INTRODUCED BY   Senator Corbett

                        FEBRUARY 23, 2009

   Relative to Irish American Heritage Month.


   SCR 17, Corbett. Irish American Heritage Month.
   This measure would designate March 2009 as Irish American Heritage
Month in honor of the multitude of contributions that Irish
Americans have made to the country and state.

   WHEREAS, Millions of Irish people, faced with severe hardship due
to famine and poverty in their nation, immigrated to the United
States over the last several centuries in search of a more promising
future for themselves and their families; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans initially suffered prejudice and
discrimination upon first arriving in the United States. As the years
went on, Irish Americans became very involved in the community and
made numerous contributions in all aspects of American society and
culture, especially in California; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans played vital roles in the development of
the United States. Nine Irish Americans were signers of the
Declaration of Independence, and 19 Presidents of the United States
have been of Irish heritage, including John F. Kennedy, Ronald
Reagan, and Bill Clinton; and
   WHEREAS, Many people of Irish descent have contributed to great
movements that have helped to shape our country and its role in the
world, including Mother Jones, labor activist; Lucy Burns, activist
in the Women's Movement; and Senator George Mitchell, negotiator of
the Irish Peace Accord; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans have also played a major role in
California politics. Many governors, legislative leaders, city
mayors, and other public officials who have shaped the development of
California over the years have been of Irish descent; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans were very involved in the development of
infrastructure throughout the United States and especially in
California. This included work on railroads and bridges that
connected the West to the East. The Irish were also instrumental in
the building of dams, roads, canals, and buildings that expanded
greatly in the late 1800s; and
   WHEREAS, Many Irish Americans have made their mark in pursuit of
public safety and have risked or lost their lives on countless
occasions in carrying out their duties; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans have served with distinction in every war
that this nation has fought. Many of the outstanding soldiers who
fought for American freedom in the Revolutionary War were of Irish
descent. Since then, Irish Americans have sacrificed their lives in
every other war in which the United States has fought; and
   WHEREAS, Many Irish Americans have contributed greatly to the
United States economy in business, including Henry Ford; Alexander
Stewart, the inventor of the American department store; and Cathleen
Black, president, Hearst Magazines; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans have contributed to the American literary
tradition through great authors including Flannery O'Connor, Eugene
O'Neill, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mary McCarthy, Tom Clancy, and Frank
McCourt; and
   WHEREAS, Irish Americans have contributed to American
entertainment with such stars as actors Jack Nicholson, John Wayne,
and George Clooney; actor and comedian Bill Murray; actress Grace
Kelly; actress and comedian Rosie O'Donnell; actor and singer Bing
Crosby; actress and singer Rosemary Clooney; and actor and director
Edward Burns being of Irish heritage; and
   WHEREAS, Today, over 44 million Americans claim Irish heritage,
and they continue to contribute to the American and Californian
political, economical, and cultural landscape; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly
thereof concurring, That the Legislature, in honor of the multitude
of contributions that Irish Americans have made to make this a better
country and state for all people, designates March 2009 to be Irish
American Heritage Month in California and calls upon the people of
the state to observe the month of March with appropriate ceremonies,
programs, and activities, especially on March 17, since everyone is
Irish on St. Patrick's Day; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this
resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.