BILL NUMBER: SB 913 INTRODUCED BILL TEXT INTRODUCED BY Senator Cannella JANUARY 26, 2016 An act to amend Section 434 of the Food and Agricultural Code, relating to agriculture. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST SB 913, as introduced, Cannella. Department of Food and Agriculture: powers and duties. Existing law requires the Department of Food Agriculture to print and distribute bulletins, charts, photographs, or other illustrative material or statements that contain information best adapted to advance the interest, business, and development of agriculture in the state, and authorizes the department to broadcast the illustrative material or statements and to exhibit or display data and material, as provided. This bill would make nonsubstantive changes to those provisions. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: no. State-mandated local program: no. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 434 of the Food and Agricultural Code is amended to read: 434. The department shall issue and cause to be printed and distributed to the commissioners, and tosuchother persons as it may deem proper, bulletins, charts, photographs , or other illustrative material or statementswhichthat contain all the informationwhichthat is best adapted to advance the interest, business, and development of agriculture in the state. The department may broadcastsuchthose portions of the illustrative material or statementsasthat are adapted to give effect to this code.ItThe department may exhibit or displaysuchdata and materialas havethat has been collected or prepared, and may incur expenseswhichthat are necessarily incidental to the exhibit or display ofsuchthe data and material.