Existing law establishes a public school financing system that requires state funding for county superintendents of schools, school districts, and charter schools to be calculated pursuant to a local control funding formula, as specified, that includes average daily attendance as a component of that calculation for these local educational agencies.
This bill would instead, for the 2022–23 2021–22 fiscal year, require the department to use the greater of the 2019–20, 2021–22, or 2022–23
2019–20 or 2021–22 fiscal year average daily attendance for purposes of apportionments under the local control funding formula for these local educational agencies, as provided. The bill would instead, for the 2022–23 fiscal year, require the department to use the greater of the 2019–20, 2021–22, or 2022–23 fiscal year average daily attendance for purposes of apportionments under the local control funding formula for these local educational agencies, as specified.