Florida Senate - 2014 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT Bill No. SB 786 Ì465432ÊÎ465432 LEGISLATIVE ACTION Senate . House . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— following: 1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 2 3 Delete lines 35 - 68 4 and insert: 5 within another county, to finance, plan,andconstruct, or 6 relocate infrastructure; to acquire land for public recreation, 7 conservation, or protection of natural resources; to provide 8 loans, grants, or rebates to residential or commercial property 9 owners who make energy efficiency improvements to their 10 residential or commercial property, if a local government 11 ordinance authorizing such use is approved by referendum; or to 12 finance the closure of county-owned or municipally owned solid 13 waste landfills that have been closed or are required to be 14 closed by order of the Department of Environmental Protection. 15 Any use of the proceeds or interest for purposes of landfill 16 closure before July 1, 1993, is ratified. The proceeds and any 17 interest may not be used fortheoperational and maintenance 18 expenses of infrastructure, unless the local government 19 ordinance authorizing such use is approved by referendum as 20 provided in this subsection orexcept thata county that has a 21 population of fewer than 75,000 and that is required to close a 22 landfill usesmay usethe proceeds or interest for long-term 23 maintenance costs associated with landfill closure. Counties, as 24 defined in s. 125.011, and charter counties may, in addition, 25 use the proceeds or interest to retire or service indebtedness 26 incurred for bonds issued before July 1, 1987, for 27 infrastructure purposes, and for bonds subsequently issued to 28 refund such bonds. Any use of the proceeds or interest for 29 purposes of retiring or servicing indebtedness incurred for 30 refunding bonds before July 1, 1999, is ratified. 31 1. As used inFor the purposes ofthis paragraph, the term 32 “infrastructure” means: 33 a. AAnyfixed capital expenditure or fixed capital outlay 34 associated with the construction, reconstruction, relocation, or 35 improvement of public facilities that have a life expectancy of 36 5 or more years andanyrelated land acquisition, land 37 improvement, design, permit compliance,andengineering costs, 38 and costs incurred for studies or planning activities related to 39 the public facilities. 40 41 ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ================ 42 And the title is amended as follows: 43 Delete line 6 44 and insert: 45 infrastructure; revising the term “infrastructure”; 46 authorizing a county to levy a