INTRODUCED BY   Senator Leno

                        MARCH 19, 2014

   Relative to Safeguard Our Coast Day.


   SJR 20, as amended, Leno. Safeguard Our Coast Day.
   This measure would recognize the 50th anniversary of the state's
leadership and innovation in coastal planning and management and
would proclaim February 16, 2015, and each 3rd Monday of February
thereafter, as "Safeguard Our Coast Day."
   Fiscal committee: no.

   WHEREAS, California's coastal waters, waterfronts, wetlands,
harbors, estuaries, bays, ports, marinas, riparian areas, beaches,
and agricultural resources are important environmental and economic
resources of the state; and
   WHEREAS, The coastal economy contributes $96 billion annually to
the state; and
   WHEREAS, Eighty percent of California's 38 million residents live
and work within 30 miles of the state's coastline; and
   WHEREAS, California ports, fisheries, coastal tourism, and other
economically productive uses of the ocean and coastline support jobs
for Californians and promote foreign trade; and
   WHEREAS, Coastal agriculture contributes substantially to the food
supply and is a vital part of the state's economy; and
   WHEREAS, The ecological value of healthy coastal wetlands and
other endangered habitats for the fish and wildlife of California is
immense; and
   WHEREAS, The California coast supports numerous educational,
scientific, and research activities; and
   WHEREAS, The California coast offers cultural value and scenic
resources for public enjoyment and recreation that contribute to the
health and well-being of California residents and visitors from
around the world; and
   WHEREAS, The increasing and competing demands upon coastal lands
and waters occasioned by population growth and economic development
have resulted in adverse changes to fragile ecological systems and
decreased open space for public recreation; and
   WHEREAS, An innovative strategy for protecting and enhancing the
coast and managing conflicts between development and coastal resource
protection has been in effect on a regional scale since 1965 in the
San Francisco Bay area and for the entire California coast since
1972; and
   WHEREAS, The National Coastal Zone Management Program was
authorized by the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA)
(16 U.S.C. Section 1451 and following) to balance economic
development with the need to preserve, protect, enhance, and restore
the nation's coastal resources; and
   WHEREAS, The CZMA promotes coordination between the federal
government and the states by encouraging coastal states to prepare
coastal management programs that guide both state and federal
activities affecting the coast; and
   WHEREAS, California's coastal management program is implemented by
various entities within the Natural Resources Agency,  including
 the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission,
the California Coastal Commission,  the California Ocean
Science Trust,  and the State Coastal Conservancy, working
together and in partnership with the Ocean Protection Council, 
the Ocean Science Trust,  the State Lands Commission, the
Department of Fish and Wildlife, and other  state agencies
  public agencies and nonprofit organizations  to
carry out CZMA goals; and
   WHEREAS, The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development
Commission, established by the McAteer-Petris Act (Title 7.2
(commencing with Section 66600) of the Government Code) in 1965,
plans and regulates activities in and around the San Francisco Bay
and the Suisun Marsh; and
   WHEREAS, The California Coastal Commission, established by voter
initiative in 1972 and on a permanent basis by the Legislature in
1976, cooperates with local governments to manage the conservation
and orderly development of coastal resources through a comprehensive
planning and regulatory program; and
   WHEREAS, The State Coastal Conservancy, established by the
Legislature in 1976, complements the work of the two permitting
agencies by employing nonregulatory, entrepreneurial techniques and
collaboration to implement projects to preserve, protect, and restore
public access, natural resources, urban waterfronts, and
agricultural lands along the Pacific coast and the San Francisco Bay
shoreline and its adjacent counties; and
   WHEREAS, These three coastal management agencies, along with other
departments of the Natural Resources Agency, are demonstrating
leadership in the field of adaptation to climate change and sea level
rise, which are increasingly threatening California's coast and
economy; and
   WHEREAS, The state's coastal management agencies collaborate,
innovate, and work on behalf of all Californians to safeguard our
coast; and
   WHEREAS, Public participation is vital to the success of
California's coastal management programs; and
   WHEREAS, Protection of coastal resources from the effects of sea
level rise can provide valuable public benefits including, but not
limited to, flood protection; improved water quality; habitat for
fish, shellfish, and wildlife; recreational opportunities; enhanced
quality of life; and increased economic opportunities and property
values; and
   WHEREAS, The state has a responsibility to manage and conserve the
public trust in coastal and ocean ecosystems as well as the quality
of life in coastal communities for the benefit of current and future
generations; now, therefore, be it
   Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of the State of
California, jointly, That the Legislature recognizes the 50th
anniversary of the state's leadership and innovation in enhancing our
coast, our economy, and our lives through coastal planning and
management, and supports the state's role in the enhancement and
protection of coastal and ocean resources in cooperation with the
federal government; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Legislature hereby proclaims February 16, 2015,
and each third Monday of February thereafter as "Safeguard Our Coast
Day"; and be it further
   Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of this
resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.