Florida Senate - 2018 COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
Bill No. SB 1314
Senate . House
The Committee on Commerce and Tourism (Brandes) recommended the
1 Senate Amendment
3 Delete lines 265 - 278
4 and insert:
5 (a)(c) The board of directors shall consist of three
6 directors appointed pursuant to the procedures and requirements
7 of this section by the Governor to 3-year staggered terms, to
8 which the directors may be reappointed.
9 (b) For any director appointed before July 1, 2018, the
10 term of service for that director may continue through the end
11 of his or her current term. The vacancy created by the
12 expiration of such term must be filled pursuant to the
13 procedures and requirements of this section.
14 (c) The bylaws of the institute shall be amended
15 accordingly by the board of directors to reflect the
16 requirements of this section.