INTRODUCED BY   Senator La Malfa

                        FEBRUARY 18, 2011

    An act to amend Section 7502 of the Business and
Professions Code, relating to repossessors.   An act to
amend Section 4051 of the Food and Agricultural Code, relating to
district agricultural associations. 


   SB 899, as amended, La Malfa.  Repossessors. 
 District agricultural associations.  
   Existing law divides the state into agricultural districts and
authorizes residents of a district to form a district agricultural
association for the purpose of holding fairs, expositions, and
exhibitions to exhibit the industries, resources, and products of the
state and for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and
operating recreational and cultural facilities of general public
interest. Existing law authorizes a district agricultural association
to exercise specified powers with the approval of both the
Department of Food Agriculture and the Department of General
   This bill would delete the requirement that a district
agricultural association obtain the approval of the Department of
General Services to exercise the powers granted to it. The bill would
also make technical changes.  
   Existing law, the Collateral Recovery Act, provides for the
licensure and regulation of repossession agencies by the Bureau of
Security and Investigative Services under the supervision and control
of the Director of Consumer Affairs. Existing law prohibits a person
from engaging in this state in the activities of a repossession
agency unless the person holds a valid repossession agency license or
is exempt from licensure, as specified.  
   This bill would make a nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

   Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee:  no
  yes  . State-mandated local program: no.


   SECTION 1.    Section 4051 of the   Food and
Agricultural Code   is amended to read: 
   4051.  An association, with the approval of  both
 the Department of Food and Agriculture  and the
Department of General Services  , may do any of the
   (a) Contract.
   (b) Purchase, acquire, hold, sell, exchange, or convey any
interest in real or personal property and beautify or improve that
property. Any acquisition of land or other real property shall be
subject to the Property Acquisition Law (Part 11 (commencing with
Section 15850) of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).
   (c) Lease, let, or grant licenses for the use of its real estate
or personal property, or any portion of that property, to any person
or public body for whatever purpose may be approved by the board.
   (d) Use or manage its real estate or personal property, or any
portion of that property, for any or all of the purposes of this
section jointly with any lessee, sublessee, or licensee, or otherwise
use or manage the property in connection with the lease, sublease,
or license which is made or granted.
   (e) Lease or let its real property for  use as a  public
park, or for  recreational  ,  or
playground purposes.
   (f) Rent or permit the use of its premises for any purpose which
is beneficial to the agricultural industry, including, but not
limited to, the holding of sales or auctions of cattle or other
   (g) Contract with any county or county fair association for
holding a fair jointly with the county or county fair association.
The joint fair is a district fair of the association.
   (h) Make permanent improvements upon publicly owned real property
adjacent to real property of the district when the improvements
materially benefit the property of the district.
   (i) Pledge any and all revenues, moneys, accounts, accounts
receivable, contract rights, and other rights to payment of whatever
kind, pursuant to such terms and conditions as are approved by the
board. The revenues, moneys, accounts, accounts receivable, contract
rights, and other rights to payment of whatever kind pledged by the
association or its assignees constitute a lien and security interest
which immediately attaches to the property so pledged and is
effective, binding, and enforceable against the association, its
successors, purchasers of the property so pledged, creditors, and all
others asserting rights therein, to the extent set forth, and in
accordance with, the terms and conditions of the pledge, irrespective
of whether those persons have notice of the pledge and without the
need for any physical delivery, recordation, filing, or further act.

  SECTION 1.   Section 7502 of the Business and
Professions Code is amended to read:
   7502.  No person shall engage in this state in the activities of a
repossession agency as defined in Section 7500.2 unless the person
holds a valid repossession agency license or is exempt from licensure
pursuant to Section 7500.2 or 7500.3.