General Assembly


Raised Bill No. 369

February Session, 2012


LCO No. 1778



Referred to Committee on Public Health


Introduced by:





Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Section 20-101 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2012):

No provision of this chapter shall confer any authority to practice medicine or surgery nor shall this chapter prohibit any person from the domestic administration of family remedies or the furnishing of assistance in the case of an emergency; nor shall it be construed as prohibiting persons employed in state hospitals and state sanatoriums and subsidiary workers in general hospitals from assisting in the nursing care of patients if adequate medical and nursing supervision is provided; nor shall it be construed to prohibit the administration of medications by dialysis patient care technicians in accordance with section 19a-269a; nor shall it be construed as prohibiting students who are enrolled in schools of nursing approved pursuant to section 20-90, and students who are enrolled in schools for licensed practical nurses approved pursuant to section 20-90, from performing such work as is incidental to their respective courses of study; nor shall it prohibit a registered nurse who holds a master's degree in nursing or in a related field recognized for certification as either a nurse practitioner, a clinical nurse specialist, or a nurse anesthetist by one of the certifying bodies identified in section 20-94a from practicing for a period not to exceed one hundred twenty days after the date of graduation, provided such graduate advanced practice registered nurse is working in a hospital or other organization under the supervision of a licensed physician or a licensed advanced practice registered nurse, such hospital or other organization has verified that the graduate advanced practice registered nurse has applied to sit for the national certification examination and the graduate advanced practice registered nurse is not authorized to prescribe or dispense drugs; nor shall it prohibit graduates of schools of nursing or schools for licensed practical nurses approved pursuant to section 20-90, from nursing the sick for a period not to exceed ninety calendar days after the date of graduation, provided such graduate nurses are working in hospitals or organizations where adequate supervision is provided, and such hospital or other organization has verified that the graduate nurse has successfully completed a nursing program. Upon notification that the graduate nurse has failed the licensure examination or that the graduate advanced practice registered nurse has failed the certification examination, all privileges under this section shall automatically cease. No provision of this chapter shall prohibit any registered nurse who has been issued a temporary permit by the department, pursuant to subsection (b) of section 20-94, from caring for the sick pending the issuance of a license without examination; nor shall it prohibit any licensed practical nurse who has been issued a temporary permit by the department, pursuant to subsection (b) of section 20-97, from caring for the sick pending the issuance of a license without examination; nor shall it prohibit any qualified registered nurse or any qualified licensed practical nurse of another state from caring for a patient temporarily in this state, provided such nurse has been granted a temporary permit from said department and provided such nurse shall not represent or hold himself or herself out as a nurse licensed to practice in this state; nor shall it prohibit registered nurses or licensed practical nurses from other states from doing such nursing as is incident to their course of study when taking postgraduate courses in this state; nor shall it prohibit nursing or care of the sick, with or without compensation or personal profit, in connection with the practice of the religious tenets of any church by adherents thereof, provided such persons shall not otherwise engage in the practice of nursing within the meaning of this chapter. This chapter shall not prohibit the care of persons in their homes by domestic servants, housekeepers, nursemaids, companions, attendants or household aides of any type, whether employed regularly or because of an emergency of illness, if such persons are not initially employed in a nursing capacity. This chapter shall not prohibit unlicensed assistive personnel from administering jejunostomy and gastrojejunal tube feedings to persons who (1) have Glycogen Storage Disease and a feeding disorder and attend public or nonpublic schools, (2) attend day programs or respite centers under the jurisdiction of the Department of Developmental Services, [(2)] (3) reside in residential facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Developmental Services, or [(3)] (4) receive support under the jurisdiction of the Department of Developmental Services, when such feedings are performed by trained, unlicensed assistive personnel pursuant to the written order of a physician licensed under chapter 370, an advanced practice registered nurse licensed to prescribe in accordance with section 20-94a or a physician assistant licensed to prescribe in accordance with section 20-12d. Unlicensed personnel who administer jejunostomy and gastrojejunal tube feedings to a person who attends a public or nonpublic school as provided for in subdivision (1) of this section, shall ensure that (A) full medical disclosure concerning such feeding is provided to the supervising nurse of the public or nonpublic school, and (B) such supervising nurse is granted permission to consult with the physician, advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant who issued the written order authorizing the administration of such tube feeding.

Sec. 2. Section 10-212a of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2012):

(a) (1) A school nurse or, in the absence of such nurse, any other nurse licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 378, including a nurse employed by, or providing services under the direction of a local or regional board of education at, a school-based health clinic, who shall administer medical preparations only to students enrolled in such school-based health clinic in the absence of a school nurse, the principal, any teacher, licensed athletic trainer, licensed physical or occupational therapist employed by a school district, or coach of intramural and interscholastic athletics of a school may administer, subject to the provisions of subdivision (2) of this subsection, medicinal preparations, including such controlled drugs as the Commissioner of Consumer Protection may, by regulation, designate, to any student at such school pursuant to the written order of a physician licensed to practice medicine, or a dentist licensed to practice dental medicine in this or another state, or an optometrist licensed to practice optometry in this state under chapter 380, or an advanced practice registered nurse licensed to prescribe in accordance with section 20-94a, or a physician assistant licensed to prescribe in accordance with section 20-12d, and the written authorization of a parent or guardian of such child. The administration of medicinal preparations by a nurse licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 378, a principal, teacher, licensed athletic trainer, licensed physical, [or] occupational therapist or other person employed by a school district, or coach shall be under the general supervision of a school nurse. No such school nurse or other nurse, principal, teacher, licensed athletic trainer, licensed physical, [or] occupational therapist or other person employed by a school district, coach or school paraprofessional administering medication pursuant to subsection (d) of this section shall be liable to such student or a parent or guardian of such student for civil damages for any personal injuries that result from acts or omissions of such school nurse or other nurse, principal, teacher, licensed athletic trainer, licensed physical, [or] occupational therapist or other person employed by a school district, coach or school paraprofessional administering medication pursuant to subsection (d) of this section in administering such preparations that may constitute ordinary negligence. This immunity does not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, wilful or wanton negligence.

