INTRODUCED BY   Senator Galgiani

                        FEBRUARY 11, 2013

   An act to amend Sections 102, 104, 6106, 6108, 6363, 6365, 6584,
6586, 6587, 6784, 6786, 6787, 8041, 8066, 8106, 8409, 8451, 9021,
9022, 9209, 9237, 9238, 9305, 9307, 10220, 10226, 11045, and 11046 of
the Elections Code, relating to elections.


   SB 213, Galgiani. Election petitions: circulators.
   Existing law generally prohibits the circulation of initiative,
referendum, and recall petitions and nominating papers by a person
who is not a resident of the state.
   This bill would remove this prohibition. The bill would make
conforming changes to various provisions of existing law.


  SECTION 1.  Section 102 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   102.  A person shall not circulate a state or local initiative,
referendum, or recall petition or nominating paper unless the person
is 18 years of age or older.
  SEC. 2.  Section 104 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   104.  (a) Wherever any petition or paper is submitted to the
elections official, each section of the petition or paper shall have
attached to it a declaration signed by the circulator of the petition
or paper, setting forth, in the circulator's own hand, the
   (1) The printed name of the circulator.
   (2) The residence address of the circulator, giving street and
number, or if no street or number exists, adequate designation of
residence so that the location may be readily ascertained.
   (3) The dates between which all the signatures to the petition or
paper were obtained.
   (b) Each declaration submitted pursuant to this section shall also
set forth the following:
   (1) That the circulator circulated that section and witnessed the
appended signatures being written.
   (2) That according to the best information and belief of the
circulator, each signature is the genuine signature of the person
whose name it purports to be.
   (3) That the circulator is 18 years of age or older.
   (c) The circulator shall certify the content of the declaration as
to its truth and correctness, under penalty of perjury under the
laws of the State of California, with the signature of his or her
name. The circulator shall state the date and the place of execution
on the declaration immediately preceding his or her signature.
  SEC. 3.  Section 6106 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6106.  Each section shall be prepared with the lines for
signatures numbered, and shall have attached the affidavit of the
circulator who obtained signatures to it, which shall meet all of the
requirements of Section 104. No other affidavit is required. The
affidavit of any circulator shall be verified free of charge by any
officer authorized to administer oaths.
  SEC. 4.  Section 6108 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6108.  The nomination paper for the presidential primary ballot
shall be in substantially the following form:
             Section _________ Page _____
County of ______________. Nomination paper of a
candidate or uncommitted delegation for the
presidential primary ballot.
State of            )
California          )  ss.
County of ______
                  SIGNER'S STATEMENT
  I, the undersigned, am a voter of the County of
____, State of California, and am registered as
affiliated with the Democratic Party. I hereby
nominate ____ for the presidential primary to be
held on the ____ day of ____, 20__. I have not
signed the nomination paper of any other candidate
or uncommitted delegation,       and I further
declare that I intend to support the candidate or
uncommitted delegation named herein.
Number            Signature Printed name Residence
  1.  ______________________________________________
  2.  ______________________________________________
  3.  ______________________________________________
etc. ______________________________________________

  I, ____________, solemnly swear (or affirm) all
of the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I secured signatures in the       County
of ____________ to the nomination paper of a
candidate or uncommitted delegation for the
presidential primary ballot named in the signer's
statement above; that all the signatures on this
section of the nomination paper numbered from 1
to ___, inclusive, were made in my presence, and
that to the best of my knowledge and belief each
signature is the genuine signature of the person
whose name it purports to be. The signatures were
obtained between ____________, 20___, and
____________, 20____.
  Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day
of ____, 20____.
                                          (or other

