Florida Senate - 2014                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 586
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

    1         Senate Amendment 
    3         Delete lines 224 - 229
    4  and insert:
    5  does not apply to a person who:
    6         a. Commits fraud in demonstrating site conditions or
    7  completing site rehabilitation of a property subject to a
    8  brownfield site rehabilitation agreement;
    9         b. Exacerbates contamination of a property subject to a
   10  brownfield site rehabilitation agreement in violation of
   11  applicable laws, which causes property damages;
   12         c. Causes a new release at a property subject to a
   13  brownfield site rehabilitation agreement;
   14         d. If any of the reopeners in s. 376.82(3)(b)-(d) apply, is
   15  responsible for brownfield site rehabilitation and who fails to
   16  comply with the requirements or timeframes of the brownfield
   17  site rehabilitation agreement or fails to comply with applicable
   18  timeframes pursuant to department rules;
   19         e. Caused the contamination that is the subject of the
   20  brownfield site rehabilitation agreement; or
   21         f.Is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
   22  the mere continuation or alter ego of the person identified in
   23  sub-subparagraph e. under successor liability principles under
   24  applicable law.