Florida Senate - 2010                      CS for CS for SB 1330 
By the Committees on General Government Appropriations; and 
Regulated Industries; and Senators Fasano and Altman 
601-05199-10                                          20101330c2 
1                        A bill to be entitled 
2         An act relating to the Department of Business and 
3         Professional Regulation; amending s. 20.165, F.S.; 
4         assigning certain programs to regulation by the 
5         department’s Division of Professions; amending ss. 
6         215.37 and 455.017, F.S.; specifying that the 
7         department is responsible for the regulation of 
8         certain professions; amending s. 322.142, F.S.; 
9         authorizing the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 
10         Vehicles to issue reproductions of driver’s licenses 
11         to the Department Business and Professional Regulation 
12         pursuant to an interagency agreement for a specified 
13         purpose; amending s. 455.02, F.S.; authorizing the 
14         temporary professional licensure of the spouses of 
15         active duty members of the United States Armed Forces 
16         under certain circumstances; providing application 
17         requirements; requiring criminal history checks and 
18         fees; creating s. 455.2122, F.S.; authorizing distance 
19         learning courses to satisfy certain licensing 
20         education requirements for community association 
21         managers and real estate brokers and sales associates; 
22         prohibiting requirements for centralized examinations 
23         to complete such education requirements; amending s. 
24         455.2123, F.S.; authorizing distance learning courses 
25         to satisfy certain continuing education requirements 
26         for community association managers, home inspectors, 
27         mold assessors and remediators, and real estate 
28         brokers, sales associates, and appraisers; prohibiting 
29         requirements for centralized examinations to complete 
30         such education requirements; amending s. 455.213, 
31         F.S.; requiring a licensee to surrender his or her 
32         license under certain circumstances; amending s. 
33         455.217, F.S.; revising the departmental unit 
34         responsible for administration of certain 
35         examinations; limiting an applicant’s review of failed 
36         examination questions; amending s. 455.2175, F.S.; 
37         prohibiting an examinee whose examination materials 
38         are confiscated from taking another examination under 
39         certain circumstances; repealing s. 455.2226, F.S., 
40         relating to continuing education courses on HIV and 
41         AIDS required for licensees and certificateholders 
42         under the Florida Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer 
43         Services Act; amending s. 455.227, F.S.; revising 
44         grounds for the discipline of professional licensees; 
45         providing penalties; amending s. 455.228, F.S.; 
46         revising terminology for cease and desist notices; 
47         amending s. 455.275, F.S.; providing for the service 
48         of administrative complaints on certain licensees and 
49         publication of certain notices; amending s. 468.83, 
50         F.S.; creating the home inspection services licensing 
51         program within the department; amending s. 468.8311, 
52         F.S.; revising the definition of the term “home 
53         inspection services” for purposes of provisions 
54         regulating home inspectors; amending s. 468.8312, 
55         F.S.; deleting limits on fees for certificates of 
56         authorization to conform to changes made by the act; 
57         amending s. 468.8313, F.S.; requiring home inspector 
58         license applicants to satisfy certain examination 
59         requirements before application for licensure; 
60         requiring criminal history checks and fees; amending 
61         s. 468.8318, F.S.; deleting requirements for 
62         certificates of authorization for corporations or 
63         partnerships offering home inspection services; 
64         amending s. 468.8319, F.S.; prohibiting certain acts 
65         relating to home inspection services; delaying 
66         implementation of certain prohibited acts; providing 
67         penalties; exempting from punishment certain 
68         unlicensed activity occurring before a specified date; 
69         amending s. 468.832, F.S.; providing an additional 
70         ground for discipline of licensed home inspectors; 
71         amending s. 468.8324, F.S.; extending the time for 
72         licensure of home inspectors under certain grandfather 
73         provisions; revising the licensing criteria for such 
74         provisions; authorizing the department to investigate 
75         the validity of home inspection reports submitted for 
76         licensure under the grandfather provisions; providing 
77         penalties for the submission of false reports; 
78         creating s. 468.8325, F.S.; requiring the department 
79         to adopt rules; amending s. 468.84, F.S.; creating the 
80         mold-related services licensing program within the 
81         department; amending s. 468.8412, F.S.; deleting 
82         limits on fees for certificates of authorization to 
83         conform to changes made by the act; amending s. 
84         468.8413, F.S.; requiring mold assessor and mold 
85         remediator license applicants to satisfy certain 
86         examination requirements before application for 
87         licensure; revising the educational requirements for 
88         licensure as a mold assessor or mold remediator; 
89         requiring criminal history checks and fees; amending 
90         s. 468.8414, F.S.; specifying that certain insurance 
91         coverage is required for licensure by endorsement; 
92         amending s. 468.8418, F.S.; deleting requirements for 
93         certificates of authorization for corporations or 
94         partnerships offering mold-related services; amending 
95         s. 468.8419, F.S.; prohibiting certain acts relating 
96         to mold assessment and remediation; delaying 
97         implementation of certain prohibited acts; providing 
98         penalties; exempting from punishment certain 
99         unlicensed activity occurring before a specified date; 
100         amending s. 468.842, F.S.; providing an additional 
101         ground for the discipline of licensed mold assessors 
102         and mold remediators; amending s. 468.8421, F.S.; 
103         revising insurance coverage requirements for mold 
104         assessors; amending s. 468.8423, F.S.; extending the 
105         time for licensure of mold assessors and mold 
106         remediators under certain grandfather provisions; 
107         revising the licensing criteria for such provisions; 
108         authorizing the department to investigate the validity 
109         of mold assessments and remediation invoices submitted 
110         for licensure under the grandfather provisions; 
111         providing penalties for the submission of false 
112         assessments or invoices; creating s. 468.8424, F.S.; 
113         requiring the department to adopt rules; amending s. 
114         474.203, F.S.; revising certain exemptions from 
115         regulation of veterinary medical practice; amending s. 
116         475.02, F.S.; authorizing certain members of the 
117         Florida Real Estate Commission to offer, conduct, and 
118         teach courses prescribed or approved by the commission 
119         or the department; amending s. 475.175, F.S.; revising 
120         the application and fingerprint requirements for real 
121         estate broker and sales associate licenses; deleting a 
122         requirement that license applicants provide 
123         fingerprints in an electronic format; amending s. 
