CS/HB 229
A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to programs to assist victims of violence;
3amending ss. 794.056, 938.08, and 938.085, F.S.; requiring
4that an additional or increased court cost or surcharge be
5assessed against a defendant who pleads guilty or nolo
6contendere to, or is found guilty of, regardless of
7adjudication, certain specified criminal offenses;
8providing for proceeds of the additional or increased
9court cost or surcharge to be deposited into the Rape
10Crisis Program Trust Fund or the Domestic Violence Trust
11Fund; reenacting s. 20.435(21)(a), F.S., relating to the
12Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund, to incorporate the
13amendments made to s. 794.056, F.S., in a reference
14thereto; reenacting s. 794.055(3)(b), F.S., relating to
15access to services for victims of sexual battery, to
16incorporate the amendments made to s. 938.085, F.S., in a
17reference thereto; providing an effective date.
19Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
21 Section 1. Section 794.056, Florida Statutes, is amended
22to read:
23 794.056 Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund.-
24 (1) The Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund is created within
25the Department of Health for the purpose of providing funds for
26rape crisis centers in this state. Trust fund moneys shall be
27used exclusively for the purpose of providing services for
28victims of sexual assault. Funds credited to the trust fund
29consist of those funds collected as an additional court
30assessment in each case in which a defendant pleads guilty or
31nolo contendere to, or is found guilty of, regardless of
32adjudication, an offense defined in s. 775.21, s. 784.011, s.
33784.021, s. 784.03, s. 784.041, s. 784.045, s. 784.048, s.
34784.07, s. 784.08, s. 784.081, s. 784.082, s. 784.083, s.
35784.085, s. 787.025, s. 787.06, s. 787.07, or s. 794.011, s.
36794.05, s. 794.08, s. 796.03, s. 796.035, s. 796.04, s. 796.045,
37s. 796.05, s. 796.06, s. 796.07(2)(a)-(d) and (i), s. 800.03, s.
38810.14, s. 810.145, s. 812.135, s. 817.025, s. 825.102, s.
39825.1025, s. 836.10, s. 847.0135(2), s. 847.0137, s. 847.0145,
40or s. 943.0435. Funds credited to the trust fund also shall
41include revenues provided by law, moneys appropriated by the
42Legislature, and grants from public or private entities.
43 (2) The Department of Health shall establish by rule
44criteria consistent with the provisions of s. 794.055(3)(a) for
45distributing moneys from the trust fund to rape crisis centers.
46 Section 2. Section 938.08, Florida Statutes, is amended to
48 938.08 Additional cost to fund programs in domestic
49violence.-In addition to any sanction imposed for a violation of
50s. 784.011, s. 784.021, s. 784.03, s. 784.041, s. 784.045, s.
51784.048, s. 784.07, s. 784.08, s. 784.081, s. 784.082, s.
52784.083, s. 784.085, s. 787.06, s. 787.07, s. 794.011, s.
53825.102, s. 836.10, or for any offense of domestic violence
54described in s. 741.28, the court shall impose a surcharge of
55$301 $201. Payment of the surcharge shall be a condition of
56probation, community control, or any other court-ordered
57supervision. The sum of $185 $85 of the surcharge shall be
58deposited into the Domestic Violence Trust Fund established in
59s. 741.01. The clerk of the court shall retain $1 of each
60surcharge that the clerk of the court collects as a service
61charge of the clerk's office. The remainder of the surcharge
62shall be provided to the governing board of the county and must
63be used only to defray the costs of incarcerating persons
64sentenced under s. 741.283 and provide additional training to
65law enforcement personnel in combating domestic violence.
66 Section 3. Section 938.085, Florida Statutes, is amended
67to read:
68 938.085 Additional cost to fund rape crisis centers.-In
69addition to any sanction imposed when a person pleads guilty or
70nolo contendere to, or is found guilty of, regardless of
71adjudication, a violation of s. 775.21, s. 784.011, s. 784.021,
72s. 784.03, s. 784.041, s. 784.045, s. 784.048, s. 784.07, s.
73784.08, s. 784.081, s. 784.082, s. 784.083, s. 784.085, s.
74787.025, s. 787.06, s. 787.07, or s. 794.011, s. 794.05, s.
75794.08, s. 796.03, s. 796.035, s. 796.04, s. 796.045, s. 796.05,
76s. 796.06, s. 796.07(2)(a)-(d) and (i), s. 800.03, s. 810.14, s.
77810.145, s. 812.135, s. 817.025, s. 825.102, s. 825.1025, s.
78836.10, s. 847.0135(2), s. 847.0137, s. 847.0145, or s.
79943.0435, the court shall impose a surcharge of $151. Payment of
80the surcharge shall be a condition of probation, community
81control, or any other court-ordered supervision. The sum of $150
82of the surcharge shall be deposited into the Rape Crisis Program
83Trust Fund established within the Department of Health by
84chapter 2003-140, Laws of Florida. The clerk of the court shall
85retain $1 of each surcharge that the clerk of the court collects
86as a service charge of the clerk's office.
87 Section 4. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
88made by this act to section 794.056, Florida Statutes, in a
89reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (21) of section
9020.435, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:
91 20.435 Department of Health; trust funds.-The following
92trust funds shall be administered by the Department of Health:
93 (21) Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund.
94 (a) Funds to be credited to and uses of the trust fund
95shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of s.
97 Section 5. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
98made by this act to section 938.085, Florida Statutes, in a
99reference thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section
100794.055, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:
101 794.055 Access to services for victims of sexual battery.-
102 (3)
103 (b) Funds received under s. 938.085 shall be used to
104provide sexual battery recovery services to victims and their
105families. Funds shall be distributed to rape crisis centers
106based on an allocation formula that takes into account the
107population and rural characteristics of each county. No more
108than 15 percent of the funds shall be used by the statewide
109nonprofit association for statewide initiatives. No more than 5
110percent of the funds may be used by the department for
111administrative costs.
112 Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.