(a) The department shall prepare and make available on a public data portal, such as the Rebuilding California internet website, historical data and information about activities on the state highway system covering the activities on a fiscal year basis on the state highway system from July 1, 2012, to July 1, 2023, inclusive. The department shall make this data and information available no later than June 30, 2024. The historical data and information shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:(1) The number of total lane miles in the state highway system.
(2) The number of new total lane miles added to the state highway system.
(3) Of the lane miles added to the state highway system, a breakdown of the number of miles added by type, including, but not limited to, general purpose lanes, auxiliary lanes, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, managed lanes, and interchanges.
(4) A determination as to the primary purpose and need of each project that added lane miles to the state highway system.
(5) A quantification of other multimodal elements that were a part of each project that added lane miles to the state highway system.
(6) A quantification of an increase or decrease in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the lane miles added to the state highway system.
(7) A quantification of an increase or decrease in vehicle
miles traveled on the state highway system associated with the lane miles added to the state highway system.
(8) A quantification of the mitigation required as part of the projects that resulted in additional lane miles on the state highway system.
(9) The number of miles of the state highway system that were relinquished.
(10) The number of miles of the state highway system that were converted from a general purpose lane to a high-occupancy vehicle lane, and a high-occupancy vehicle lane to a managed lane.
(11) The number of homes and businesses that were relocated due to the acquisition of rights-of-way for the new lane miles on the state highway system.
(12) The number of new bike lane
miles added to state highways, broken down by Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4.
(13) The number of new sidewalk miles added to state highways.
(14) The number of connections made with other locally owned bike and walk facilities.
(b) The department shall prepare and make available on a public data portal, such as the Rebuilding California internet website, the following data and information on planned, pending projects on the state highway system:
(1) The description of the project, including the location.
(2) The date the project initiation document was completed.
(3) The status of the project including the current
phase of development, designated as environmental, design, right-of-way, or construction.
(4) A determination of the primary purpose and need of the project.