HB 1489
A bill to be entitled
2An act relating to medical telecommunications and
3transportation; amending s. 381.0034, F.S.; deleting the
4requirement that any person who applies to be certified or
5is certified as an emergency medical technician,
6paramedic, 911 emergency dispatcher, emergency medical
7technician, or paramedic must complete an educational
8course approved by the Department of Health regarding the
9human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune
10deficiency syndrome; amending s. 401.2701, F.S.; deleting
11a requirement that an institution seeking approval of a
12program for the education of emergency medical technicians
13and paramedics show documentation of the inclusion of
14instruction in HIV/AIDS training in its curriculum;
15providing an effective date.
17Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19 Section 1. Section 381.0034, Florida Statutes, is amended
20to read:
21 381.0034 Requirement for instruction on HIV and AIDS.-
22 (1) As of July 1, 1991, the Department of Health shall
23require each person licensed or certified under chapter 401,
24chapter 467, part IV of chapter 468, or chapter 483, as a
25condition of biennial relicensure, to complete an educational
26course approved by the department on the modes of transmission,
27infection control procedures, clinical management, and
28prevention of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune
29deficiency syndrome. Such course shall include information on
30current state Florida law on acquired immune deficiency syndrome
31and its impact on testing, confidentiality of test results, and
32treatment of patients. Each such licensee or certificateholder
33shall submit confirmation of having completed the said course,
34on a form provided by the department, when submitting fees or
35application for each biennial renewal.
36 (2) Failure to complete the requirements of this section
37shall be grounds for disciplinary action contained in the
38chapters specified in subsection (1). In addition to discipline
39by the department, the licensee or certificateholder shall be
40required to complete the said course specified in subsection
42 (3) The department shall require, as a condition of
43granting a license under the chapters specified in subsection
44(1), that an applicant making initial application for licensure
45complete an educational course acceptable to the department on
46human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency
47syndrome. An applicant who has not taken a course at the time of
48licensure shall, upon an affidavit showing good cause, be
49allowed 6 months to complete this requirement.
50 (4) The department may shall have the authority to adopt
51rules to administer carry out the provisions of this section.
52 (5) Any professional holding two or more licenses or
53certificates subject to the provisions of this section shall be
54permitted to show proof of having taken one department-approved
55course on human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune
56deficiency syndrome, for purposes of relicensure or
57recertification for the additional licenses.
58 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 401.2701, Florida
59Statutes, is amended to read:
60 401.2701 Emergency medical services training programs.-
61 (1) Any private or public institution in this state
62Florida desiring to conduct an approved program for the
63education of emergency medical technicians and paramedics shall:
64 (a) Submit a completed application on a form provided by
65the department, which must include:
66 1. Evidence that the institution is in compliance with all
67applicable requirements of the Department of Education.
68 2. Evidence of an affiliation agreement with a hospital
69that has an emergency department staffed by at least one
70physician and one registered nurse.
71 3. Evidence of an affiliation agreement with a current
72Florida-licensed emergency medical services provider. Such
73agreement shall include, at a minimum, a commitment by the
74provider to conduct the field experience portion of the
75education program.
76 4. Documentation verifying faculty, including:
77 a. A medical director who is a licensed physician meeting
78the applicable requirements for emergency medical services
79medical directors as outlined in this chapter and rules of the
80department. The medical director shall have the duty and
81responsibility of certifying that graduates have successfully
82completed all phases of the education program and are proficient
83in basic or advanced life support techniques, as applicable.
84 b. A program director responsible for the operation,
85organization, periodic review, administration, development, and
86approval of the program.
87 5. Documentation verifying that the curriculum:
88 a. Meets the course guides and instructor's lesson plans
89in the most recent Emergency Medical Technician-Basic National
90Standard Curricula for emergency medical technician programs and
91Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic National Standard
92Curricula for paramedic programs.
93 b. Includes 2 hours of instruction on the trauma scorecard
94methodologies for assessment of adult trauma patients and
95pediatric trauma patients as specified by the department by
97 c. Includes 4 hours of instruction on HIV/AIDS training
98consistent with the requirements of chapter 381.
99 6. Evidence of sufficient medical and educational
100equipment to meet emergency medical services training program
102 (b) Receive a scheduled site visit from the department to
103the applicant's institution. Such site visit shall be conducted
104within 30 days after notification to the institution that the
105application was accepted. During the site visit, the department
106must determine the applicant's compliance with the following
108 1. Emergency medical technician programs must be a minimum
109of 110 hours, with at least 20 hours of supervised clinical
110supervision, including 10 hours in a hospital emergency
112 2. Paramedic programs must be available only to Florida-
113certified emergency medical technicians or an emergency medical
114technician applicant who will obtain Florida certification prior
115to completion of phase one of the paramedic program. Paramedic
116programs must be a minimum of 700 hours of didactic and skills
117practice components, with the skills laboratory student-to-
118instructor ratio not exceeding six to one. Paramedic programs
119must provide a field internship experience aboard an advanced
120life support permitted ambulance. However, a portion of the
121field internship experience may be satisfied aboard an advanced
122life support permitted vehicle other than an ambulance as
123determined by rule of the department.
124 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.