124         475.613, F.S.; revising qualifications of members of 
125         the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board; authorizing 
126         certain board members to offer, conduct, and teach 
127         courses prescribed or approved by the board or the 
128         department; amending s. 477.019, F.S.; deleting time 
129         limits for cosmetology license applicants to take the 
130         licensure examination; conforming a cross-reference; 
131         amending s. 509.211, F.S.; assigning responsibility 
132         for the regulation of carbon monoxide hazards in 
133         certain public lodging establishments to the Division 
134         of State Fire Marshal of the Department of Financial 
135         Services; creating s. 548.076, F.S.; authorizing the 
136         Department of Business and Professional Regulation to 
137         issue and enforce notices to cease and desist from 
138         violations of provisions regulating pugilistic 
139         exhibitions; providing penalties; amending s. 561.17, 
140         F.S.; revising application requirements for alcoholic 
141         beverage licenses; reenacting ss. 468.436(2)(a), 
142         468.832(1)(a), 468.842(1)(a), 471.033(1)(a), 
143         473.323(1)(a), 475.25(1)(a), 475.624(1), 
144         476.204(1)(h), 477.029(1)(h), 481.225(1)(a), and 
145         481.325(1)(a), F.S., relating to disciplinary 
146         proceedings for community association managers, home 
147         inspectors, mold assessors, mold remediators, 
148         engineers, certified public accountants, real estate 
149         brokers and sales associates, real estate appraisers, 
150         barbers, cosmetologists, architects, and landscape 
151         architects, to incorporate the amendment made to s. 
152         455.227, F.S., in references thereto; reenacting s. 
153         468.8314(2), F.S., relating to the licensure of home 
154         inspectors, to incorporate the amendment made to s. 
155         468.832, F.S., in a reference thereto; providing an 
156         effective date. 
158  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
160         Section 1. Subsection (4) of section 20.165, Florida 
161  Statutes, is amended to read: 
162         20.165 Department of Business and Professional Regulation. 
163  There is created a Department of Business and Professional 
164  Regulation. 
165         (4)(a) The following boards and programs are established 
166  within the Division of Professions: 
167         1. Board of Architecture and Interior Design, created under 
168  part I of chapter 481. 
169         2. Florida Board of Auctioneers, created under part VI of 
170  chapter 468. 
171         3. Barbers’ Board, created under chapter 476. 
172         4. Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors 
173  Board, created under part XII of chapter 468. 
174         5. Construction Industry Licensing Board, created under 
175  part I of chapter 489. 
176         6. Board of Cosmetology, created under chapter 477. 
177         7. Electrical Contractors’ Licensing Board, created under 
178  part II of chapter 489. 
179         8. Board of Employee Leasing Companies, created under part 
180  XI of chapter 468. 
181         9. Board of Landscape Architecture, created under part II 
182  of chapter 481. 
183         10. Board of Pilot Commissioners, created under chapter 
184  310. 
185         11. Board of Professional Engineers, created under chapter 
186  471. 
187         12. Board of Professional Geologists, created under chapter 
188  492. 
189         13. Board of Veterinary Medicine, created under chapter 
190  474. 
191         14. Home inspection services licensing program, created 
192  under part XV of chapter 468. 
193         15. Mold-related services licensing program, created under 
194  part XVI of chapter 468. 
195         (b) The following board and commission are established 
196  within the Division of Real Estate: 
197         1. Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board, created under part 
198  II of chapter 475. 
199         2. Florida Real Estate Commission, created under part I of 
200  chapter 475. 
201         (c) The following board is established within the Division 
202  of Certified Public Accounting: 
203         1. Board of Accountancy, created under chapter 473. 
204         Section 2. Subsection (2) of section 215.37, Florida 
205  Statutes, is amended to read: 
206         215.37 Department of Business and Professional Regulation 
207  and the boards to be financed from fees collected; deposit of 
208  funds; service charge; appropriation.— 
209         (2) The regulation by the department of professions, as 
210  defined in s. 455.01 by the department chapter 455, shall be 
211  financed solely from revenue collected by it from fees and other 
212  charges and deposited in the Professional Regulation Trust Fund, 
213  and all such revenue is hereby appropriated to the department. 
214  However, it is legislative intent that each profession shall 
215  operate within its anticipated fees. 
216         Section 3. Subsection (4) of section 322.142, Florida 
217  Statutes, is amended to read: 
218         322.142 Color photographic or digital imaged licenses.— 
219         (4) The department may maintain a film negative or print 
220  file. The department shall maintain a record of the digital 
221  image and signature of the licensees, together with other data 
222  required by the department for identification and retrieval. 
223  Reproductions from the file or digital record are exempt from 
224  the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and shall be made and issued only 
225  for departmental administrative purposes; for the issuance of 
226  duplicate licenses; in response to law enforcement agency 
227  requests; to the Department of Business and Professional 
228  Regulation pursuant to an interagency agreement for the purpose 
229  of accessing digital images for reproduction of licenses issued 
230  by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation; to 
231  the Department of State pursuant to an interagency agreement to 
232  facilitate determinations of eligibility of voter registration 
233  applicants and registered voters in accordance with ss. 98.045 
234  and 98.075; to the Department of Revenue pursuant to an 
235  interagency agreement for use in establishing paternity and 
236  establishing, modifying, or enforcing support obligations in 
237  Title IV-D cases; to the Department of Children and Family 
238  Services pursuant to an interagency agreement to conduct 
239  protective investigations under part III of chapter 39; or to 
240  the Department of Financial Services pursuant to an interagency 
241  agreement to facilitate the location of owners of unclaimed 
242  property, the validation of unclaimed property claims, and the 
243  identification of fraudulent or false claims. 
244         Section 4. Section 455.017, Florida Statutes, is amended to 
245  read: 
246         455.017 Applicability of this chapter.—The provisions of 
247  This chapter applies apply only to the regulation by the 
248  department of professions by the department. 
249         Section 5. Section 455.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to 
250  read: 
251         455.02 Licensure of members of the Armed Forces in good 
252  standing with administrative boards and their spouses.— 
253         (1) Any member of the Armed Forces of the United States now 
254  or hereafter on active duty who, at the time of becoming such a 
255  member, was in good standing with any administrative board of 
256  the state and was entitled to practice or engage in his or her 
257  profession or vocation in the state shall be kept in good 
258  standing by such administrative board, without registering, 
259  paying dues or fees, or performing any other act on his or her 
260  part to be performed, as long as he or she is a member of the 
261  Armed Forces of the United States on active duty and for a 
262  period of 6 months after discharge from active duty as a member 
263  of the Armed Forces of the United States, if provided he or she 
264  is not engaged in his or her licensed profession or vocation in 
265  the private sector for profit. 