(2) Each local and regional board of education that allows a school nurse or, in the absence of such nurse, any other nurse licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 378, including a nurse employed by, or providing services under the direction of a local or regional board of education at, a school-based health clinic, who shall administer medical preparations only to students enrolled in such school-based health clinic in the absence of a school nurse, the principal, any teacher, licensed athletic trainer, licensed physical, [or] occupational therapist or other person employed by a school district, or coach of intramural and interscholastic athletics of a school to administer medicine or that allows a student to self-administer medicine, including medicine administered through the use of an asthmatic inhaler or an automatic prefilled cartridge injector or similar automatic injectable equipment, shall adopt written policies and procedures, in accordance with this section and the regulations adopted pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, that shall be approved by the school medical advisor or other qualified licensed physician. Once so approved, such administration of medication shall be in accordance with such policies and procedures.

(3) A director of a school readiness program as defined in section 10-16p or a before or after school program exempt from licensure by the Department of Public Health pursuant to subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of section 19a-77, or the director's designee, may administer medications to a child enrolled in such a program in accordance with regulations adopted by the State Board of Education in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54. No individual administering medications pursuant to this subdivision shall be liable to such child or a parent or guardian of such child for civil damages for any personal injuries that result from acts or omissions of such individual in administering such medications which may constitute ordinary negligence. This immunity shall not apply to acts or omissions constituting gross, wilful or wanton negligence.

(b) Each school wherein any controlled drug is administered under the provisions of this section shall keep such records thereof as are required of hospitals under the provisions of subsections (f) and (h) of section 21a-254 and shall store such drug in such manner as the Commissioner of Consumer Protection shall, by regulation, require.

(c) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the Commissioner of Public Health, shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, determined to be necessary by the board to carry out the provisions of this section, including, but not limited to, regulations that (1) specify conditions under which a coach of intramural and interscholastic athletics may administer medicinal preparations, including controlled drugs specified in the regulations adopted by the commissioner, to a child participating in such intramural and interscholastic athletics, (2) specify conditions and procedures for the administration of medication, including, but not limited to, antiepileptic medication, by school personnel to students, and (3) specify conditions for self-administration of medication by students, including permitting a child diagnosed with: (A) Asthma to retain possession of an asthmatic inhaler at all times while attending school for prompt treatment of the child's asthma and to protect the child against serious harm or death provided a written authorization for self-administration of medication signed by the child's parent or guardian and an authorized prescriber is submitted to the school nurse; and (B) an allergic condition to retain possession of an automatic prefilled cartridge injector or similar automatic injectable equipment at all times while attending school for prompt treatment of the child's allergic condition and to protect the child against serious harm or death provided a written authorization for self-administration of medication signed by the child's parent or guardian and an authorized prescriber is submitted to the school nurse. The regulations shall require authorization pursuant to: (i) The written order of a physician licensed to practice medicine in this or another state, a dentist licensed to practice dental medicine in this or another state, an advanced practice registered nurse licensed under chapter 378, a physician assistant licensed under chapter 370, a podiatrist licensed under chapter 375, or an optometrist licensed under chapter 380; and (ii) the written authorization of a parent or guardian of such child.

(d) (1) With the written authorization of a student's parent or guardian, and (2) pursuant to the written order of the student's (A) physician licensed to practice medicine, (B) an optometrist licensed to practice optometry under chapter 380, (C) an advanced practice registered nurse licensed to prescribe in accordance with section 20-94a, or (D) a physician assistant licensed to prescribe in accordance with section 20-12d, a school nurse and a school medical advisor may jointly approve and provide general supervision to an identified school paraprofessional to administer medication, including, but not limited to, antiepileptic medication to a specific student for prompt treatment of the student's epilepsy and medication administered with a cartridge injector [,] to a specific student with a medically diagnosed allergic condition that may require prompt treatment in order to protect the student against serious harm or death. For purposes of this subsection, "cartridge injector" means an automatic prefilled cartridge injector or similar automatic injectable equipment used to deliver epinephrine in a standard dose for emergency first aid response to allergic reactions.

This act shall take effect as follows and shall amend the following sections:

Section 1

July 1, 2012


Sec. 2

July 1, 2012


Statement of Purpose:

To authorize unlicensed personnel to administer tube feedings and antiepileptic medications to certain children attending public and nonpublic schools.

[Proposed deletions are enclosed in brackets. Proposed additions are indicated by underline, except that when the entire text of a bill or resolution or a section of a bill or resolution is new, it is not underlined.]