Florida Senate - 2020 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1166
Senate . House
The Committee on Commerce and Tourism (Albritton) recommended
the following:
1 Senate Amendment
3 Delete lines 64 - 123
4 and insert:
5 (d) “Underserved” means a geographic area of this state in
6 which there is no provider of broadband Internet service that
7 offers a connection to the Internet with a capacity for
8 transmission at a consistent speed of at least 10 megabits per
9 second downstream and at least 1 megabit per second upstream.
10 (3)(2) STATE ENTITY.—The department is designated as the
11 lead state entity to facilitate the expansion of broadband
12 Internet service in this state. The department shall of
13 Management Services is authorized to work collaboratively with
14 private businesses, and to receive staffing support and other
15 resources from, Enterprise Florida, Inc., state agencies, local
16 governments, private businesses, and community organizations.
17 (4) FLORIDA OFFICE OF BROADBAND.—The Florida Office of
18 Broadband is created within the Division of Community
19 Development within the department for the purpose of developing,
20 marketing, and promoting broadband Internet services to this
21 state. The office, in the performance of its duties, shall do
22 all of the following to:
23 (a) Monitor the adoption of broadband Internet service in
24 collaboration with communications service providers, including,
25 but not limited to, wireless and wireline Internet service
26 providers, to develop geographical information system maps at
27 the census tract level that will:
28 1. Identify geographic gaps in broadband services,
29 including areas unserved by any broadband provider and areas
30 served by a single broadband provider;
31 2. Identify the download and upload transmission speeds
32 made available to businesses and individuals in the state, at
33 the census tract level of detail, using data rate benchmarks for
34 broadband service used by the Federal Communications Commission
35 to reflect different speed tiers; and
36 3. Provide a baseline assessment of statewide broadband
37 deployment in terms of percentage of households with broadband
38 availability.
39 (b) Create a strategic plan that has goals and strategies
40 for increasing the use of broadband Internet service in this the
41 state.
42 (b)(c) Build and facilitate local technology planning teams
43 or partnerships with members representing cross-sections of the
44 community, which may include, but are not limited to,
45 representatives from the following organizations and industries:
46 libraries, K-12 education, colleges and universities, local
47 health care providers, private businesses, community
48 organizations, economic development organizations, local
49 governments, tourism, parks and recreation, and agriculture.
50 (c)(d) Encourage the use of broadband Internet service,
51 especially in the rural, unserved, or and underserved
52 communities of this the state through grant programs having
53 effective strategies to facilitate the statewide deployment of
54 broadband Internet service. For any grants to be awarded,
55 priority must be given to projects that:
56 1. Provide access to broadband education, awareness,
57 training, access, equipment, and support to libraries, schools,
58 colleges and universities, health care providers, and community
59 support organizations.
60 2. Encourage the sustainable adoption of broadband in
61 primarily unserved and underserved areas by removing barriers to
62 entry.
63 3. Work toward encouraging investments in establishing
64 affordable and sustainable broadband Internet service in
65 unserved and underserved areas of this the state.
66 4. Facilitate the development of applications, programs,
67 and services, including, but not limited to, telework,
68 telemedicine, and e-learning to increase the usage of, and
69 demand for, broadband Internet service in this the state.
70 (d) Monitor, participate in, and provide input on
71 proceedings of the Federal Communications Commission and other
72 federal agencies which are related to the geographic
73 availability and deployment of broadband Internet service in
74 this state as necessary to ensure that the information is
75 accurately presented and that rural, unserved, and underserved
76 areas of this state are best positioned to benefit from federal
77 and state broadband deployment programs.