266         (2) The boards listed in s. 20.165 shall adopt promulgate 
267  rules that exempt exempting the spouse spouses of a member 
268  members of the Armed Forces of the United States from licensure 
269  renewal provisions, but only in cases of his or her absence from 
270  the state because of his or her spouse’s their spouses’ duties 
271  with the Armed Forces. 
272         (3)(a) The department may issue a temporary professional 
273  license to the spouse of an active duty member of the Armed 
274  Forces of the United States if the spouse applies to the 
275  department in the format prescribed by the department. An 
276  application must include: 
277         1. Proof that the applicant is married to a member of the 
278  Armed Forces of the United States who is on active duty. 
279         2. Proof that the applicant holds a valid license for the 
280  profession issued by another state, the District of Columbia, 
281  any possession or territory of the United States, or any foreign 
282  jurisdiction. 
283         3. Proof that the applicant’s spouse is assigned to a duty 
284  station in this state and that the applicant is also assigned to 
285  a duty station in this state pursuant to the member’s official 
286  active duty military orders. 
287         4. Proof that a complete set of the applicant’s 
288  fingerprints are submitted to the Department of Law Enforcement 
289  for a statewide criminal history check. The Department of Law 
290  Enforcement shall forward the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau 
291  of Investigation for a national criminal history check. The 
292  department shall, and the board may, review the results of the 
293  criminal history checks according to the level 2 screening 
294  standards in s. 435.04 and determine whether the applicant meets 
295  the licensure requirements. The costs of fingerprint processing 
296  shall be borne by the applicant. If the applicant’s fingerprints 
297  are submitted through an authorized agency or vendor, the agency 
298  or vendor shall collect the required processing fees and remit 
299  the fees to the Department of Law Enforcement. 
300         (b) An application must be accompanied by an application 
301  fee prescribed by the department that is sufficient to cover the 
302  cost of issuance of the temporary license. 
303         (c) A temporary license expires 6 months after the date of 
304  issuance and is not renewable. 
305         Section 6. Section 455.2122, Florida Statutes, is created 
306  to read: 
307         455.2122 Education.—A board, or the department when there 
308  is no board, shall approve distance learning courses as an 
309  alternative to classroom courses to satisfy prelicensure or 
310  postlicensure education requirements in part VIII of chapter 468 
311  or part I of chapter 475. A board, or the department when there 
312  is no board, may not require centralized examinations for 
313  completion of prelicensure or postlicensure education 
314  requirements for professions licensed under part VIII of chapter 
315  468 or part I of chapter 475. 
316         Section 7. Section 455.2123, Florida Statutes, is amended 
317  to read: 
318         455.2123 Continuing education.—A board, or the department 
319  when there is no board, may provide by rule that distance 
320  learning may be used to satisfy continuing education 
321  requirements. A board, or the department when there is no board, 
322  shall approve distance learning courses as an alternative to 
323  classroom courses to satisfy continuing education requirements 
324  in part VIII, part XV, or part XVI of chapter 468 or part I or 
325  part II of chapter 475 and may not require centralized 
326  examinations for completion of continuing education requirements 
327  for the professions licensed under part VIII, part XV, or part 
328  XVI of chapter 468 or part I or part II of chapter 475. 
329         Section 8. Subsection (2) of section 455.213, Florida 
330  Statutes, is amended to read: 
331         455.213 General licensing provisions.— 
332         (2) Before the issuance of any license, the department may 
333  charge an initial license fee as determined by rule of the 
334  applicable board or, if no such board exists, by rule of the 
335  department. Upon receipt of the appropriate license fee, except 
336  as provided in subsection (3), the department shall issue a 
337  license to any person certified by the appropriate board, or its 
338  designee, or the department when there is no board, as having 
339  met the applicable requirements imposed by law or rule. However, 
340  an applicant who is not otherwise qualified for licensure is not 
341  entitled to licensure solely based on a passing score on a 
342  required examination. Upon a determination by the department 
343  that it erroneously issued a license, or upon the revocation of 
344  a license by the applicable board, or by the department when 
345  there is no board, the licensee must surrender his or her 
346  license to the department. 
347         Section 9. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 455.217, 
348  Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 
349         455.217 Examinations.—This section shall be read in 
350  conjunction with the appropriate practice act associated with 
351  each regulated profession under this chapter. 
352         (1) The Division of Professions Service Operations of the 
353  Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall 
354  provide, contract, or approve services for the development, 
355  preparation, administration, scoring, score reporting, and 
356  evaluation of all examinations. The division shall seek the 
357  advice of the appropriate board in providing such services. 
358         (a) The department, acting in conjunction with the Division 
359  of Service Operations, the Division of Professions, and the 
360  Division of Real Estate, as appropriate, shall ensure that 
361  examinations adequately and reliably measure an applicant’s 
362  ability to practice the profession regulated by the department. 
363  After an examination developed or approved by the department has 
364  been administered, the board or department may reject any 
365  question which does not reliably measure the general areas of 
366  competency specified in the rules of the board or department, 
367  when there is no board. The department shall use qualified 
368  outside testing vendors for the development, preparation, and 
369  evaluation of examinations, when such services are economically 
370  and viably available and approved by the department. 
371         (b) For each examination developed by the department or 
372  contracted vendor, to the extent not otherwise specified by 
373  statute, the board or the department when there is no board, 
374  shall by rule specify the general areas of competency to be 
375  covered by the examination, the relative weight to be assigned 
376  in grading each area tested, the score necessary to achieve a 
377  passing grade, and the fees, where applicable, to cover the 
378  actual cost for any purchase, development, and administration of 
379  the required examination. However, statutory fee caps in each 
380  practice act shall apply. This subsection does not apply to 
381  national examinations approved and administered pursuant to 
382  paragraph (d). 
383         (c) If a practical examination is deemed to be necessary, 
384  rules shall specify the criteria by which examiners are to be 
385  selected, the grading criteria to be used by the examiner, the 
386  relative weight to be assigned in grading each criterion, and 
387  the score necessary to achieve a passing grade. When a mandatory 
388  standardization exercise for a practical examination is required 
389  by law, the board may conduct such exercise. Therefore, board 
390  members may serve as examiners at a practical examination with 
391  the consent of the board. 
