Florida Senate - 2025 SB 1276
By Senator Collins
14-00814A-25 20251276__
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to procurement compliance; amending s.
3 287.042, F.S.; authorizing the Department of
4 Management Services to grant governmental entities
5 access to electronic systems for specified purposes;
6 amending s. 287.138, F.S.; authorizing governmental
7 entities to use certain information to determine
8 compliance with provisions prohibiting contracting
9 with entities of foreign countries of concern;
10 specifying actions that a governmental entity may take
11 if an entity submits a false affidavit; providing that
12 certain determinations do not constitute
13 determinations or intended determination subject to
14 certain protest; providing an effective date.
16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18 Section 1. Paragraph (c) is added to subsection (6) of
19 section 287.042, Florida Statutes, to read:
20 287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.—The department shall
21 have the following powers, duties, and functions:
22 (6)
23 (c) To grant governmental entities, as defined in s.
24 287.138, access to electronic systems that provide background
25 information on vendors seeking to do business with the state.
26 Section 2. Present subsections (5), (6), and (7) of section
27 287.138, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as subsections (6),
28 (7), and (8), respectively, a new subsection (5) is added to
29 that section, and present subsection (6) of that section is
30 amended, to read:
31 287.138 Contracting with entities of foreign countries of
32 concern prohibited.—
33 (5) A governmental entity may use information in its
34 possession, including information acquired through electronic
35 systems made available by the department, to verify that the
36 affidavit is true and accurate. If the governmental entity
37 determines that an affidavit submitted as part of a competitive
38 solicitation is not true and accurate, the governmental entity
39 may determine that the vendor is not a responsible or responsive
40 vendor susceptible of award. A determination that an affidavit
41 required under this section is not true and accurate, or a
42 determination that a vendor is not responsible or responsive,
43 does not constitute a decision or intended decision that is
44 subject to protest under s. 120.57(3).
45 (7)(6) Any penalties collected under subsection (6) (5)
46 must be deposited into the General Revenue Fund.
47 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.