Florida Senate - 2024                        COMMITTEE AMENDMENT
       Bill No. SB 1394
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       The Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Gruters)
       recommended the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Delete everything after the enacting clause
    4  and insert:
    5         Section 1. Subsection (8) is added to section 394.495,
    6  Florida Statutes, to read:
    7         394.495 Child and adolescent mental health system of care;
    8  programs and services.—
    9         (8)(a)The department shall contract with managing entities
   10  for community mobile support teams throughout this state to
   11  place crisis counselors from community mental health centers in
   12  local law enforcement agencies. The counselors shall conduct
   13  follow-up contacts with children, adolescents, and adults who
   14  have been involuntarily committed under the Baker Act by a law
   15  enforcement officer. The goal of the community mobile support
   16  team through its partnership with law enforcement is to reduce
   17  recidivism of involuntary commitments under the Baker Act by law
   18  enforcement, reduce the time burden of law enforcement
   19  completing follow-up work with persons after commitment under
   20  the Baker Act, provide additional crisis intervention services,
   21  assist persons with engagement in mental health care, and give
   22  persons another option for mental health crisis intervention
   23  other than the use of law enforcement.
   24         (b)A community mobile support team crisis counselor shall,
   25  at a minimum:
   26         1.Provide follow-up care to individuals in the community
   27  that law enforcement has identified as needing additional mental
   28  health support.
   29         2.Conduct home visits to assist a person with connecting
   30  with the appropriate aftercare services in his or her community
   31  following his or her discharge from a Baker Act receiving
   32  facility.
   33         3.Provide support to aid a person during the transition
   34  period from his or her release from commitment under the Baker
   35  Act to connection with aftercare services.
   36         4.Provide brief crisis counseling and assessment for
   37  additional needs.
   38         (c)A community mobile support team shall offer, at a
   39  minimum, all of the following services:
   40         1.Crisis assessment.
   41         2.Community-based crisis counseling.
   42         3.In-person, follow-up care after involuntary commitment
   43  under the Baker Act by a law enforcement officer.
   44         4.Assistance with accessing and engaging in aftercare
   45  services.
   46         5.Assistance with obtaining other necessary community
   47  resources to maintain stability.
   48         6.Coordination of safety planning.
   49         (d)A community mental health center contracted by a
   50  managing entity to provide a community mobile support team must:
   51         1.Collaborate with local law enforcement offices in the
   52  planning, development, and program evaluation processes.
   53         2.Require that services be made available 7 days a week.
   54         3.Establish independent response protocols and memorandums
   55  of understanding with local law enforcement agencies.
   56         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2024.
   58  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   59  And the title is amended as follows:
   60         Delete everything before the enacting clause
   61  and insert:
   62                        A bill to be entitled                      
   63         An act relating to community mobile support teams;
   64         amending s. 394.495, F.S.; requiring the Department of
   65         Children and Families to contract with managing
   66         entities for community mobile support teams to place
   67         certain crisis counselors within local law enforcement
   68         agencies to conduct follow-up contacts with certain
   69         persons; providing requirements for crisis counselors,
   70         community mobile support teams, and certain community
   71         mental health centers; providing an effective date.