392         (d) A board, or the department when there is no board, may 
393  approve by rule the use of any national examination which the 
394  department has certified as meeting requirements of national 
395  examinations and generally accepted testing standards pursuant 
396  to department rules. Providers of examinations, which may be 
397  either profit or nonprofit entities, seeking certification by 
398  the department shall pay the actual costs incurred by the 
399  department in making a determination regarding the 
400  certification. The department shall use any national examination 
401  which is available, certified by the department, and approved by 
402  the board. The name and number of a candidate may be provided to 
403  a national contractor for the limited purpose of preparing the 
404  grade tape and information to be returned to the board or 
405  department or, to the extent otherwise specified by rule, the 
406  candidate may apply directly to the vendor of the national 
407  examination. The department may delegate to the board the duty 
408  to provide and administer the examination. Any national 
409  examination approved by a board, or the department when there is 
410  no board, prior to October 1, 1997, is deemed certified under 
411  this paragraph. Any licensing or certification examination that 
412  is not developed or administered by the department in-house or 
413  provided as a national examination shall be competitively bid. 
414         (e) The department shall adopt rules regarding the security 
415  and monitoring of examinations. In order to maintain the 
416  security of examinations, the department may employ the 
417  procedures set forth in s. 455.228 to seek fines and injunctive 
418  relief against an examinee who violates the provisions of s. 
419  455.2175 or the rules adopted pursuant to this paragraph. The 
420  department, or any agent thereof, may, for the purposes of 
421  investigation, confiscate any written, photographic, or 
422  recording material or device in the possession of the examinee 
423  at the examination site which the department deems necessary to 
424  enforce such provisions or rules. 
425         (f) If the professional board with jurisdiction over an 
426  examination concurs, the department may, for a fee, share with 
427  any other state’s licensing authority an examination developed 
428  by or for the department unless prohibited by a contract entered 
429  into by the department for development or purchase of the 
430  examination. The department, with the concurrence of the 
431  appropriate board, shall establish guidelines that ensure 
432  security of a shared exam and shall require that any other 
433  state’s licensing authority comply with those guidelines. Those 
434  guidelines shall be approved by the appropriate professional 
435  board. All fees paid by the user shall be applied to the 
436  department’s examination and development program for professions 
437  regulated by this chapter. All fees paid by the user for 
438  professions not regulated by this chapter shall be applied to 
439  offset the fees for the development and administration of that 
440  profession’s examination. If both a written and a practical 
441  examination are given, an applicant shall be required to retake 
442  only the portion of the examination for which he or she failed 
443  to achieve a passing grade, if he or she successfully passes 
444  that portion within a reasonable time of his or her passing the 
445  other portion. 
446         (3) Except for national examinations approved and 
447  administered pursuant to paragraph (1)(d), the department shall 
448  provide procedures for applicants who have taken and failed an 
449  examination developed by the department or a contracted vendor 
450  to review their most recently administered examination 
451  questions, answers, papers, grades, and grading key for the 
452  questions the candidate answered incorrectly or, if not 
453  feasible, the parts of the examination failed. Applicants shall 
454  bear the actual cost for the department to provide examination 
455  review pursuant to this subsection. An applicant may waive in 
456  writing the confidentiality of his or her examination grades. 
457         Section 10. Section 455.2175, Florida Statutes, is amended 
458  to read: 
459         455.2175 Penalty for theft or reproduction of an 
460  examination.—In addition to, or in lieu of, any other discipline 
461  imposed pursuant to s. 455.227, the theft of an examination in 
462  whole or in part or the act of reproducing or copying any 
463  examination administered by the department, whether such 
464  examination is reproduced or copied in part or in whole and by 
465  any means, constitutes a felony of the third degree, punishable 
466  as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. An 
467  examinee whose examination materials are confiscated is not 
468  permitted to take another examination until the criminal 
469  investigation reveals that the examinee did not violate this 
470  section. 
471         Section 11. Section 455.2226, Florida Statutes, is 
472  repealed. 
473         Section 12. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 
474  455.227, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 
475         455.227 Grounds for discipline; penalties; enforcement.— 
476         (1) The following acts shall constitute grounds for which 
477  the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (2) may be 
478  taken: 
479         (c) Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea 
480  of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a 
481  crime in any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of, or 
482  the ability to practice, a licensee’s profession. 
483         Section 13. Subsection (1) of section 455.228, Florida 
484  Statutes, is amended to read: 
485         455.228 Unlicensed practice of a profession; cease and 
486  desist notice; civil penalty; enforcement; citations; allocation 
487  of moneys collected.— 
488         (1) When the department has probable cause to believe that 
489  any person not licensed by the department, or the appropriate 
490  regulatory board within the department, has violated any 
491  provision of this chapter or any statute that relates to the 
492  practice of a profession regulated by the department, or any 
493  rule adopted pursuant thereto, the department may issue and 
494  deliver to such person a notice to cease and desist from such 
495  violation. In addition, the department may issue and deliver a 
496  notice to cease and desist to any person who aids and abets the 
497  unlicensed practice of a profession by employing such unlicensed 
498  person. The issuance of a notice to cease and desist shall not 
499  constitute agency action for which a hearing under ss. 120.569 
500  and 120.57 may be sought. For the purpose of enforcing a cease 
501  and desist notice order, the department may file a proceeding in 
502  the name of the state seeking issuance of an injunction or a 
503  writ of mandamus against any person who violates any provisions 
504  of such notice order. In addition to the foregoing remedies, the 
505  department may impose an administrative penalty not to exceed 
506  $5,000 per incident pursuant to the provisions of chapter 120 or 
507  may issue a citation pursuant to the provisions of subsection 
508  (3). If the department is required to seek enforcement of the 
509  notice order for a penalty pursuant to s. 120.569, it shall be 
510  entitled to collect its attorney’s fees and costs, together with 
511  any cost of collection. 
512         Section 14. Subsection (3) is added to section 455.275, 
513  Florida Statutes, to read: 
514         455.275 Address of record.— 
515         (3)(a) Notwithstanding any provision of law, when an 
516  administrative complaint is served on a licensee of the 
517  department, the department shall provide service by regular mail 
518  to the licensee’s last known address of record, by certified 
519  mail to the last known address of record, and, if possible, by 
520  e-mail. 
521         (b) If service, as provided in paragraph (a), does not 
522  provide the department with proof of service, the department 
523  shall call the last known telephone number of record and cause a 
524  short, plain notice to the licensee to be published once each 
525  week for 4 consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the 
526  county of the licensee’s last known address of record. If a 
527  newspaper is not published in the county, the administrative 
528  complaint may be published in a newspaper of general circulation 
529  in the county. If the licensee’s last known address is located 
530  in another state or in a foreign jurisdiction, the 
531  administrative complaint may be published in Leon County 
532  pursuant to s. 120.60(5). 
