Florida Senate - 2016                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 460
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       The Committee on Fiscal Policy (Clemens) recommended the
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Before line 16
    4  insert:
    5         Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section
    6  381.986, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
    7         381.986 Compassionate use of low-THC cannabis.—
    8         (5) DUTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT.—By January 1, 2015, the
    9  department shall:
   10         (b) Authorize the establishment of five dispensing
   11  organizations to ensure reasonable statewide accessibility and
   12  availability as necessary for patients registered in the
   13  compassionate use registry and who are ordered low-THC cannabis
   14  under this section, one in each of the following regions:
   15  northwest Florida, northeast Florida, central Florida, southeast
   16  Florida, and southwest Florida. The department shall develop an
   17  application form and impose an initial application and biennial
   18  renewal fee that is sufficient to cover the costs of
   19  administering this section. An applicant for approval as a
   20  dispensing organization must be able to demonstrate:
   21         1. The technical and technological ability to cultivate and
   22  produce low-THC cannabis. The applicant must possess a valid
   23  certificate of registration issued by the Department of
   24  Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to s. 581.131 that is
   25  issued for the cultivation of more than 400,000 plants, be
   26  operated by a nurseryman as defined in s. 581.011 or an
   27  individual engaged in a similar agricultural activity, and have
   28  been operated as a registered nursery in this state for at least
   29  10 30 continuous years.
   30         2. The ability to secure the premises, resources, and
   31  personnel necessary to operate as a dispensing organization.
   32         3. The ability to maintain accountability of all raw
   33  materials, finished products, and any byproducts to prevent
   34  diversion or unlawful access to or possession of these
   35  substances.
   36         4. An infrastructure reasonably located to dispense low-THC
   37  cannabis to registered patients statewide or regionally as
   38  determined by the department.
   39         5. The financial ability to maintain operations for the
   40  duration of the 2-year approval cycle, including the provision
   41  of certified financials to the department. Upon approval, the
   42  applicant must post a $5 million performance bond.
   43         6. That all owners and managers have been fingerprinted and
   44  have successfully passed a level 2 background screening pursuant
   45  to s. 435.04.
   46         7. The employment of a medical director who is a physician
   47  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 to supervise the
   48  activities of the dispensing organization.
   50  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   51  And the title is amended as follows:
   52         Delete line 3
   53  and insert:
   54         terminal conditions; amending s. 381.986, F.S.;
   55         revising requirements for an applicant seeking
   56         approval as a dispensing organization; amending s.
   57         499.0295, F.S.;