  SEC. 5.  Section 6363 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6363.  Each section shall be prepared with the lines for
signatures numbered, and shall have attached the affidavit of the
circulator who obtained signatures to it, which shall meet all of the
requirements of Section 104. No other affidavit is required. The
affidavit of any circulator shall be verified free of charge by any
officer authorized to administer oaths.
  SEC. 6.  Section 6365 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6365.  The nomination paper for a candidate shall be in
substantially the following form:
                 BEHALF OF CANDIDATE
              Section ____________ Page ____________
County of __________. Nomination paper for
____________ as presidential nominee of the
Republican Party.
State of            )
California          )  ss.
County of ______
                  SIGNER'S STATEMENT
  I, the undersigned, am a voter of the County of
____________, State of California, and am
registered as intending to affiliate with the
Republican Party. I have not signed the nomination
paper of any other candidates for the same office,
and further declare that I intend to support the
nomination of the candidate named herein at
the Republican Party presidential primary to be
held on the ____________ day of ____________,
Number            Signature Printed name Residence
  1.  ______________________________________________
  2.  ______________________________________________
  3.  ______________________________________________
etc. ______________________________________________
  I, ________, solemnly swear (or affirm) all of
the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I secured signatures in the County of
________ to the nomination paper of the candidate
named in the signer's statement above as candidate
for nomination by the Republican Party at its
presidential primary election; that all the
signatures on this section of the nomination paper
numbered from 1 to ____________, inclusive, were
made in my presence, that the signatures were
obtained between ____________, 20__, and
____________, 20__, and that to the best of my
knowledge and belief each signature is the genuine
signature of the person whose name it purports to

  Subscribed and sworn to before me this
____________ day of ____________, 20 ____.
                       Notary Public (or other
(SEAL)                       official)

  SEC. 7.  Section 6584 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6584.  Each section shall be prepared with the lines for
signatures numbered, and shall have attached the affidavit of the
circulator who obtained signatures to it, which shall meet all of the
requirements of Section 104. No other affidavit is required.
  SEC. 8.  Section 6586 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6586.  The nomination paper for a candidate for the presidential
preference portion of the ballot shall be in substantially the
following form:
              Section ____________ Page ____________
County of ______________. Nomination paper of a
presidential preference candidate for the American
Independent Party presidential primary ballot.
State of            )
California          )  ss.
County of ______
                  SIGNER'S STATEMENT
  I, the undersigned, am a voter of the County of
____________, State of California, and am
registered as intending to affiliate with the
American Independent       Party. I hereby
nominate ____________ for the presidential
preference portion of the American Independent
Party's presidential primary ballot, to be voted
for at the presidential primary to be held on the
____________ day of ____________, 20____. I have
not signed the nomination paper of any other
candidate for the same office, or for any group of
delegates, to the national convention of the
party, and I further declare that I intend to
support the candidate named herein.

Number         Signature Printed name Residence
  1. ____________________________________________
  2. ____________________________________________
  3. ____________________________________________
etc. ___________________________________________

  I, ______, solemnly swear (or       affirm) all
of the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I secured signatures in the County of
____ to the nomination paper of a candidate in
the presidential preference       primary of the
American Independent Party; that all the
signatures on this section of the nomination
paper numbered from 1 to ____, inclusive, were
made in my presence, that the signatures were
obtained between ____, 20_, and ____, 20_, and
that to the best of my knowledge and belief each
signature is the genuine signature of the person
whose name it purports to be.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.

  SEC. 9.  Section 6587 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6587.  The nomination paper for a group of candidates for
delegates, to the national convention shall be in substantially the
following form:
             Section ____________ Page ____________
County of ______________. Nomination paper of
group of candidates for election as delegates by
the American Independent Party pledged to the
candidacy of ____________ as presidential nominee
or expressing no preference, as the case may be.
State of California      )  ss.
County of ___________    )
                 SIGNER'S STATEMENT
  I, the undersigned, am a voter of       the
County of ____________, State of California, and
am registered as intending to affiliate with the
American Independent Party. I hereby nominate the

Number                       Names or town County
  1. _______________________________________________
  2.  ______________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________
etc. ______________________________________________
(to such number as may be required) etc., as
candidates for delegates to the American
Independent Party's National Convention, to be
voted for at the presidential primary to be held
on the ____________ day of ____________, 20____. I
have not signed the nomination paper of any other
candidates for the same office, or of any
candidate for the presidential preference portion
of the primary ballot, and I further declare that
I intend to support for nomination the candidates
named herein.
Number            Signature Printed name Residence
  1. _______________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________
etc. ______________________________________________

            CIRCULATOR'S       AFFIDAVIT
  I, ______, solemnly swear (or       affirm) all
of the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I secured signatures in the County of
____ to the nomination paper of the group of
candidates named in the signer's statement above
as candidates for nomination and       election
by the American Independent Party as delegates
to represent the State of California in the
party's next national convention; that all the
signatures on this section of the nomination
paper numbered from 1 to ____, inclusive, were
made in my presence, that the signatures were
obtained between ____, 20_, and ____, 20_, and
that to the best of my knowledge and belief each
signature is the genuine signature of the person
whose name it purports to
I declare under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.