533         Section 15. Section 468.83, Florida Statutes, is amended to 
534  read: 
535         468.83 Home inspection services licensing program; 
536  purpose.— 
537         (1) There is created within the department the home 
538  inspection services licensing program. 
539         (2) The Legislature recognizes that there is a need to 
540  require the licensing of home inspectors and to ensure that 
541  consumers of home inspection services can rely on the competence 
542  of home inspectors, as determined by educational and experience 
543  requirements and testing. Therefore, the Legislature deems it 
544  necessary in the interest of the public welfare to regulate home 
545  inspectors in this state. 
546         Section 16. Subsection (4) of section 468.8311, Florida 
547  Statutes, is amended to read: 
548         468.8311 Definitions.—As used in this part, the term: 
549         (4) “Home inspection services” means a limited visual 
550  examination of one or more of the following readily accessible 
551  installed systems and components of a home: the structure, 
552  electrical system, HVAC system, roof covering, plumbing system, 
553  interior components, exterior components, and site conditions 
554  that affect the structure, for the purposes of providing a 
555  written professional opinion of the condition of the home. 
556         Section 17. Subsections (5) through (8) of section 
557  468.8312, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (4) 
558  through (7), respectively, and present subsection (4) of that 
559  section is amended to read: 
560         468.8312 Fees.— 
561         (4) The fee for a certificate of authorization shall not 
562  exceed $125. 
563         Section 18. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 468.8313, 
564  Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (d) is added to 
565  subsection (5) of that section, to read: 
566         468.8313 Examinations.— 
567         (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a home inspector 
568  must shall apply to the department after satisfying the 
569  examination requirements of this part to take a licensure 
570  examination. 
571         (2) An applicant may shall be entitled to take the 
572  licensure examination for the purpose of determining whether he 
573  or she is qualified to practice in this state as a home 
574  inspector if he or she passes the required examination, the 
575  applicant is of good moral character, and completes has 
576  completed a course of study of at least no less than 120 hours 
577  that covers all of the following components of a home: 
578  structure, electrical system, HVAC system, roof covering, 
579  plumbing system, interior components, exterior components, and 
580  site conditions that affect the structure. 
581         (5) 
582         (d) An applicant for a license shall submit, together with 
583  the application, a complete set of electronic fingerprints to 
584  the department. The department shall submit the fingerprints to 
585  the Department of Law Enforcement for state processing, and the 
586  Department of Law Enforcement shall forward the fingerprints to 
587  the Federal Bureau of Investigation for national processing, to 
588  determine whether the applicant has a criminal history record. 
589  The department shall review the background results to determine 
590  whether the applicant meets licensure requirements. The 
591  applicant is responsible for the costs associated with 
592  processing the fingerprints. The authorized agencies or vendors 
593  shall collect such fees and pay for the processing costs due to 
594  the Department of Law Enforcement. 
595         Section 19. Section 468.8318, Florida Statutes, is amended 
596  to read: 
597         468.8318 Certification of corporations and partnerships.— 
598         (1) The department shall issue a certificate of 
599  authorization to a corporation or partnership offering home 
600  inspection services to the public if the corporation or 
601  partnership satisfies all of the requirements of this part. 
602         (2) The practice of or the offer to practice home 
603  inspection services by licensees through a corporation or 
604  partnership offering home inspection services to the public, or 
605  by a corporation or partnership offering such services to the 
606  public through licensees under this part as agents, employees, 
607  officers, or partners, is permitted subject to the provisions of 
608  this part, provided that all personnel of the corporation or 
609  partnership who act in its behalf as home inspectors in this 
610  state are licensed as provided by this part; and further 
611  provided that the corporation or partnership has been issued a 
612  certificate of authorization by the department as provided in 
613  this section. Nothing in this section shall be construed to 
614  allow a corporation to hold a license to practice home 
615  inspection services. No corporation or partnership shall be 
616  relieved of responsibility for the conduct or acts of its 
617  agents, employees, or officers by reason of its compliance with 
618  this section, nor shall any individual practicing home 
619  inspection services be relieved of responsibility for 
620  professional services performed by reason of his or her 
621  employment or relationship with a corporation or partnership. 
622         (3) For the purposes of this section, a certificate of 
623  authorization shall be required for a corporation, partnership, 
624  association, or person practicing under a fictitious name and 
625  offering home inspection services to the public; however, when 
626  an individual is practicing home inspection services in his or 
627  her own given name, he or she shall not be required to register 
628  under this section. 
629         (4) Each certificate of authorization shall be renewed 
630  every 2 years. Each partnership and corporation certified under 
631  this section shall notify the department within 1 month of any 
632  change in the information contained in the application upon 
633  which the certification is based. 
634         (5) Disciplinary action against a corporation or 
635  partnership shall be administered in the same manner and on the 
636  same grounds as disciplinary action against a licensed home 
637  inspector. 
638         Section 20. Section 468.8319, Florida Statutes, is amended 
639  to read: 
640         468.8319 Prohibitions; penalties.— 
641         (1) A person home inspector, a company that employs a home 
642  inspector, or a company that is controlled by a company that 
643  also has a financial interest in a company employing a home 
644  inspector may not: 
645         (a) Effective July 1, 2011, practice or offer to practice 
646  home inspection services unless the person has complied with the 
647  provisions of this part; 
648         (b) Effective July 1, 2011, use the name or title 
649  “certified home inspector,” “registered home inspector,” 
650  “licensed home inspector,” “home inspector,” “professional home 
651  inspector,” or any combination thereof unless the person has 
652  complied with the provisions of this part; 
653         (c) Present as his or her own the license of another; 
654         (d) Knowingly give false or forged evidence to the 
655  department or an employee thereof; 
656         (e) Use or attempt to use a license that has been suspended 
657  or revoked; 
658         (f) Perform or offer to perform, prior to closing, for any 
659  additional fee, any repairs to a home on which the inspector or 
660  the inspector’s company has prepared a home inspection report. 
