Florida Senate - 2015                          SENATOR AMENDMENT
       Bill No. CS for SB 7078
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              

       Senator Brandes moved the following:
    1         Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
    3         Between lines 89 and 90
    4  insert:
    5         Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 125.901, Florida
    6  Statutes, is amended to read:
    7         125.901 Children’s services; independent special district;
    8  council; powers, duties, and functions; public records
    9  exemption.—
   10         (4)(a) Any district created pursuant to this section may be
   11  dissolved by a special act of the Legislature, or the county
   12  governing body may by ordinance dissolve the district subject to
   13  the approval of the electorate.
   14         (b)1.a. Notwithstanding paragraph (a), the governing body
   15  of the county shall submit the question of retention or
   16  dissolution of a district with voter-approved taxing authority
   17  to the electorate in the general election according to the
   18  following schedule:
   19         (I) For a district in existence on July 1, 2010, and
   20  serving a county with a population of 400,000 or fewer persons
   21  as of that date............................................2014.
   22         (II) For a district in existence on July 1, 2010, and
   23  serving a county with a population of more than 400,000 but
   24  fewer than 2 million persons as of
   25  that date..................................................2016.
   26         (II)(III) For a district in existence on July 1, 2010, and
   27  serving a county with a population of 2 million or more persons
   28  as of that date............................................2020.
   29         b. A referendum by the electorate on or after July 1, 2010,
   30  creating a new district with taxing authority may specify that
   31  the district is not subject to reauthorization or may specify
   32  the number of years for which the initial authorization shall
   33  remain effective. If the referendum does not prescribe terms of
   34  reauthorization, the governing body of the county shall submit
   35  the question of retention or dissolution of the district to the
   36  electorate in the general election 12 years after the initial
   37  authorization.
   38         2. The governing body of the district may specify, and
   39  submit to the governing body of the county no later than 9
   40  months before the scheduled election, that the district is not
   41  subsequently subject to reauthorization or may specify the
   42  number of years for which a reauthorization under this paragraph
   43  shall remain effective. If the governing body of the district
   44  makes such specification and submission, the governing body of
   45  the county shall include that information in the question
   46  submitted to the electorate. If the governing body of the
   47  district does not specify and submit such information, the
   48  governing body of the county shall resubmit the question of
   49  reauthorization to the electorate every 12 years after the year
   50  prescribed in subparagraph 1. The governing body of the district
   51  may recommend to the governing body of the county language for
   52  the question submitted to the electorate.
   53         3. Nothing in this paragraph limits the authority to
   54  dissolve a district as provided under paragraph (a).
   55         4. Nothing in this paragraph precludes the governing body
   56  of a district from requesting that the governing body of the
   57  county submit the question of retention or dissolution of a
   58  district with voter-approved taxing authority to the electorate
   59  at a date earlier than the year prescribed in subparagraph 1. If
   60  the governing body of the county accepts the request and submits
   61  the question to the electorate, the governing body satisfies the
   62  requirement of that subparagraph.
   64  If any district is dissolved pursuant to this subsection, each
   65  county must first obligate itself to assume the debts,
   66  liabilities, contracts, and outstanding obligations of the
   67  district within the total millage available to the county
   68  governing body for all county and municipal purposes as provided
   69  for under s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution. Any district
   70  may also be dissolved pursuant to s. part VII of chapter 189.
   72  ================= T I T L E  A M E N D M E N T ================
   73  And the title is amended as follows:
   74         Between lines 8 and 9
   75  insert:
   76         amending s. 125.901, F.S.; revising the schedule for a
   77         county’s governing body to submit a general election
   78         ballot question on whether to retain a children’s
   79         services district with voter-approved taxing
   80         authority;