CS for SB 606                                   Second Engrossed 
1                        A bill to be entitled 
2         An act relating to the termination of rental 
3         agreements; amending s. 83.49, F.S.; requiring the 
4         landlord or mortgagor or its agent to tender to the 
5         registry of the court or to the foreclosing entity all 
6         funds held for advance rent or security deposits at 
7         the time of foreclosure; directing that such funds 
8         continue to be held for the use and benefit of the 
9         tenants of the foreclosed property; providing that a 
10         landlord or mortgagor or its agent commits a theft if 
11         the landlord or mortgagor or its agent do not comply 
12         with certain specified provisions of law; providing 
13         for penalties; creating s. 83.683, F.S.; providing 
14         that a purchaser of residential property in 
15         foreclosure may terminate a tenant’s residential 
16         rental agreement under certain circumstances; 
17         providing an exception for an immediate purchaser 
18         intending to sell the property to a buyer who intends 
19         to occupy the foreclosure premises as his or her 
20         primary residence; setting forth the content to be 
21         included in the termination notice to be given to the 
22         tenant; providing certain exceptions to application of 
23         the act; requiring the immediate purchaser named in 
24         the certificate of title to credit the tenant’s 
25         account for any deposit money paid by the tenant and 
26         for any advance rent for the unexpired rental period; 
27         providing for future expiration; providing an 
28         effective date. 
30  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
32         Section 1. Subsections (10) and (11) are added to section 
33  83.49, Florida Statutes, to read: 
34         83.49 Deposit money or advance rent; duty of landlord and 
35  tenant.— 
36         (10)Upon the filing of foreclosure, the landlord or 
37  mortgagor or its agent shall tender to the registry of the court 
38  or, at the foreclosing entity’s election, to the foreclosing 
39  entity, all funds held for advance rent or security deposits for 
40  tenants of the mortgaged property, which shall continue to be 
41  held for the use and benefit of the tenants. 
42         (11)Failure by the landlord or mortgagor or its agent to 
43  comply with the provisions of subsection (1) or subsection (10) 
44  constitutes a theft as defined in and punishable under s. 
45  812.014 if the failure to comply is done knowingly and with the 
46  intent to deprive the tenant of a right to the funds or a 
47  benefit from the funds or to appropriate the funds for the 
48  landlord’s, mortgagor’s, or agent’s own use or the use of a 
49  person not entitled to the use of the funds. 
50         Section 2. Section 83.683, Florida Statutes, is created to 
51  read: 
52         83.683Termination of rental agreement upon foreclosure.— 
53         (1)(a)Upon issuance of a certificate of title pursuant to 
54  s. 45.031, if a tenant is occupying the residential premises and 
55  is not excluded by subsection(2), the immediate purchaser named 
56  in the certificate of title takes title to the residential 
57  premises as a landlord, and may terminate the residential rental 
58  agreement by delivering a written 90-day notice to the tenant. 
59         (b)1.If there is an existing written rental agreement 
60  entered into before the certificate of title was issued, the 
61  tenant may remain in possession of the premises until the end of 
62  the lease term or at least 90 days following the date the tenant 
63  receives a copy of the written notice of termination, whichever 
64  is greater. 
65         2.However, if the immediate purchaser named in the 
66  certificate of title sells the premises to a purchaser who will 
67  occupy the premises as a primary residence, the immediate 
68  purchaser may terminate the written rental agreement and the 
69  tenant is entitled to a written 90-day notice of termination. 
70         (c)The 90-day notice to terminate the rental agreement 
71  must be in substantially the following form: 
73         You are hereby advised that your rental agreement is 
74         terminated effective 90 days following the date that 
75         this written termination notice is delivered to you, 
76         or at the end of the term of your written rental 
77         agreement, whichever is later, and that I demand 
78         possession of the premises upon that date. You are 
79         still obligated to pay rent during the 90 days or 
80         during the term of your written rental agreement, in 
81         the amount you have been paying. Rent shall be 
82         delivered to [name], [address]. 
84         (d)Delivery of the written notice must be in the manner as 
85  provided in s. 83.56(4). 
86         (2)Subsection (1) does not apply if: 
87         (a)The mortgagor being foreclosed, or the child, spouse, 
88  or parent of the mortgagor being foreclosed, is occupying the 
89  dwelling unit being foreclosed, unless it is a multiunit 
90  property and other tenants occupy dwelling units; 
91         (b)The rental agreement is not an arms-length transaction; 
92  or 
93         (c)The rental agreement allows rent that is substantially 
94  less than the fair market rent for the premises, unless the rent 
95  is reduced or subsidized due to a federal, state, or local 
96  subsidy. 
97         (3)The immediate purchaser named in the certificate of 
98  title issued pursuant to s. 45.031 shall credit the tenant’s 
99  account for any deposit money paid by the tenant to the 
100  predecessor in interest and may make claims against the deposit 
101  pursuant to s. 83.49. The immediate purchaser shall also credit 
102  the tenant’s account for any advance rent for the unexpired 
103  rental period. The tenant must provide evidence of the amount of 
104  the security deposit or advance rent in order to receive the 
105  credit. This subsection applies only to the extent that the 
106  security deposit or advance rent is in the possession of the 
107  immediate purchaser or the foreclosing mortgagee. 
108         (4)This section expires December 31, 2012. 
109         Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.