Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 79

Relative to California State Grange Day.

[ Filed with Secretary of State  August 24, 2023. ]


SCR 79, McGuire. California State Grange Day.
This measure would recognize July 15, 2023, as California State Grange Day.
Fiscal Committee: NO  

WHEREAS, The first grange in California, Pilot Hill Grange No. 1, was organized in the County of El Dorado in 1870; and
WHEREAS, On July 15, 1873, members from 28 granges across California met in the City of Napa to formally organize the California State Grange. At that meeting, the delegates adopted policies on cooperative buying, water rights, transportation and good roads, and methods for improving the conditions of agriculture for the farmers of California; and
WHEREAS, Since 1873, the mission of the California State Grange has been to serve, steward, and teach the virtues of the land to children and the community. The California State Grange maintains its commitment to grassroots advocacy, supporting farmland preservation, farm development, community service, sustainable and regenerative agriculture, and the consumer’s role in the food production system; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange has had notable members, including Dr. Ezra S. Carr, Superintendent of Public Instruction, David Lubin, founder of the International Institute of Agriculture in the City of Rome, Italy, John M. Hamilton, second president of the California State Grange and first president of the California State Agricultural Society, and George Sehlmeyer, President of the California State Grange for 30 years; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is an organization with ritual steeped in agriculture and community service; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is a family organization, with membership starting at five years of age; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange was among the first organizations to recognize the role of women by admitting them on an equal basis with men; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is a community service organization, and doing service for others has always been a key element of a grange; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is a social organization, providing opportunities for all members of a community to come together; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange provides opportunities for young people to learn leadership skills; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is nonpartisan and nondenominational in nature, as its bylaws prohibit partisan discussion and actions; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is an organization that believes in the education of its members; and
WHEREAS, The California State Grange is celebrating its 150th anniversary on July 15, 2023; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly thereof concurring, That the Legislature celebrates the contributions of the California State Grange and its members to the state and recognizes July 15, 2023, as California State Grange Day; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.