INTRODUCED BY   Senator Emmerson
    (   Coauthor:   Senator  
Berryhill   ) 

                        FEBRUARY 8, 2013

    An act to amend Section 16004 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code, relating to foster care.   An act to
add Section 10072.6 to the Welfare and Institutions Code, relating to
public social services. 


   SB 206, as amended, Emmerson.  Foster care.  
Electronic benefits transfer cards: prohibition of use for alcohol
and tobacco purchases.  
   Existing law provides for the California Work Opportunity and
Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program, under which each county
provides cash assistance and other benefits to qualified low-income
   Existing law provides for the federal Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp Program, under
which food stamps are allocated to the state by the federal
government and are distributed to eligible households by each county.
Federal law prohibits the use of SNAP benefits for the purchase of
alcohol and tobacco products.  
   Existing law authorizes a county to elect to deliver CalWORKs and
SNAP benefits through the use of an electronic benefits transfer
(EBT) system. Existing law specifies criteria for the development and
administration of the EBT system, including issuance to a recipient
of an EBT card.  
   This bill would require the EBT system to be designed to prevent
use of EBT cards by recipients for the purchase of alcohol or tobacco
products. The bill would require that its provisions not be
construed to prohibit the use of an EBT card to access SNAP benefits,
as authorized by federal law.  
   Existing law requires the State Department of Social Services to
develop recommendations for the Legislature, in consultation with the
Chief Probation Officers' Association and the County Welfare
Directors Association, regarding, among other things procedures for
placing siblings together when one or more siblings are in the
juvenile dependency system and one or more siblings are in the
juvenile delinquency systems, when those placements are appropriate.
   This bill would make nonsubstantive, technical changes to those
   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee:  no
  yes  . State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 10072.6 is added to the 
 Welfare and Institutions Code   , to read:  
   10072.6.  (a) The electronic benefits transfer system designed
pursuant to this chapter shall be designed to prevent a recipient
from using an electronic benefits transfer card for the purchase of
alcohol or tobacco products.
   (b) This section shall not be construed to prohibit the use of an
electronic benefits transfer card to access federal Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in any manner authorized
by federal law.  
  SECTION 1.    Section 16004 of the Welfare and
Institutions Code is amended to read:
   16004.  (a) The Legislature finds and declares that there is an
urgent need to develop placement resources to permit sibling groups
to remain together in out-of-home care when removed from the custody
of their parents due to child abuse or neglect. Multiple barriers
exist, including local ordinances and community care licensing
standards, that limit or prevent the county placement agency from
fulfilling its obligation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section
16002 to place siblings together.
   Therefore, the Legislature declares its intent to develop specific
placement resources to accommodate sibling groups.
   (b) The State Department of Social Services shall, in consultation
with the County Welfare Directors Association, the Judicial Council,
organizations representing foster youth, and other similar,
interested organizations, make recommendations to increase the
available sibling placement resources. The possible policy changes to
be addressed shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
   (1) The creation of a special licensing category for sibling care,
including sibling group foster homes.
   (2) Development of children's villages with separate cottages to
provide a home for each sibling group.
   (3) Funding for targeted recruitment of foster parents for large
sibling groups.
   (4) Establishment of a higher foster care payment rate for
caretakers who accept sibling groups.
   (5) Funding for one-time capital improvement costs to remodel
homes to accommodate placement of siblings and provide for other
upfront costs, including, but not limited to, vans, car seats, and
other items.
   (6) Establishment of guidelines for placing siblings, who cannot
be placed in the same home, within geographic proximity to each other
and exploration of the possibility of permitting these siblings to
have the option of enrolling in the same school district even when
the siblings reside in different school districts.
   (c) The department shall develop recommendations for the
Legislature, in consultation with the Chief Probation Officers
Association and the County Welfare Directors Association, regarding
procedures for doing both of the following:
   (1) Placing siblings together when one or more siblings are in the
juvenile dependency system and one or more siblings are in the
juvenile delinquency systems, when those placements are appropriate.
   (2) Maintaining contact and sharing information between siblings
who are placed separately in out-of-home care under the juvenile
dependency and the juvenile delinquency systems.
   (d) The department shall submit the recommendations described in
subdivisions (b) and (c) to the Legislature by November 1, 2001.