  SEC. 10.  Section 6784 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6784.  Each section shall be prepared with the lines, for
signatures numbered, and shall have attached the declaration of the
circulator who obtained signatures to it, which shall meet all of the
requirements of Section 104. No other declaration is required to be
  SEC. 11.  Section 6786 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6786.  The nomination paper for a candidate for the presidential
preference portion of the ballot shall be in substantially the
following form:
                  PRIMARY CANDIDATE
                                Section ______ Page
                               County of _________.
  Nomination paper of a presidential preference
candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party
presidential primary ballot.
State of California  )  ss.
County of ________   )
                 SIGNER'S STATEMENT
  I, the undersigned, am a voter of the County of
______, State of California, and am registered as
affiliated with the Peace and Freedom Party. I
hereby nominate ________ for the presidential
preference portion of the Peace and Freedom
Party's presidential primary ballot, to be voted
for at the presidential primary to be held on the
______ day of June, 20__. I have not signed the
nomination paper of any other candidate for the
same office, or for any group of delegates to the
national convention of the ______ Party, with
which the Peace and Freedom Party of California
is affiliated on the national level.

              Signatur       Printed        address
Number           e           name           /city
  1. ______________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________
etc. _____________________________________________

  I, ______, affirm       all of the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I secured signatures in the County of
____ to the nomination paper of a candidate in
the presidential preference primary of the Peace
and Freedom Party, that all the       signatures
on this section of the nomination paper numbered
from 1 to ____, inclusive, were made in my
presence, that the signatures were obtained
between ____, 20_, and ____, 20_, and that to
the best of my knowledge and belief each
signature is the genuine signature of the person
whose name it purports to be.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and
Executed at ____, California, this ____ day of
____, 20_.
                   (Signed) _____________
                   (Printed name)_________________

  SEC. 12.  Section 6787 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   6787.  The nomination paper for a group of candidates for
delegates to the national convention shall be in substantially the
following form:
                                Section ______ Page
                               County of _________.
  Nomination paper of group of candidates for
election as delegates by the Peace and Freedom
Party pledged to the candidacy of ______ as
presidential nominee, or expressing no
preference, as the case may be.
State of California  )  ss.
County of ________   )
              SIGNER'S       STATEMENT
  I, the undersigned, am a voter of the County of
______, State of California, and am registered as
affiliated with the Peace and Freedom Party. I
hereby nominate the following:

                              city or
Number         Names          town           County
  1. _______________________________________________
  2. _______________________________________________
  3. _______________________________________________
etc. ______________________________________________
(to the number as may be required) as candidates
for delegate to the national convention of the
______ Party, with which the Peace and Freedom
Party of California is affiliated on the national
level, to be voted for at the presidential primary
to be held on the ______ day of June, 20___. I have
not signed the nomination paper of any other group
of candidates for delegates to the national
convention or of any candidate for the presidential
preference portion of the primary ballot.

              Signatur       Printed        address
Number           e           name           /city
  1. ______________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________
etc. _____________________________________________

  I, ______, affirm all of the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I secured signatures in the County of
____ to the nomination paper       of the group
of candidates named in the signer's statement
above as candidates for nomination and election
by the Peace and Freedom Party as delegates to
represent the Peace and Freedom Party of
California in the ____ Party's next national
convention, that all the signatures on this
section of the nomination paper numbered from 1
to ____, inclusive, were made in my presence,
that the signatures were obtained between ____,
20__, and ____, 20__, and that to the best of my
knowledge and belief each signature is the
genuine signature of the person whose name it
purports to
I declare under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and
Executed at ____, California, this ____ day of
____, 20__.
                   (Signed) _____________
                   (Printed name)_________________

  SEC. 13.  Section 8041 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   8041.  (a) The nomination paper shall be in substantially the
following form:
                  NOMINATION PAPER
  I, the undersigned signer for ______ for
nomination to the office of ____, to be voted
for at the primary election to be held on the
____ day of ____, 20__, hereby assert as follows:
  I am a resident of ____ County and registered
to vote at the address shown on this paper. I am
not at this time a       signer of any other
nomination paper of any other candidate for the
above-named office, or in case there are several
places to be filled in the above-named office, I
have not signed more nomination papers than
there are places to be filled in the above-named
office. My residence is correctly set forth
after my signature hereto:
Name ____________________________________________
Residence _______________________________________