661  This paragraph does not apply to a home warranty company that is 
662  affiliated with or retains a home inspector to perform repairs 
663  pursuant to a claim made under a home warranty contract; 
664         (g) Inspect for a fee any property in which the inspector 
665  or the inspector’s company has any financial or transfer 
666  interest; 
667         (h) Offer or deliver any compensation, inducement, or 
668  reward to any broker or agent therefor for the referral of the 
669  owner of the inspected property to the inspector or the 
670  inspection company; or 
671         (i) Accept an engagement to make an omission or prepare a 
672  report in which the inspection itself, or the fee payable for 
673  the inspection, is contingent upon either the conclusions in the 
674  report, preestablished findings, or the close of escrow. 
675         (2) Any person who is found to be in violation of any 
676  provision of this section commits a misdemeanor of the first 
677  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 
678         (3) This section does not apply to unlicensed activity as 
679  described in paragraph (1)(a), paragraph (1)(b), or s. 455.228 
680  which occurs before July 1, 2011. 
681         Section 21. Paragraph (j) is added to subsection (1) of 
682  section 468.832, Florida Statutes, to read: 
683         468.832 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
684         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
685  disciplinary actions in subsection (2) may be taken: 
686         (j) Failing to meet any standard of practice adopted by 
687  rule of the department. 
688         Section 22. Section 468.8324, Florida Statutes, is amended 
689  to read: 
690         468.8324 Grandfather clause.— 
691         (1) A person who performs home inspection services as 
692  defined in this part may qualify for licensure to be licensed by 
693  the department as a home inspector if the person submits his or 
694  her application to the department by March 1, 2011, whether 
695  postmarked or delivered by that date, and if the person: meets 
696  the licensure requirements of this part by July 1, 2010. 
697         (a) Is certified as a home inspector by a state or national 
698  association that requires, for such certification, successful 
699  completion of a proctored examination on home inspection 
700  services and completes at least 14 hours of verifiable education 
701  on such services; or 
702         (b) At the time of application, has at least 3 years of 
703  experience as a home inspector and completes at least 14 hours 
704  of verifiable education on home inspection services. To 
705  establish the 3 years of experience, an applicant must submit at 
706  least 120 home inspection reports prepared by the applicant. 
707         (2) The department may investigate the validity of a home 
708  inspection report submitted under paragraph (1)(b) and, if the 
709  applicant submits a false report, may take disciplinary action 
710  against the applicant under s. 468.832(1)(e) or (g). 
711         (3) An applicant may not qualify for licensure under this 
712  section if he or she has had a home inspector license or a 
713  license in any related field revoked at any time or suspended 
714  within the previous 5 years or has been assessed a fine that 
715  exceeds $500 within the previous 5 years. For purposes of this 
716  subsection, a license in a related field includes, but is not 
717  limited to, licensure in real estate, construction, mold-related 
718  services, or building code administration or inspection. 
719         (4) An applicant for licensure under this section must 
720  comply with the criminal history, good moral character, and 
721  insurance requirements of this part. 
722         Section 23. Section 468.8325, Florida Statutes, is created 
723  to read: 
724         468.8325 Rulemaking authority.—The department shall adopt 
725  rules to administer this part. 
726         Section 24. Section 468.84, Florida Statutes, is amended to 
727  read: 
728         468.84 Mold-related services licensing program; legislative 
729  purpose.— 
730         (1) There is created within the department the mold-related 
731  services licensing program. 
732         (2) The Legislature finds it necessary in the interest of 
733  the public safety and welfare, to prevent damage to real and 
734  personal property, to avert economic injury to the residents of 
735  this state, and to regulate persons and companies that hold 
736  themselves out to the public as qualified to perform mold 
737  related services. 
738         Section 25. Subsections (7) through (10) of section 
739  468.8412, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (6) 
740  through (9), respectively, and present subsection (6) of that 
741  section is amended to read: 
742         468.8412 Fees.— 
743         (6) The fee for a biennial certificate of authorization 
744  renewal shall not exceed $400. 
745         Section 26. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 468.8413, 
746  Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph (d) is added to 
747  subsection (4) of that section, to read: 
748         468.8413 Examinations.— 
749         (1) A person desiring to be licensed as a mold assessor or 
750  mold remediator must shall apply to the department after 
751  satisfying the examination requirements of this part to take a 
752  licensure examination. 
753         (2) An applicant may shall be entitled to take the 
754  licensure examination to practice in this state as a mold 
755  assessor or mold remediator if he or she passes the required 
756  examination, the applicant is of good moral character, and 
757  completes has satisfied one of the following requirements: 
758         (a)1. For a mold remediator, at least a 2-year associate of 
759  arts degree, or the equivalent, with at least 30 semester hours 
760  in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, 
761  occupational safety, or a related field of science from an 
762  accredited institution and a minimum of 1 year of documented 
763  field experience in a field related to mold remediation; or 
764         2. A high school diploma or the equivalent with a minimum 
765  of 4 years of documented field experience in a field related to 
766  mold remediation. 
767         (b)1. For a mold assessor, at least a 2-year associate of 
768  arts degree, or the equivalent, with at least 30 semester hours 
769  in microbiology, engineering, architecture, industrial hygiene, 
770  occupational safety, or a related field of science from an 
771  accredited institution and a minimum of 1 year of documented 
772  field experience in conducting microbial sampling or 
773  investigations; or 
774         2. A high school diploma or the equivalent with a minimum 
775  of 4 years of documented field experience in conducting 
776  microbial sampling or investigations. 
777         (4) 
778         (d) An applicant for a license shall submit, together with 
779  the application, a complete set of electronic fingerprints to 
780  the department. The department shall submit the fingerprints to 
781  the Department of Law Enforcement for state processing, and the 
782  Department of Law Enforcement shall forward the fingerprints to 
783  the Federal Bureau of Investigation for national processing, to 
784  determine whether the applicant has a criminal history record. 
785  The department shall review the background results to determine 
786  whether the applicant meets licensure requirements. The 
787  applicant is responsible for the costs associated with 
788  processing the fingerprints. The authorized agencies or vendors 
789  shall collect such fees and pay for the processing costs due to 
790  the Department of Law Enforcement. 
791         Section 27. Subsection (3) of section 468.8414, Florida 
792  Statutes, is amended to read: 
793         468.8414 Licensure.— 
794         (3) The department shall certify as qualified for a license 
795  by endorsement an applicant who is of good moral character, who 
796  has the insurance coverage required under s. 468.8421, and who: 
797         (a) Is qualified to take the examination as set forth in s. 
