HB 1453
A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to student assessment; creating s.
31008.255, F.S.; requiring the Department of Education to
4adopt grade-placement assessments for grades 1 through 8
5to determine grade placement for a student previously
6enrolled in a private school, a parochial, religious, or
7denominational school, a home education program, or a
8private tutoring program; requiring school districts to
9administer the assessments; providing for the use of
10assessments; providing parent responsibility; providing an
11effective date.
13Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15 Section 1. Section 1008.255, Florida Statutes, is created
16to read:
17 1008.255 Grade-placement assessments.-
18 (1) The Department of Education shall adopt grade-
19placement assessments for grades 1 through 8 to determine the
20grade placement of a student enrolling in a public school who
21was enrolled the prior school year in a private school, a
22parochial, religious, or denominational school, a home education
23program, or a private tutoring program.
24 (2) Each school district shall administer the grade-
25placement assessment to a student enrolling in a public school
26in the district prior to grade placement. A grade-placement
27assessment shall provide objective data on the student's
28performance based on performance standards approved by the State
29Board of Education and demonstrate the student's progression and
30readiness for placement in the next grade level.
31 (3) The parent of a student who is enrolling in a public
32school pursuant to this section must permit his or her child to
33be assessed for grade placement regardless of the date of
34enrollment in the school year.
35 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.