Florida Senate - 2014                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 504
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete lines 55 - 176
    4  and insert:
    5         (3) A dealer who has paid the tax imposed by this chapter
    6  on tangible personal property or services may take a credit or
    7  obtain a refund for any tax paid by the dealer on the unpaid
    8  balance due on worthless accounts, including installment credit,
    9  within 12 months after following the month in which the bad debt
   10  has been charged off for federal income tax purposes. If any
   11  accounts so charged off for which a credit or refund has been
   12  obtained are subsequently, thereafter in whole or in part, paid
   13  to the dealer, the amount so paid shall be included in the first
   14  return filed after such collection and the tax paid accordingly.
   15  This subsection does not apply to open-end or revolving credit
   16  accounts.
   17         (4)(a) The department shall:
   18         (a) Design, prepare, print and furnish to all dealers,
   19  except dealers filing through electronic data interchange, or
   20  make available or prescribe to the dealers, all necessary forms
   21  for filing returns and instructions to ensure a full collection
   22  from dealers and an accounting for the taxes due. The, but
   23  failure of a any dealer to secure such forms does not relieve
   24  the dealer from the payment of the tax at the time and in the
   25  manner provided.
   26         (b) The department shall Prescribe the format and
   27  instructions necessary for filing returns in a manner that is
   28  initiated through an electronic data interchange to ensure a
   29  full collection from dealers and an accounting for the taxes
   30  due. The failure of a any dealer to use such format does not
   31  relieve the dealer from the payment of the tax at the time and
   32  in the manner provided.
   33         (5) The department and its assistants are hereby authorized
   34  and empowered to administer the oath for the purpose of
   35  enforcing and administering the provisions of this chapter.
   36         (6) The department may has authority to adopt rules
   37  pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to administer and enforce
   38  the provisions of this section chapter.
   39         (7) If The department, where admissions, license fees,
   41  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   42  And the title is amended as follows:
   43         Delete lines 3 - 9
   44  and insert:
   45         212.17, F.S.; providing that the provision that allows
   46         a dealer to obtain a tax credit or refund for taxes
   47         paid on worthless accounts does not apply to open-end
   48         or revolving credit accounts; providing an effective
   49         date.