuant to Section
   (3) Provide teachers with instructional strategies for working
with English learners.
   (4) Provide teachers with access to and opportunity to examine
current research that is demonstrably linked to improved student
learning and achievement as measured by performance levels on state
tests administered pursuant to Section 60605 or on English language
development assessments developed, pursuant to Chapter 7 (commencing
with Section 60810) of Part 33 of Division 4 of Title 2, for English
language learners.
   (5) Maintain subject-specific professional communities that create
and encourage ongoing opportunities for teacher learning and
   (6) Develop and deploy as teacher leaders, teachers with
demonstrated levels of expertise in the classroom and certifiable
levels of content knowledge.
   (b) The duties of the Concurrence Committee shall include, but
need not be limited to, all of the following:
   (1) Ensuring that the statewide and local subject matter projects
comply with requirements of this chapter.
   (2) Developing rules and regulations for the statewide subject
matter projects.
   (3) Providing a final report to the Governor and to appropriate
policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature on or before January
1, 2011, on the subject matter projects. The report shall include,
but need not be limited to, all of the following information,
compiled for a four-year period:
   (A) The number, and level of experience, of participants in each
subject matter project.
   (B) The total amount of funds expended, on an annual basis, for
each subject matter project.
   (C) An explanation of the type of professional development
activities offered pursuant to each subject matter project.
   (D) A list including the name and location of each school
affiliated with a subject matter project.
   (c) Grants to establish local sites of statewide subject matter
projects shall be available to institutions of higher education,
county offices of education and school districts, or any combination
thereof, with a subject matter proposal approved pursuant to this
article. Once established, each subject matter project shall be
administered by the University of California in cooperation with the
Concurrence Committee. Local sites of statewide subject matter
projects shall be distributed throughout the state so that
elementary, secondary, and postsecondary school personnel located in
rural, urban, and suburban areas may avail themselves of subject
matter projects.
   (d) The Concurrence Committee shall be composed of individuals who
are affiliated with leadership, management, or instruction, in
education or education policy entities and shall be selected as
   (1) One representative selected by the Regents of the University
of California.
   (2) One representative selected by the Board of Trustees of the
California State University. 
   (3) One representative selected by the Superintendent of Public
    (4)  Two representatives selected by the State Board of
Education, at least one of whom has significant experience with
direct classroom instruction. 
    (5)  One representative selected by the Governor.

    (6)  One representative selected by the Commission on
Teacher Credentialing. 
    (7)  One representative selected by the Curriculum
Development and Supplemental Materials Commission. 
    (8)  One representative of the California Community
Colleges selected by the Board of Governors of the California
Community Colleges. 
    (9)  One representative of an independent postsecondary
institution selected by the Association of Independent California
Colleges and Universities.
   SECTION 1.   SEC. 2.   Section 99200.5
of the Education Code is amended to read:
   99200.5.  The statewide subject matter projects shall accomplish
all of the following goals:
   (a) Create opportunities for researchers, higher education
faculty, and elementary and secondary school faculty to work together
to accomplish all of the following:
   (1) Identify exemplary teaching practices.
   (2) Examine and develop research on learning, knowledge, and
educational materials.
   (3) Provide support to teachers  , including career technical
education teachers,  to develop and enhance the content
knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to implement State Board
of Education standards adopted pursuant to Section  60605.
The support may include assistance to academic teachers and career
technical education teachers to develop and enhance the content
knowledge and pedagogical skills necessary to develop and deliver
instruction in multiple pathway programs and career technical
education.   60605. 
   (b) Collect the necessary data to perform the evaluation required
by subdivision (c) of Section 99200.
   SEC. 2.   SEC. 3.   Section 99201 of the
Education Code is amended to read:
   99201.  The following subject matter projects shall be authorized
pursuant to this chapter:
   (a) The California Writing Project.
   (b) The California Reading and Literature Project.
   (c) The California Mathematics Project.
   (d) The California Science Project.
   (e) The California History-Social Science Project.
   (f) The World History and International Studies Project.
   (g) The California Physical Education-Health Project.
   (h) The California Arts Project.
   (i) The California Foreign Language Project.
   SEC. 3.   SEC. 4.   Section 99202 of the
Education Code is amended to read:
   99202.  (a) Within each subject matter project, a project advisory
board shall be established to do all of the following:
   (1) Set guidelines for project sites.
   (2) Review and recommend site proposals for funding.
   (3) Monitor project activities to ensure that they adequately
reflect the priorities of the project and that projects comply with
the requirements of this chapter.
   (4) Perform other duties as determined by the Concurrence
Committee rules and regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (b)
of Section 99200.
   (b) The composition of each advisory board shall be as follows:
   (1) One representative selected by the California Postsecondary
Education Commission.
   (2) One representative, selected by the President of the
University of California, who is a member of the faculty in the
discipline addressed by the project.
   (3) One representative, selected by the Chancellor of the
California State University, who is a member of the faculty in the
discipline addressed by the project.
   (4)  One representative   Two representatives
 , selected by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who
 is an educator   are educators  with
expertise in the subject areas addressed by the project.
   (5) One representative of the State Board of Education, who is an
educator with expertise in the subject areas addressed by the
   (6) One representative selected by the Governor.
   (7) One representative selected by the Commission on Teacher
   (8) One representative of the statewide professional organization
of teachers in the subject matter addressed by the project, to be
selected by the president of that organization. If there is more than
one statewide professional organization of teachers in that subject
area, the members of the advisory board may choose which organization
shall select the representative and may choose to include a
representative of one or more of the other organizations as nonvoting
members of the advisory board.
   (9) One representative of the California community colleges
selected by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, who
is a faculty member in the subject matter area addressed by the
   (10) One representative of an independent postsecondary
institution selected by the Association of Independent California
Colleges and Universities, who is a member of the faculty in the
discipline addressed by the project.
   SEC. 4.   SEC. 5.   Section 99206 of the
Education Code is repealed.