1 | A bill to be entitled |
2 | An act relating to student assessment; creating s. |
3 | 1008.255, F.S.; requiring the Department of Education to |
4 | adopt grade-placement assessments for grades 1 through 8 |
5 | to determine grade placement for a student previously |
6 | enrolled in a private school, a parochial, religious, or |
7 | denominational school, a home education program, or a |
8 | private tutoring program; requiring school districts to |
9 | administer the assessments; providing for the use of |
10 | assessments; providing parent responsibility; providing an |
11 | effective date. |
12 |
13 | Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: |
14 |
15 | Section 1. Section 1008.255, Florida Statutes, is created |
16 | to read: |
17 | 1008.255 Grade-placement assessments.- |
18 | (1) The Department of Education shall adopt grade- |
19 | placement assessments for grades 1 through 8 to determine the |
20 | grade placement of a student enrolling in a public school who |
21 | was enrolled the prior school year in a private school, a |
22 | parochial, religious, or denominational school, a home education |
23 | program, or a private tutoring program. |
24 | (2) Each school district shall administer the grade- |
25 | placement assessment to a student enrolling in a public school |
26 | in the district prior to grade placement. A grade-placement |
27 | assessment shall provide objective data on the student's |
28 | performance based on performance standards approved by the State |
29 | Board of Education and demonstrate the student's progression and |
30 | readiness for placement in the next grade level. |
31 | (3) The parent of a student who is enrolling in a public |
32 | school pursuant to this section must permit his or her child to |
33 | be assessed for grade placement regardless of the date of |
34 | enrollment in the school year. |
35 | Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010. |