Florida Senate - 2017                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 328
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       Senator Garcia moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 288 and 289
    4  insert:
    5         Section 4. Section 486.102, Florida Statutes, is amended to
    6  read:
    7         486.102 Physical therapist assistant; licensing
    8  requirements.—To be eligible for licensing by the board as a
    9  physical therapist assistant, an applicant must:
   10         (1) Be at least 18 years old;
   11         (2) Be of good moral character; and
   12         (3)(a) Have been graduated from a school giving a course of
   13  not less than 2 years for physical therapist assistants, which
   14  has been approved for the educational preparation of physical
   15  therapist assistants by the appropriate accrediting agency
   16  recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary
   17  Accreditation or the United States Department of Education, at
   18  the time of her or his graduation and have passed to the
   19  satisfaction of the board an examination to determine her or his
   20  fitness for practice as a physical therapist assistant as
   21  hereinafter provided;
   22         (b) Have been graduated from a school giving a course for
   23  physical therapist assistants in a foreign country and have
   24  educational credentials deemed equivalent to those required for
   25  the educational preparation of physical therapist assistants in
   26  this country, as recognized by the appropriate agency as
   27  identified by the board, and passed to the satisfaction of the
   28  board an examination to determine her or his fitness for
   29  practice as a physical therapist assistant as hereinafter
   30  provided; or
   31         (c) Be entitled to licensure without examination as
   32  provided in s. 486.107; or
   33         (d)1. Have been enrolled in a physical therapist assistant
   34  school in this state which was accredited at the time of her or
   35  his enrollment, between July 1, 2014, and July 1, 2016;
   36         2. Have been graduated or will be graduated from such
   37  school on or before July 1, 2019; and
   38         3. Have passed the examination provided in s. 486.104.
   40  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   41  And the title is amended as follows:
   42         Delete lines 2 - 29
   43  and insert:
   44         An act relating to nurses and physical therapist
   45         assistants; amending s. 464.012, F.S.; removing an
   46         obsolete qualification no longer sufficient to satisfy
   47         certain nursing certification requirements; amending
   48         s. 464.019, F.S.; authorizing the Board of Nursing to
   49         conduct certain on-site evaluations; removing a
   50         limiting criterion from the requirement to measure
   51         graduate passage rates; removing a requirement that
   52         certain nursing program graduates complete a specific
   53         preparatory course; clarifying circumstances when
   54         programs in probationary status must be terminated;
   55         providing that accredited and nonaccredited nursing
   56         education programs must disclose probationary status;
   57         requiring notification of probationary status to
   58         include certain information; prohibiting a terminated
   59         or closed program from seeking program approval for a
   60         certain time; providing that a name change or the
   61         creation of a new educational institution does not
   62         reduce the waiting period for reapplication;
   63         authorizing the board to adopt certain rules; removing
   64         requirements that the Office of Program Policy
   65         Analysis and Government Accountability perform certain
   66         tasks; requiring the Florida Center for Nursing to
   67         make an annual assessment of compliance by nursing
   68         programs with certain accreditation requirements;
   69         requiring the center to include its assessment in a
   70         report to the Governor and the Legislature; requiring
   71         the termination of a program under certain
   72         circumstances; amending s. 486.102, F.S.; revising
   73         licensure requirements for physical therapist
   74         assistants to include eligibility for graduates of
   75         physical therapist assistant schools who meet certain
   76         criteria;