INTRODUCED BY   Senator Nielsen
   (Coauthors: Senators Anderson, Bates, Gaines, Pan, Stone, and
   (Coauthors: Assembly Members Dodd, Beth Gaines, Gallagher,
Achadjian, Atkins, Baker, Bigelow, Bloom, Bonta, Brough, Burke,
Calderon, Campos, Chau, Chávez, Chiu, Chu, Cooley, Cooper, Dababneh,
Dahle, Daly, Eggman, Frazier, Eduardo Garcia, Gatto, Gipson, Gomez,
Gonzalez, Gordon, Gray, Grove, Hadley, Harper, Roger Hernández,
Holden, Irwin, Jones, Jones-Sawyer, Kim, Lackey, Levine, Linder,
Lopez, Low, Maienschein, Mathis, Mayes, McCarty, Medina, Melendez,
Mullin, Nazarian, Obernolte, Olsen, Patterson, Quirk, Rendon,
Rodriguez, Salas, Mark Stone, Ting, Wagner, Waldron, Weber, and Wilk)

                        MAY 9, 2016

   Relative to Slavic Heritage Day.


   SCR 141, Nielsen. Slavic Heritage Day.
   This measure would recognize May 24, 2016, as Slavic Heritage Day.

   WHEREAS, For thousands of years, the Slavic people have sustained
a cultural diversity that showcases the rich traditions of the Slavic
ethnicities represented within the modern-day European nations of
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Czech Republic, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and
Slovenia; and
   WHEREAS, Since the first Slavic settlers and traders set foot in
what is now Alaska and settled on the Aleutian island of Kodiak in
1784, the Slavic people have been contributing bountifully to the
culture and history of the United States and have achieved great
success, strengthened the country, and helped shape the American way
of life through their deep commitment to faith, family, and
community; and
   WHEREAS, When the first Slavic settlers came to this country, they
sought a place of promise where they could live in peace, enjoy
liberty, and economically prosper; and
   WHEREAS, During the 19th century a number of Slavic immigrants
entered the United States as indentured servants who were bonded to
their masters and worked in mines, mills, or sweatshops or as
servants to end their indenture and earn their freedom; and
   WHEREAS, Whether Slavic immigrants were fleeing oppression or
persecution or simply pursuing better lives for themselves and their
families, the desire to live in peace and eventually enjoy liberty
was so dearly valued that it drew generations of Slavic immigrants to
the United States in an effort to rebuild their lives; and
   WHEREAS, With longstanding roots in California that date back more
than 200 years with the establishment of colonies including Fort
Ross in 1812 by Russian settlers, the Slavic community has forged its
influence on the state through providing support to settlers,
crafts, technologies, and commercial enterprise; and
   WHEREAS, The Slavic American community has brought invaluable
cultural contributions to California by introducing its rich culture,
literature, and alphabet, which traces its origins to ninth century
Bulgaria, and these contributions have enhanced the diversity and
progress, as well as the cultural heritage, that the state has and
will continue to enjoy; and
   WHEREAS, Slavic figure skaters, ballet dancers, symphony orchestra
conductors, composers and musicians, dancing bears, literature,
dramatic theatrical performances, and American thespians such as
Marilyn Monroe, Clint Eastwood, and Jack Nicholson who were
influenced by the methods of renowned Slavic coaches which permeated
Hollywood films and the Broadway stage are ubiquitous in contemporary
American life; and
   WHEREAS, Renowned Hollywood film creators, including Alfred
Hitchcock and Francis Ford Coppola, have cited their inspiration for
film editing and montage sequences from Slavic film directors, and
those influences continue to this day in modern filmmaking,
animation, and documentary films; and
   WHEREAS, The inescapable influences of Slavic culture upon
California's performing arts, entertainment, and sports have reshaped
the state's culture through classical dance, the San Francisco
Ballet Company, and musical compositions through Hollywood sound
studios; and
   WHEREAS, Slavic Heritage Day is the time when the rich history of
Slavic Americans is celebrated and their contributions to this nation
are honored; and
   WHEREAS, Slavic Americans have continued their strong support for
liberty and ending discrimination in voting, employment, public
accommodation, and in society at large by prominently participating
in virtually every civil rights effort in the American experience,
including those for women, farmworkers, and the disabled; and
   WHEREAS, As a nation of immigrants, the United States is better
and stronger because Slavic people from all over the world have
chosen to become American citizens; and
   WHEREAS, To collectively advance the participation of Slavic
American businesses and ventures, the Slavic American Chamber of
Commerce was established with the mission to provide services for,
and facilitate the growth and success of, businesses that serve the
Slavic American community throughout California; and
   WHEREAS, Slavic Americans continue to guide the nation's progress
as scientists, teachers, entrepreneurs, public servants, private
citizens, leaders, and parents; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly
thereof concurring, That the Legislature recognizes May 24, 2016, as
Slavic Heritage Day, encourages all Californians to participate in
appropriate observances with activities that celebrate and
commemorate Slavic Heritage Day, and commends Slavic Americans for
their notable accomplishments and outstanding service to the state
and the nation; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this
resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.