General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 5148

    February Session, 2010




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 4-73 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2010):

(a) Part II of the budget document shall present in detail for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium the Governor's recommendation for appropriations to meet the expenditure needs of the state from the General Fund and from all special and agency funds classified by budgeted agencies and showing for each budgeted agency and its subdivisions: (1) A narrative summary describing the agency, the Governor's recommendations for appropriations for the agency and a list of agency programs, the actual expenditure for the last-completed fiscal year, the estimated expenditure for the current fiscal year, the amount requested by the agency and the Governor's recommendations for appropriations for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium; and (2) a summary of permanent full-time positions by fund, setting forth the number filled and the number vacant as of the end of the last-completed fiscal year, the total number intended to be funded by appropriations without reduction for turnover for the fiscal year in progress, the total number requested and the total number recommended for each fiscal year of the biennium to which the budget relates.

(b) In addition, programs shall be supported by: (1) The statutory authorization for the program; (2) a statement of program objectives; (3) a description of the program, including a statement of need, eligibility requirements and any intergovernmental participation in the program; (4) a statement of performance measures by which the accomplishments toward the program objectives can be assessed, which shall include, but not be limited to, an analysis of the workload, quality or level of service and effectiveness of the program; (5) program budget data broken down by major object of expenditure, showing additional federal and private funds; (6) a summary of permanent full-time positions by fund, setting forth the number filled and the number vacant as of the end of the last-completed fiscal year, the total number intended to be funded by appropriations without reduction for turnover for the fiscal year in progress, the total number requested and the total number recommended for each fiscal year of the biennium to which the budget relates; (7) a statement of expenditures for the last-completed and current fiscal years, the agency request and the Governor's recommendation for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium and, for any new or expanded program, estimated expenditure requirements for the fiscal year next succeeding the biennium to which the budget relates; and (8) an explanation of any significant program changes requested by the agency or recommended by the Governor.

(c) (1) There shall be a supporting schedule of total agency expenditures including a line-item, minor object breakdown of personal services, energy costs, contractual services and commodities and a total of state aid grants and equipment, showing the actual expenditures for the last-completed fiscal year, estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year and requested and recommended appropriations for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium, classified by objects according to a standard plan of classification.

(2) In addition, the supporting schedule of agency energy costs shall be supported by a statement of the agency's plans for energy conservation in each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium, and a statement of the progress the agency has made in the last-completed fiscal year concerning energy conservation.

(d) All federal funds expended or anticipated for any purpose shall be accounted for in the budget. The document shall set forth a listing of federal programs, showing the actual expenditures for the last-completed fiscal year, estimated expenditures for the current fiscal year and anticipated funds available for expenditure for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium. Such federal funds shall be classified by program in each budgeted agency but shall not include research grants made to educational institutions.

(e) Part II of the budget document shall also set forth the budget recommendations for the capital program, to be supported by statements listing the agency's requests and the Governor's recommendations with the statements required by section 4-78.

(f) The appropriations recommended for the legislative branch of the state government shall be the estimates of expenditure requirements transmitted to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management by the Joint Committee on Legislative Management pursuant to section 4-77 and the recommended adjustments and revisions of such estimates shall be the recommended adjustments and revisions, if any, transmitted by said committee pursuant to said section 4-77.

(g) The appropriations recommended for the judicial branch of the state government shall be the estimates of expenditure requirements transmitted to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management by the Chief Court Administrator pursuant to section 4-77 and the recommended adjustments and revisions of such estimates shall be the recommended adjustments and revisions, if any, transmitted by said administrator pursuant to said section 4-77.

Sec. 2. Section 4-85 of the 2010 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2010):

(a) Before an appropriation becomes available for expenditure, each budgeted agency shall submit to the Governor through the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, not less than twenty days before the beginning of the fiscal year for which such appropriation was made, a requisition for the allotment of the amount estimated to be necessary to carry out the purposes of such appropriation during each quarter of such fiscal year. The initial allotment requisition for each line item appropriated to the Judicial Branch for any fiscal year shall be equal to the amount appropriated to such line item for the fiscal year. Appropriations for capital outlays may be allotted in any manner the Governor deems advisable. Such requisition shall contain any further information required by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. The Governor shall approve such requisitions, subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section.

(b) Any allotment requisition and any allotment in force shall be subject to the following: (1) If the Governor determines that due to a change in circumstances since the budget was adopted certain reductions should be made in allotment requisitions or allotments in force or that estimated budget resources during the fiscal year will be insufficient to finance all appropriations in full, the Governor may modify such allotment requisitions or allotments in force to the extent the Governor deems necessary. Before such modifications are effected the Governor shall file a report with the joint standing committee having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies and the joint standing committee having cognizance of matters relating to state finance, revenue and bonding describing the change in circumstances which makes it necessary that certain reductions should be made or the basis for his determination that estimated budget resources will be insufficient to finance all appropriations in full. (2) If the cumulative monthly financial statement issued by the Comptroller pursuant to section 3-115 includes a projected General Fund deficit greater than one per cent of the total of General Fund appropriations, the Governor, within thirty days following the issuance of such statement, shall file a report with such joint standing committees, including a plan which he shall implement to modify such allotments to the extent necessary to prevent a deficit. No reduction of an allotment requisition by the Judicial Branch or an allotment in force for the Judicial Branch shall be made by the Governor pursuant to this subsection unless such proposed reduction has first been submitted to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies and said committee has, after a public hearing, approved such reduction. If said committee fails to act on such submission within thirty days of receipt thereof, the allotment reduction shall be deemed approved. No modification of an allotment requisition or an allotment in force made by the Governor pursuant to this subsection shall result in a reduction of more than three per cent of the total appropriation from any fund or more than five per cent of any appropriation, except such limitations shall not apply in time of war, invasion or emergency caused by natural disaster.

(c) If a plan submitted in accordance with subsection (b) of this section indicates that a reduction of more than three per cent of the total appropriation from any fund or more than five per cent of any appropriation is required to prevent a deficit, the Governor may request that the Finance Advisory Committee approve any such reduction, provided any modification which would result in a reduction of more than five per cent of total appropriations shall require the approval of the General Assembly.

(d) The secretary shall submit copies of allotment requisitions thus approved or modified or allotments in force thus modified, with the reasons for any modifications, to the administrative heads of the budgeted agencies concerned, to the Comptroller and to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of appropriations and matters relating to the budgets of state agencies, through the Office of Fiscal Analysis. The Comptroller shall set up such allotments on the Comptroller's books and be governed thereby in the control of expenditures of budgeted agencies.

(e) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to authorize the Governor to reduce allotment requisitions or allotments in force concerning (1) aid to municipalities; or (2) any budgeted agency of the legislative or judicial branch, except that the Governor may require an aggregate allotment reduction of a specified amount in accordance with this section for the legislative or judicial branch, which shall be achieved as determined by the Joint Committee on Legislative Management or the Chief Court Administrator, as appropriate. The joint committee or Chief Court Administrator, as appropriate, shall submit reductions to the Governor through the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management not more than fifteen days after the Governor requires such reductions.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

July 1, 2010


Sec. 2

July 1, 2010



Joint Favorable C/R



Joint Favorable Subst.



Joint Favorable