   (b) The affidavit of the circulator shall read as follows:
  I, ______, solemnly swear (or affirm) all of
the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That the       signatures on this section of
the nomination paper were obtained between
_____, 20__, and _____, 20__; that I circulated
the petition and I witnessed the signatures on
this section of the nomination paper being
written; and that, to the best of my information
and belief, each signature is the genuine
signature of the person whose name it purports
to be.
  Signed _________________________________________
  Subscribed and sworn to before me this
___________ day of _____________, 20__.
(SEAL)    ___________________________________
           Notary Public (or other official)
  Examined and certified by me this ___________
day of _____________, 20__.
                             Elections Official
WARNING: Every person acting on behalf of a
candidate is guilty of a misdemeanor who
deliberately fails to file at the proper time
and in the proper place any nomination paper in
his or her possession which is entitled to be
filed under Section 18202 of the Elections Code.

   (c) If the nomination paper is for a partisan office, the
nomination paper shall include a statement indicating the party
preference of the signer of the nomination paper.
  SEC. 14.  Section 8066 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   8066.  Circulators shall meet the requirements of Section 102.
  SEC. 15.  Section 8106 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   8106.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a
candidate may submit a petition containing signatures of registered
voters in lieu of a filing fee as follows:
   (1) For the office of California State Assembly, 1,500 signatures.

   (2) For the office of California State Senate and the United
States House of Representatives, 3,000 signatures.
   (3) For candidates running for statewide office, 10,000
   (4) For all other offices for which a filing fee is required, if
the number of registered voters in the district in which he or she
seeks nomination is 2,000 or more, a candidate may submit a petition
containing four signatures of registered voters for each dollar of
the filing fee, or 10 percent of the total of registered voters in
the district in which he or she seeks nomination, whichever is less.
   (5) For all other offices for which a filing fee is required, if
the number of registered voters in the district in which he or she
seeks nomination is less than 2,000, a candidate may submit a
petition containing four signatures of registered voters for each
dollar of the filing fee, or 20 percent of the total of registered
voters in the district in which he or she seeks nomination, whichever
is less.
   (6) A voter may sign both a candidate's nomination papers and his
or her in-lieu-filing-fee petition. However, if signatures appearing
on the documents are counted towards both the nomination paper and
the in-lieu-filing-fee petition signature requirements, a person may
only sign one of the documents.

  (b) The Secretary of State or an elections official shall furnish
to each candidate, upon request, and without charge therefor, forms
for securing signatures. The number of forms which the elections
official shall furnish a candidate shall be a quantity that provides
the candidates with spaces for signatures sufficient in number to
equal the number of signatures that the candidate is required to
secure pursuant to subdivision (a) if the candidate desires that
number of forms. However, the elections official, rather than provide
the candidate with the number of forms set forth in the preceding
sentence, or upon the request of a candidate, may provide the
candidate with a master form that may be duplicated by the candidate
at the candidate's expense for the purpose of circulating additional
petitions. The Secretary of State shall provide the master form. The
elections official may provide candidates a form other than the
master form provided by the Secretary of State. However, that form
shall meet all statutory requirements, and the elections official
shall also make available and accept the master form provided by the
Secretary of State. All forms shall be made available commencing 45
days before the first day for circulating nomination papers. However,
in cases of vacancies for which a special election is authorized or
required to be held to fill the vacancy, and where the prescribed
nomination period would commence less than 45 days after the creation
of the vacancy, the forms shall be made available within five
working days after the creation of the vacancy. No other form except
the form furnished by the Secretary of State or the elections
official or forms duplicated from a master form shall be used to
secure signatures. Each petition section shall bear an affidavit
signed by the circulator, in substantially the same form as set forth
in Section 8041. The substitution of signatures for fees shall be
subject to the following provisions:
   (1) Any registered voter may sign an in-lieu-filing-fee petition
for any candidate for whom he or she is eligible to vote.
   (2) If a voter signs more candidates' petitions than there are
offices to be filled, the voter's signatures shall be valid only on
those petitions which, taken in the order they were filed, do not
exceed the number of offices to be filled.
   (3) In-lieu-filing-fee petitions shall be filed at least 15 days
prior to the close of the nomination period. Upon receipt of the
minimum number of in-lieu-filing-fee signatures required, or a
sufficient combination of signatures and pro rata filing fee, the
elections official shall issue nomination papers provisionally.
Within 10 days after receipt of a petition, the elections official
shall notify the candidate of any deficiency. The candidate shall
then, prior to the close of the nomination period, either submit a
supplemental petition, or pay a pro rata portion of the filing fee to
cover the deficiency.
   (4) If the petition is circulated for an office in more than one
county, the candidate shall submit the signatures to the elections
official in the county in which the petition was circulated. The
elections official shall, at least two days after verifying the
signatures on the petition, notify the Secretary of State of the
total number of valid signatures. If the number of signatures is
insufficient, the Secretary of State shall notify the candidate and
the elections officials of the fact. The candidate may submit the
necessary number of valid signatures at any time prior to the close
of the period for circulating nomination papers. Each circulator
shall meet the requirements of Section 102.
   (5) Each candidate may submit a greater number of signatures to
allow for subsequent losses due to invalidity of some signatures. The
elections official shall not be required to determine the validity
of a greater number of signatures than that required by this section.

