FEBRUARY 18, 2011
An act to add Article 8 (commencing with Section 33600) to Chapter
4 of Part 20 of Division 2 of Title 2 of the Education Code,
relating to education.
SB 789, as amended, Price. Advisory Committee on Creative and
Innovative Education.
Existing law sets forth the adopted course of study for grades 1
to 12, inclusive, and includes in that course of study the visual and
performing arts, including instruction in the subjects of dance,
music, theater, and visual arts, aimed at the development of
aesthetic appreciation and the skills of creative expression.
Existing law includes in the course of study for grades 7 to 12,
inclusive, the applied arts, including instruction in the areas of
consumer and homemaking education, industrial arts, general business
education, or general agriculture.
This bill would establish the Advisory Committee on Creative and
Innovative Education for the purpose of developing an Index of
Creative and Innovative Education and making related recommendations
to the Superintendent of Public Instruction . The bill
would require the Governor, Senate Committee on Rules
the President pro Tempore of the Senate , and
Speaker of the Assembly, by April 1, 2012, to appoint the 15
13 members of the committee who
would be required to be experts in or have experience in the
fields of education, public policy, artistic development, workforce
development, or cultural development innovation in
specified fields, and to reflect a diverse, creative workforce, as
specified . The bill would require the committee to
consult with specified persons, and , by June 1, 2013, to
submit a report to the Superintendent on the factors to be considered
in an Index on Creative and Innovative Education and the funding
necessary to implement the index.
Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.
SECTION 1. Article 8 (commencing with Section 33600) is added to
Chapter 4 of Part 20 of Division 2 of Title 2 of the Education Code,
to read:
Article 8. Advisory Committee on Creative and Innovative
33600. There is hereby established the Advisory Committee on
Creative and Innovative Education for the purpose of developing an
Index of Creative and Innovative Education and making related
recommendations to the Superintendent.
33602. (a) The Advisory Committee on Creative and Innovative
Education shall have 15 14 members,
each of whom shall be an expert in or have experience in the
field of education, public policy, artistic development,
innovation in their fields, including, but not limited to,
business, science, technology, mathematics, engineering, arts
education, workforce development, or cultural development. The
members shall be appointed by April 1, 2012, as follows:
(1) The governor Governor shall
appoint seven members who shall reside in different geographic
regions of the state.
(2) The Senate Committee on Rules
President pro Tempore of the Senate shall appoint three
(3) The Speaker of the Assembly shall appoint three members.
(4) The chairperson of the California Alliance for Arts Education.
(4) The Superintendent of Public Instruction
(b) The members appointed pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2),
and (3) of subdivision (a) shall be appointed in a manner to
ensure that the diversity of disciplines is represented,
including theater arts, dance, and the visual arts.
the diversity of endeavors requiring a creative workforce is
represented by, including, but not limited to, the
sciences, engineering, technology, mathematics, research, design and
media arts, and visual and performing arts.
(c) Members appointed pursuant to paragraphs (1), (2), and
(3) of subdivision (a) shall serve two-year terms.
33604. (a) In the course of its deliberations, the committee
shall examine strategies on how to produce an Index of Creative and
Innovative Education that rates every public school on teaching,
encouraging, and fostering creativity in pupils. The index shall be
based in part on the creative opportunities in each school as
measured by the availability of classes , and
before and after school programs that provide creative
opportunities for pupil pupils ,
including arts education, debate clubs, science fairs, theater
performances, concerts, and filmmaking.
(b) The committee may hold public hearings to assist in the
collection and evaluation of data and testimony.
(b) The committee shall consult with parents, teachers,
administrators, guidance counselors, and pupils.
(c) The committee shall develop recommendations on what should be
included in the Index on Creative and Innovative Education, how an
index should be produced and implemented, the funding necessary to
implement the index, and ways to foster creative and innovative
education in the public schools.
33606. By June 1, 2013, the committee shall submit a report to
the Superintendent on the factors to be considered in an Index on
Creative and Innovative Education and the funding necessary to
implement the index.