Florida Senate - 2021 SENATOR AMENDMENT
Bill No. CS for CS for CS for SB 90
Senate . House
Senator Brandes moved the following:
1 Senate Amendment
3 Delete lines 722 - 730
4 and insert:
5 ballot containing an undervoted race, if there is a clear
6 indication on the ballot that the voter has made a definite
7 choice in the overvoted or undervoted race or ballot measure. A
8 duplicate in which every race is undervoted which shall include
9 all valid votes as determined by the canvassing board based on
10 rules adopted by the division pursuant to s. 102.166(4). A
11 duplicate may not include a vote if the voter’s intent in such
12 race or on such ballot measure is not clear in which every race
13 is undervoted which shall include all valid votes as determined
14 by the canvassing board based on rules adopted by the division
15 pursuant to s. 102.166(4). Upon request, a physically present
16 candidate, a political party official, a political committee
17 official, or an authorized designee thereof, must be allowed to
18 observe the duplication of ballots. The observer must be able to
19 observe the duplication of