15. Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Agency
(a) There is hereby created in state government the Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Agency, to be headed by a secretary. The Governor shall appoint the secretary, subject to Senate confirmation. The secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.(b) The Governor may appoint two chief deputy secretaries of the Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Agency, subject to Senate confirmation. The chief deputy secretaries shall hold office at the pleasure of the secretary.
(c) The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs is hereby established within the agency, under the direction of the Statewide Director of
Immigrant and Refugee Integration appointed by the Governor pursuant to Section 65050.
For the purposes of this article, the following terms have the following meanings:(a) “Agency” means the Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Agency.
(b) “Immigrant integration” means the process of improving economic mobility for, enhanced civic participation by, and receiving society openness to immigrants.
(c) “Office” means the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs.
(d) “Secretary” means the individual appointed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 12839.
(a) The Legislature finds and declares that immigrant integration requires an intentional process that incorporates the needs of immigrants, their families, and their communities into policies governing our cities, regions, and states. Because immigrants make significant contributions to their regions, immigrant integration is a dynamic, two-way process in which newcomers and the receiving society both have a responsibility for integration, and both benefit as they work together to build secure, vibrant, and cohesive communities.(b) It is the goal of this article to incorporate future and existing programs created specifically to assist immigrants and refugees into
the office. Moreover, it is the intent of the Legislature to place future programs to assist immigrants and refugees within the office.
(c) All property of any office, agency, or department that relates to functions concerning immigrant and refugee affairs is hereby transferred to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs. If any doubt arises as to whether that property is required to be transferred, the Department of General Services shall determine whether any property is required to be transferred pursuant to this subdivision.
(d) Any unencumbered balance of any appropriation and any other funds that were available for use in connection with any function, or the administration of any law, transferred to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs by this article is hereby transferred
to the office for deposit into the fund for the use and for the purpose for which the appropriation was originally made or the funds were originally available. If there is any doubt as to whether any funds are required to be transferred, the Department of Finance shall determine whether the transfer is required pursuant to this subdivision.
(e) Every officer and employee of any office, agency, or department who is performing a function transferred to the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs and who is serving in the state civil service, other than as a temporary employee, shall be transferred to the office pursuant to the provisions of Section 19050.9. The status, position, and rights of any officer or employee of the former office, agency, or department shall not be affected by the transfer and shall be retained by the person as an officer
or employee of the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, as the case may be, pursuant to the State Civil Service Act (Part 2 (commencing with Section 18500) of Division 5 of Title 2), except as to a position that is exempt from civil service.
The Immigrant and Refugee Integration Fund is hereby established within the State Treasury. Moneys transferred pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 12839.2 shall be used for the purpose for which the appropriation was originally made. Other moneys deposited into the fund shall be available to the office, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for expenditure by the office to defray its expenses for administering this article.12839.4.
The agency’s purpose shall be to reduce obstacles and enhance immigrant integration, into the social, cultural, economic, and civic life of the state.12839.5.
The director shall do all of the following:(a) Develop a mission statement, strategic plan, and matrix of success for the office.
(b) Establish a permanent structure within the state to serve immigrants and refugees.
(c) Assist other state agencies in evaluating their programs for accessibility and effectiveness in providing services to immigrants and refugees.
(d) Coordinate integration efforts among state agencies and recommend policy and budget mechanisms for meeting immigrant and refugee
integration goals.
(e) Engage stakeholders inside and outside of government to identify key integration opportunities and challenges, and to communicate the critical importance of immigrant and refugee integration for the success of immigrants, refugees, their children, the communities in which they settle, and of the nation as a whole.
(f) Develop and execute grant programs that directly support capacity building and training among state agencies and state and local communities through technical assistance, training, organizing, and other programs.
(g) Identify effective practices and successful modes of delivering services to immigrant and refugee communities.
(h) Evaluate the need for improvements in the implementation and coordination of public policies relating to immigrant and refugee communities.
(i) Report to the Legislature on a biannual basis on successes and challenges in meeting immigrant and refugee integration goals.
The secretary may do all of the following:(a) Inform the Legislature of its position on any legislative proposal pending before the Legislature and urge the introduction of legislative proposals.
(b) State their position and viewpoint on issues developed in the performance of its duties and responsibilities as specified in this chapter.
(c) Coordinate with local immigrant affairs offices to streamline services and maximize their impact.
(d) Create a clearinghouse of information and referral systems for
services available to immigrants.
(e) Monitor the implementation of passed legislation across different sectors as it relates to immigrants and refugees.
(f) Engage the federal government and federal agencies, when appropriate, to maximize effectiveness of services provided to immigrants and refugees.
(g) Make policy recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature.
(a) Interagency sharing of information shall be limited to demographics only. Personal information of immigrants and refugees attained under this article shall not be shared outside the agency.(b) The agency will adhere to all applicable data protection laws in order to protect the information of immigrants and refugees, including, but not limited to, the California Values Act (Chapter 17.25 (commencing with Section 7284) of Division 7 of Title 1), the California Religious Freedom Act (Section 8310.3), Chapter 5
(commencing with Section 8310.3) of Division 1 of Title 2 and Section 15160, 15160 of this code, and Sections 1653.5, 12800, 12801, 12801.5, 12801.9, 12801.10, and 12801.11 of the Vehicle Code.
(c) The agency shall not use any agency resources, including,
but not limited to, agency funds, personnel, and infrastructure, to directly or indirectly participate or assist in immigration enforcement activity.
Any report required to be submitted to the Legislature pursuant to this article shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795.12839.9.
This article shall only become operative if an appropriation is made in the annual Budget Act or another statute for these purposes.12839.9.12839.10.
This article shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2029, and as of that date is repealed.