   (c) For the purposes of this section, the requisite number of
signatures shall be computed from the latest registration figures
forwarded to the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 2187 prior to
the first day on which petitions are available.
   (d) All valid signatures obtained pursuant to this section shall
be counted toward the number of voters required to sign a nomination
paper in accordance with Section 8061 or 8405.
  SEC. 16.  Section 8409 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   8409.  Each candidate or group of candidates shall submit a
nomination paper that shall be substantially in the following form:
County of _______. Nomination paper of ______,
candidate for the office of _______.
State of California      )  ss.
County of ___________    )
                  SIGNER'S STATEMENT
  I, undersigned, am a voter of the County of
______, State of California. I hereby nominate
__________, who resides at No. ______, ________
Street, City of ________, County of ______, State
of California, as a candidate for the office of
_______ to be voted for at the election to be held
on the ______ day of ______, 20___. I have not
signed the nomination paper of any other candidate
for the same office.

     Signature        Printed Name         Residence
  1.  ___________    ______________    ________________
  2. ____________    ______________    ________________
  3. ____________    ______________    ________________
  4. ____________    ______________    ________________
  5. ____________    ______________    ________________
etc.____________    ______________    ________________

  I, ________, solemnly swear (or affirm) all of
the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number,
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That I       secured signatures in the
County of ______ to the nomination paper of
________ as candidate for the office of ______;
that the signatures were obtained between
_______, 20__, and ________, 20__; that I saw
all the signatures on this section of the
nomination paper being signed and that, to the
best of my information and belief, each
signature is the genuine signature of the person
whose name it purports to be.
                  (Signed) _____________________
  Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______
day of ______, 20__.

  (SEAL)                Notary Public (or other

  SEC. 17.  Section 8451 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   8451.  Circulators shall meet the requirements of Section 102.
  SEC. 18.  Section 9021 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9021.  (a) A person who meets the requirements of Section 102 may
circulate a statewide initiative or referendum petition anywhere
within the state. Each section of the petition shall bear the name of
a county or city and county, and only qualified registered voters of
that county or city and county may sign that section.
   (b) The circulator may sign the section he or she is circulating
as provided in Section 106.
  SEC. 19.  Section 9022 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9022.  (a) Each section shall have attached thereto the
declaration of the person soliciting the signatures setting forth the
information required by Section 104.
   (b) The circulator shall certify to the content of the declaration
as to its truth and correctness, under penalty of perjury under the
laws of the State of California, with the signature of his or her
name. The circulator shall state the date and the place of execution
on the declaration immediately preceding his or her signature.
   (c) Another declaration shall not be required.
   (d) Petitions so verified shall be prima facie evidence that the
signatures are genuine and that the persons signing are qualified
voters. Unless and until otherwise proven upon official
investigation, it shall be presumed that the petition presented
contains the signatures of the requisite number of qualified voters.
  SEC. 20.  Section 9209 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9209.  Each section shall have attached thereto the declaration of
the person soliciting the signatures. This declaration shall be
substantially in the same form as set forth in Section 9022.
  SEC. 21.  Section 9237 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9237.  If a petition protesting the adoption of an ordinance, and
circulated by a person who meets the requirements of Section 102, is
submitted to the elections official of the legislative body of the
city in his or her office during normal office hours, as posted,
within 30 days of the date the adopted ordinance is attested by the
city clerk or secretary to the legislative body, and is signed by not
less than 10 percent of the voters of the city according to the
county elections official's last official report of registration to
the Secretary of State, or, in a city with 1,000 or less registered
voters, is signed by not less than 25 percent of the voters or 100
voters of the city, whichever is the lesser, the effective date of
the ordinance shall be suspended and the legislative body shall
reconsider the ordinance.
  SEC. 22.  Section 9238 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9238.  (a) Across the top of each page of the referendum petition
there shall be printed the following:"Referendum Against an Ordinance
Passed by the City Council"
   (b) Each section of the referendum petition shall contain (1) the
identifying number or title, and (2) the text of the ordinance or the
portion of the ordinance that is the subject of the referendum.
   The petition sections shall be designed in the same form as
specified in Section 9020.
   (c) Each section shall have attached thereto the declaration of
the person soliciting the signatures. This declaration shall be
substantially in the same form as set forth in Section 9022.
  SEC. 23.  Section 9305 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9305.  After filing a copy of the notice of intention, statement
of the reasons for the proposed petition, written text of the
initiative, and affidavit of publication or posting with the district
elections official pursuant to Section 9304, the petition may be
circulated among the voters of the district for signatures by any
person who meets the requirements of Section 102. Each section of the
petition shall bear a copy of the notice of intention and statement.