798  468.8413 and has passed a certification examination offered by a 
799  nationally recognized organization that certifies persons in the 
800  specialty of mold assessment or mold remediation that has been 
801  approved by the department as substantially equivalent to the 
802  requirements of this part and s. 455.217; or 
803         (b) Holds a valid license to practice mold assessment or 
804  mold remediation issued by another state or territory of the 
805  United States if the criteria for issuance of the license were 
806  substantially the same as the licensure criteria that is 
807  established by this part as determined by the department. 
808         Section 28. Section 468.8418, Florida Statutes, is amended 
809  to read: 
810         468.8418 Certification of partnerships and corporations.— 
811         (1) The department shall issue a certificate of 
812  authorization to a corporation or partnership offering mold 
813  assessment or mold remediation services to the public if the 
814  corporation or partnership satisfies all of the requirements of 
815  this part. 
816         (2) The practice of or the offer to practice mold 
817  assessment or mold remediation by licensees through a 
818  corporation or partnership offering mold assessment or mold 
819  remediation to the public, or by a corporation or partnership 
820  offering such services to the public through licensees under 
821  this part as agents, employees, officers, or partners, is 
822  permitted subject to the provisions of this part, provided that 
823  the corporation or partnership has been issued a certificate of 
824  authorization by the department as provided in this section. 
825  Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow a 
826  corporation to hold a license to practice mold assessment or 
827  mold remediation. No corporation or partnership shall be 
828  relieved of responsibility for the conduct or acts of its 
829  agents, employees, or officers by reason of its compliance with 
830  this section, nor shall any individual practicing mold 
831  assessment or mold remediation be relieved of responsibility for 
832  professional services performed by reason of his or her 
833  employment or relationship with a corporation or partnership. 
834         (3) For the purposes of this section, a certificate of 
835  authorization shall be required for a corporation, partnership, 
836  association, or person practicing under a fictitious name, 
837  offering mold assessment or mold remediation; however, when an 
838  individual is practicing mold assessment or mold remediation 
839  under his or her own given name, he or she shall not be required 
840  to register under this section. 
841         (4) Each certificate of authorization shall be renewed 
842  every 2 years. Each partnership and corporation certified under 
843  this section shall notify the department within 1 month of any 
844  change in the information contained in the application upon 
845  which the certification is based. 
846         (5) Disciplinary action against a corporation or 
847  partnership shall be administered in the same manner and on the 
848  same grounds as disciplinary action against a licensed mold 
849  assessor or mold remediator. 
850         Section 29. Section 468.8419, Florida Statutes, is amended 
851  to read: 
852         468.8419 Prohibitions; penalties.— 
853         (1) A person mold assessor, a company that employs a mold 
854  assessor, or a company that is controlled by a company that also 
855  has a financial interest in a company employing a mold assessor 
856  may not: 
857         (a) Effective July 1, 2011, perform or offer to perform any 
858  mold assessment unless the mold assessor has documented training 
859  in water, mold, and respiratory protection under s. 468.8414(2). 
860         (b) Effective July 1, 2011, perform or offer to perform any 
861  mold assessment unless the person has complied with the 
862  provisions of this part. 
863         (c) Use the name or title “certified mold assessor,” 
864  “registered mold assessor,” “licensed mold assessor,” “mold 
865  assessor,” “professional mold assessor,” or any combination 
866  thereof unless the person has complied with the provisions of 
867  this part. 
868         (d) Perform or offer to perform any mold remediation to a 
869  structure on which the mold assessor or the mold assessor’s 
870  company provided a mold assessment within the last 12 months. 
871         (e) Inspect for a fee any property in which the assessor or 
872  the assessor’s company has any financial or transfer interest. 
873         (f) Accept any compensation, inducement, or reward from a 
874  mold remediator or mold remediator’s company for the referral of 
875  any business to the mold remediator or the mold remediator’s 
876  company. 
877         (g) Offer any compensation, inducement, or reward to a mold 
878  remediator or mold remediator’s company for the referral of any 
879  business from the mold remediator or the mold remediator’s 
880  company. 
881         (h) Accept an engagement to make an omission of the 
882  assessment or conduct an assessment in which the assessment 
883  itself, or the fee payable for the assessment, is contingent 
884  upon the conclusions of the assessment. 
885         (2) A mold remediator, a company that employs a mold 
886  remediator, or a company that is controlled by a company that 
887  also has a financial interest in a company employing a mold 
888  remediator may not: 
889         (a) Perform or offer to perform any mold remediation unless 
890  the remediator has documented training in water, mold, and 
891  respiratory protection under s. 468.8414(2). 
892         (b) Perform or offer to perform any mold remediation unless 
893  the person has complied with the provisions of this part. 
894         (c) Use the name or title “certified mold remediator,” 
895  “registered mold remediator,” “licensed mold remediator,” “mold 
896  remediator,” “professional mold remediator,” or any combination 
897  thereof unless the person has complied with the provisions of 
898  this part. 
899         (d) Perform or offer to perform any mold assessment to a 
900  structure on which the mold remediator or the mold remediator’s 
901  company provided a mold remediation within the last 12 months. 
902         (e) Remediate for a fee any property in which the mold 
903  remediator or the mold remediator’s company has any financial or 
904  transfer interest. 
905         (f) Accept any compensation, inducement, or reward from a 
906  mold assessor or mold assessor’s company for the referral of any 
907  business from the mold assessor or the mold assessor’s company. 
908         (g) Offer any compensation, inducement, or reward to a mold 
909  assessor or mold assessor’s company for the referral of any 
910  business from the mold assessor or the mold assessor’s company. 
911         (3) Any person who violates any provision of this section 
912  commits: 
913         (a) A misdemeanor of the second degree for a first 
914  violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 
915         (b) A misdemeanor of the first degree for a second 
916  violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 
917         (c) A felony of the third degree for a third or subsequent 
918  violation, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or 
919  s. 775.084. 
920         (4) This section does not apply to unlicensed activity as 
921  described in paragraphs (1)(a)-(d) or s. 455.228 which occurs 
922  before July 1, 2011. 
923         Section 30. Paragraph (j) is added to subsection (1) of 
924  section 468.842, Florida Statutes, to read: 
925         468.842 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
926         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
927  disciplinary actions in subsection (2) may be taken: 
928         (j) Failing to meet any standard of practice adopted by 
929  rule of the department. 
930         Section 31. Subsection (1) of section 468.8421, Florida 
931  Statutes, is amended to read: 
932         468.8421 Insurance.— 
933         (1) A mold assessor shall maintain general liability and 
934  errors and omissions for both preliminary and postremediation 
935  mold assessment insurance coverage in an amount of at least $1 
936  million not less than $1,000,000. 
