HM 1591
House Memorial
2A memorial to the Congress of the United States, urging
3Congress to pass comprehensive clean energy legislation.
5 WHEREAS, the United States currently spends approximately
6$1 billion each day to import oil, and the United States
7Department of Energy estimates that without comprehensive clean
8energy legislation, the nation's reliance on foreign oil could
9cost $8.5 trillion by 2030, and
10 WHEREAS, under the current energy policy of the United
11States, wealth is being transferred to nations that are rich
12with oil, many of which are politically unstable or unfriendly
13to the United States, and
14 WHEREAS, the generation of electricity through the use of
15renewable energy presents opportunities to promote energy self-
16sufficiency, create jobs and economic benefits, preserve
17natural resources, and improve the environment, and
18 WHEREAS, over the past two decades, in the absence of
19comprehensive federal clean energy legislation, many states have
20been the true "laboratories of democracy" by independently
21advancing clean energy policies, and
22 WHEREAS, many states have adopted renewable energy
23standards and goals that require a significant percentage of a
24state's electricity to be generated from non-fossil fuel
25renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, wave, hydropower,
26biomass, and biofuels, which have led to significant job growth
27in the clean energy sector of the national economy, and
28 WHEREAS, the Pew Charitable Trusts reports that employment
29in the field of clean energy has risen by nearly 250 percent
30over the last decade at a rate approximately 10 percent faster
31than the rest of the job market, and
32 WHEREAS, thousands of businesses have joined together in
33calling for comprehensive federal clean energy legislation,
34including the United States Climate Action Group and the Clean
35Economy Network, and
36 WHEREAS, the United States Energy Information
37Administration predicts the creation of up to 2 million new jobs
38as a result of comprehensive clean energy legislation, and
39 WHEREAS, there is significant global competition for clean
40energy development, and without comprehensive clean energy
41legislation, such competition could weaken the economy and
42threaten clean energy innovation in the United States, and
43 WHEREAS, without congressional action, the United States
44Environmental Protection Agency intends to regulate greenhouse
45gas emissions through administrative rules, and
46 WHEREAS, on June 26, 2009, the United States House of
47Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security
48Act on a bipartisan vote, and bipartisan members of the United
49States Senate are currently considering and drafting the Clean
50Energy Jobs and American Power Act, and
51 WHEREAS, the United States Congress has the historic
52opportunity to enact comprehensive clean energy legislation that
53will strengthen our national security, increase the number of
54clean energy jobs, reduce pollution, and advance clean energy
55innovation in the United States, NOW, THEREFORE,
57Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
59 That the United States Congress is urged to pass
60comprehensive clean energy legislation to create a unified
61framework that reduces greenhouse gas emissions; protects low-
62income and moderate-income citizens from increased energy costs;
63invests substantially in energy efficiency; supports alternative
64sources of energy, including, but not limited to, wind, solar,
65wave, hydroelectricity, biofuels, advanced nuclear energy
66research, and clean coal technologies; provides strong
67protections for environmentally sensitive offshore and onshore
68oil and gas exploration and makes all new exploration subject to
69the approval of affected states; acknowledges the carbon-
70intensive nature of the United States economy and includes
71emissions offsets that protect energy consumers; does not
72preempt state legislative efforts to control carbon emissions;
73and advances clean energy innovations.
74 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
75dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
76President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
77United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
78the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.