(a) The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges shall award credit for competency-based educational opportunities that recognize students’ prior learning and help students advance toward a credential or degree while reducing redundant study and student expenses.(b) The chancellor’s office shall establish competencies, with the advice of appropriate faculty and employers, that are focused on the knowledge and skills a student needs to demonstrate in order to pass a course and to earn a degree or credential, or to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program.
(c) Methods for awarding credit pursuant to this section shall include, but are not limited to, all of the
(1) Military service, as provided in Section 66025.71.
(2) Credit by examination. The chancellor’s office, in coordination with the academic senate, shall support faculty in developing, sharing, and redeploying assessments to award credit by examination for courses that articulate to a public university and courses with common identifier designations. Assessments shall be developed to enable students to demonstrate mastery and shall be mapped to the competencies.
(3) Evaluation of training, certifications, apprenticeships, licenses, and service learning, including certifications earned as part of the Golden State Pathways Program or career technical education programs in secondary schools. The chancellor’s office, in coordination with the academic senate, shall establish guidelines by which certificated
personnel shall examine a student’s training and determine whether the outcomes of that training correspond to the outcomes of a course. Where appropriate under the guidelines, a community college district shall be eligible for funding pursuant to Section 84757 when the evaluation, assessment, or portfolio review is organized as a noncredit course or a supervised student support service. The chancellor’s office shall prioritize prior learning and credit in programs leading to high-demand careers.
(d) Credit granted pursuant to this section shall be reciprocal among California community college districts and accepted for transfer in the same manner and for the same purposes as regular course credit by each qualifying institution, as defined in subdivision (l) of Section 69432.7.
(e) The State Allocation Board may consider the effectiveness of a community college district in
furthering opportunities for students pursuant to this section in evaluating and prioritizing funds allocated pursuant to Section 17078.74.
(f) (1) On or before September 1, 2027, the chancellor’s office shall submit a report to the Legislature, in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code, on the credits awarded pursuant to this section, including, but not limited to:
(A) The number of students awarded credit.
(B) The number of courses awarded.
(C) The number of units awarded.
(2) The report pursuant to paragraph (1) shall not include elective credit that does not satisfy a requirement for a credential or degree, or for transfer to a baccalaureate degree
(g) For purposes of this section, “chancellor’s office” means the office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges.