General Assembly


Substitute Bill No. 6505

    January Session, 2013




Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 10-221 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2013):

(a) [Boards] Each local and regional board of education shall prescribe rules for the management, studies, classification and discipline of the public schools and, subject to the control of the State Board of Education, the textbooks to be used; shall make rules for the control, within their respective jurisdictions, of school library media centers and approve the selection of books and other educational media therefor, and shall approve plans for public school buildings and superintend any high or graded school in the manner specified in this title.

(b) Not later than July 1, 1985, each local and regional board of education shall develop, adopt and implement written policies concerning homework, attendance, promotion and retention. The Department of Education shall make available model policies and guidelines to assist local and regional boards of education in meeting the responsibilities enumerated in this subsection.

(c) [Boards] Each local and regional board of education may prescribe rules to impose sanctions against [pupils] students who damage or fail to return textbooks, library materials or other educational materials. [Said boards] A local or regional board of education may charge [pupils] a student for such damaged or lost textbooks, library materials or other educational materials and may withhold grades, transcripts or report cards until the [pupil] student pays for or returns the textbook, library book or other educational material.

(d) Not later than July 1, 1991, each local and regional board of education shall develop, adopt and implement policies and procedures in conformity with section 10-154a for (1) dealing with the use, sale or possession of alcohol or controlled drugs, as defined in subdivision (8) of section 21a-240, by public school students on school property, including a process for coordination with, and referral of such students to, appropriate agencies, and (2) cooperating with law enforcement officials.

(e) Not later than July 1, 1990, each local and regional board of education shall adopt a written policy and procedures for dealing with youth suicide prevention and youth suicide attempts. Each such local and regional board of education may establish a student assistance program to identify risk factors for youth suicide, procedures to intervene with such youths, referral services and training for teachers and other school professionals and students who provide assistance in the program.

(f) Not later than September 1, 1998, each local and regional board of education shall develop, adopt and implement written policies and procedures to encourage parent-teacher communication. These policies and procedures may include monthly newsletters, required regular contact with all parents, flexible parent-teacher conferences, drop-in hours for parents, home visits and the use of technology such as homework hot lines to allow parents to check on their children's assignments and students to get assistance if needed. For the school year commencing July 1, 2010, and each school year thereafter, such policies and procedures shall require the district to conduct two flexible parent-teacher conferences for each school year.

(g) A local or regional board of education may develop a student activity fee exemption policy for students who demonstrate an inability to pay a student activity fee charged by the local or regional board of education for participation in any extracurricular activity. Such policy shall include, but not be limited to, the criteria and standards for determining who is eligible for a student activity fee exemption and a list of the student activity fees and extracurricular activities to which such exemptions apply. If no such student activity fee exemption policy exists for a local or regional board of education, such local or regional board of education shall not charge a student activity fee to a student for participation in any extracurricular activity who demonstrates an inability to pay such student activity fee.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

July 1, 2013



Joint Favorable Subst.