General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 5244

February Session, 2012




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 19a-32e of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2012):

(a) There is established the "Stem Cell Research Fund" which shall be a separate, nonlapsing account within the General Fund. The fund may contain any moneys required or permitted by law to be deposited in the fund and any funds received from any public or private contributions, gifts, grants, donations, bequests or devises to the fund. The Commissioner of Public Health may (1) make grants-in-aid from the fund in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, or (2) enter into agreements with other entities, including, but not limited to, states or foreign countries, to advance research collaboration opportunities for a recipient of a grant-in-aid.

(b) [Not later than June 30, 2006, the] The Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee established pursuant to section 19a-32f shall develop an application for grants-in-aid under this section for the purpose of conducting embryonic or human adult stem cell research and may receive applications from eligible institutions for such grants-in-aid. [on and after said date.] The Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee shall require any applicant for a grant-in-aid under this section to conduct stem cell research to submit (1) a complete description of the applicant's organization, (2) the applicant's plans for stem cell research and proposed funding for such research from sources other than the state of Connecticut, and (3) proposed arrangements concerning financial benefits to the state of Connecticut as a result of any patent, royalty payment or similar rights developing from any stem cell research made possible by the awarding of such grant-in-aid. Said committee shall direct the Commissioner of Public Health with respect to the awarding of such grants-in-aid after considering recommendations from the Stem Cell Research Peer Review Committee established pursuant to section 19a-32g.

(c) Commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, and for each of the nine consecutive fiscal years thereafter, until the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, not less than ten million dollars shall be available from the Stem Cell Research Fund for grants-in-aid to eligible institutions for the purpose of conducting embryonic or human adult stem cell research, as directed by the Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee established pursuant to section 19a-32f and in accordance with the provisions of section 19a-32d. Any balance of such amount not used for such grants-in-aid during a fiscal year shall be carried forward for the fiscal year next succeeding for such grants-in-aid.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

October 1, 2012


Statement of Legislative Commissioners:

In section 1 (b), in the first sentence "grants-in-aid on and after said date" was changed to "grants-in-aid. [on and after said date.]" for accuracy and consistency with the change made at the beginning of the sentence.


Joint Favorable Subst.-LCO