  SEC. 24.  Section 9307 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   9307.  Each section of the petition shall have attached thereto
the affidavit of the person soliciting the signatures. This affidavit
shall be substantially in the same form as set forth in Section
  SEC. 25.  Section 10220 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   10220.  Candidates may be nominated for any of the elective
offices of the city in the following manner:
   Not earlier than the 113th day nor later than the 88th day before
a municipal election during normal office hours, as posted, the
voters may nominate candidates for election by signing a nomination
paper. Each candidate shall be proposed by not less than 20 nor more
than 30 voters in a city of 1,000 registered voters or more, and not
less than five nor more than 10 voters in a city of less than 1,000
registered voters, but only one candidate may be named in any one
nomination paper. No voter may sign more than one nomination paper
for the same office, and in the event the voter does so, that voter's
signature shall count only on the first nomination paper filed which
contains the voter's signature. Nomination papers subsequently filed
and containing that voter's signature shall be considered as though
that signature does not appear thereon. Each seat on the governing
body is a separate office. Any person who meets the requirements of
Section 102 may circulate a nomination paper. Only one person may
circulate each nomination paper. Where there are full terms and short
terms to be filled, the term shall be specified in the nomination
  SEC. 26.  Section 10226 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   10226.  The nomination papers and affidavits shall be
substantially in the following form:
                  ""NOMINATION PAPER
  We, the undersigned voters of the ____ of ____
hereby nominate ____ for the office of ____ of the
          Name                     Residence
_____________________    __________________________
_____________________    __________________________
_____________________    __________________________

State of California  )  ss.
County of ________   )
  I, ______, solemnly swear (or       affirm) all
of the following:
  1. That I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. That my residence address, including street
and number, is
(If no street or number exists, a designation of
my residence adequate to readily ascertain its
  3. That the signatures on this nomination paper
were obtained between _____, 2__, and _____, 2__;
that I circulated this petition and I saw the
signatures on this section of the nomination
papers being written; and that, to the best of my
information and belief, each signature is the
genuine signature of the person whose name it
purports to be.
  I certify (or declare) under the penalty of
perjury under the laws of the
State of California that the foregoing is true
Executed by me at ____, on ____, 2__.

State of California  )  ss.
County of ________   )
  ______ being duly sworn, says that he or she is
the above-named nominee
for the office of ____, that he or she will
accept the office in the event of his
or her election, that he or she desires his or
her name to appear on the ballot
as follows:
                         (Print name above),
and that he or she desires the following
designation to appear on the ballot
under his or her name:
                         (Print desired
                         designation above),
and that his or her residence address is ________.
                         (Print residence address
                         as provided by affiant)
  I certify (or declare) under the penalty
of perjury under the laws of the State of
California that the foregoing is true and
Executed by me at ____, on ____, 2___.''

  SEC. 27.  Section 11045 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   11045.  Only registered voters of the electoral jurisdiction of
the officer sought to be recalled are qualified to sign a recall
petition for that officer. A person who meets the requirements of
Section 102 may circulate the petition.
  SEC. 28.  Section 11046 of the Elections Code is amended to read:
   11046.  To each section of a petition shall be attached a
declaration, signed by the circulator thereof, that complies with
Section 104.