Florida Senate - 2016 SENATOR AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/CS/HB 749, 1st Eng. Ì305472&Î305472 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Senator Abruzzo moved the following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 23 - 26 4 and insert: 5 Section 1. Subsection (5) and paragraph (a) of subsection 6 (7) of section 193.461, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 7 193.461 Agricultural lands; classification and assessment; 8 mandated eradication or quarantine program.— 9 (5) For the purpose of this section, regardless of the 10 intended end product or use, the term “agricultural purposes” 11 includes, but is not limited to, horticulture; floriculture; 12 viticulture; forestry; dairy; livestock; aviculture; poultry; 13 bee; pisciculture, if the land is used principally for the 14 production of tropical fish; aquaculture, including algaculture; 15 sod farming; and all forms of farm products as defined in s. 16 823.14(3) and farm production. 17 18 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 19 And the title is amended as follows: 20 Delete line 3 21 and insert: 22 F.S.; revising the definition of “agricultural 23 purposes”; revising the period during which certain