937         Section 32. Section 468.8423, Florida Statutes, is amended 
938  to read: 
939         468.8423 Grandfather clause.— 
940         (1) A person who performs mold assessment or mold 
941  remediation as defined in this part may qualify for licensure to 
942  be licensed by the department as a mold assessor or mold 
943  remediator if the person submits his or her application to the 
944  department by March 1, 2011, whether postmarked or delivered by 
945  that date, and if the person: meets the licensure requirements 
946  of this part by July 1, 2010. 
947         (a) Is certified as a mold assessor or mold remediator by a 
948  state or national association that requires, for such 
949  certification, successful completion of a proctored examination 
950  on mold assessment or mold remediation, as applicable, and 
951  completes at least 60 hours of education on mold assessment or 
952  at least 30 hours of education on mold remediation, as 
953  applicable; or 
954         (b) At the time of application, has at least 3 years of 
955  experience as a mold assessor or mold remediator. To establish 
956  the 3 years of experience, an applicant must submit at least 40 
957  mold assessments or remediation invoices prepared by the 
958  applicant. 
959         (2) The department may investigate the validity of a mold 
960  assessment or remediation invoice submitted under paragraph 
961  (1)(b) and, if the applicant submits a false assessment or 
962  invoice, may take disciplinary action against the applicant 
963  under s. 468.842(1)(e) or (g). 
964         (3) An applicant may not qualify for licensure under this 
965  section if he or she has had a mold assessor or mold remediator 
966  license or a license in any related field revoked at any time or 
967  suspended within the previous 5 years or has been assessed a 
968  fine that exceeds $500 within the previous 5 years. For purposes 
969  of this subsection, a license in a related field includes, but 
970  is not limited to, licensure in real estate, construction, home 
971  inspection, building code administration or inspection, or 
972  indoor air quality. 
973         (4) An applicant for licensure under this section must 
974  comply with the good moral character and insurance requirements 
975  of this part. 
976         Section 33. Section 468.8424, Florida Statutes, is created 
977  to read: 
978         468.8424 Rulemaking authority.—The department shall adopt 
979  rules to administer this part. 
980         Section 34. Subsection (2) and paragraph (a) of subsection 
981  (5) of section 474.203, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 
982         474.203 Exemptions.—This chapter shall not apply to: 
983         (2) A person practicing as an intern or resident 
984  veterinarian who does not hold a valid license issued under this 
985  chapter and who is a graduate in training at a school or college 
986  of veterinary medicine located in this state and accredited by 
987  the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education 
988  or a school or college recognized by the American Veterinary 
989  Medical Association Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates. 
990  Such intern or resident must be a graduate of a school or 
991  college of veterinary medicine accredited by the American 
992  Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education or a school 
993  or college of veterinary medicine recognized by the Educational 
994  Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates of the American 
995  Veterinary Medical Association. This exemption expires when such 
996  intern or resident completes or is terminated from such 
997  training. Each school or college at which such intern or 
998  resident is in training shall, on July 1 of each year, provide 
999  the board with a written list of all such interns or residents 
1000  designated for this exemption, and the school or college shall 
1001  also notify the board of any additions or deletions to the list. 
1002         (5)(a) Any person, or the person’s regular employee, 
1003  administering to the ills or injuries of her or his own animals, 
1004  including, but not limited to, castration, spaying, and 
1005  dehorning of herd animals, unless title is has been transferred 
1006  or employment provided for the purpose of circumventing this 
1007  law. This exemption does shall not apply to any person licensed 
1008  as a veterinarian in another state or foreign jurisdiction and 
1009  is out-of-state veterinarians practicing temporarily in this the 
1010  state. However, only a veterinarian may immunize or treat an 
1011  animal for diseases which are communicable to humans and which 
1012  are of public health significance. 
1014  For the purposes of chapters 465 and 893, persons exempt 
1015  pursuant to subsection (1), subsection (2), or subsection (4) 
1016  are deemed to be duly licensed practitioners authorized by the 
1017  laws of this state to prescribe drugs or medicinal supplies. 
1018         Section 35. Section 475.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to 
1019  read: 
1020         475.02 Florida Real Estate Commission.— 
1021         (1) There is created within the department the Florida Real 
1022  Estate Commission. The commission shall consist of seven members 
1023  who shall be appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation 
1024  by the Senate. Four members must be licensed brokers, each of 
1025  whom has held an active license for the 5 years preceding 
1026  appointment; one member must be a licensed broker or a licensed 
1027  sales associate who has held an active license for the 2 years 
1028  preceding appointment; and two members must be persons who are 
1029  not, and have never been, brokers or sales associates. At least 
1030  one member of the commission must be 60 years of age or older. 
1031  The current members may complete their present terms unless 
1032  removed for cause. 
1033         (2) Members shall be appointed for 4-year terms. 
1034         (3) Notwithstanding s. 112.313, any member of the 
1035  commission who is a licensed real estate broker or sales 
1036  associate and who holds an active real estate school permit, 
1037  chief administrator permit, school instructor permit, or any 
1038  combination of such permits issued by the department, to the 
1039  extent authorized pursuant to such permit, may offer, conduct, 
1040  or teach any course prescribed or approved by the commission or 
1041  the department. 
1042         Section 36. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1043  475.175, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 
1044         475.175 Examinations.— 
1045         (1) A person shall be entitled to take the license 
1046  examination to practice in this state if the person: 
1047         (a) Submits to the department the appropriate signed or 
1048  electronically authenticated application, digital fingerprint 
1049  data, and fee, and a fingerprint card. The digital fingerprints 
1050  fingerprint card shall be forwarded to the Division of Criminal 
1051  Justice Information Systems within the Department of Law 
1052  Enforcement for purposes of processing the fingerprints 
1053  fingerprint card to determine if the applicant has a criminal 
1054  history record. The fingerprints fingerprint card shall also be 
1055  forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of 
1056  processing the fingerprints fingerprint card to determine if the 
1057  applicant has a criminal history record. The information 
1058  obtained by the processing of the fingerprints fingerprint card 
1059  by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Federal 
1060  Bureau of Investigation shall be sent to the department for the 
1061  purpose of determining if the applicant is statutorily qualified 
1062  for examination. Effective July 1, 2006, an applicant shall 
1063  provide fingerprints in electronic format. 
1064         Section 37. Section 475.613, Florida Statutes, is amended 
1065  to read: 
1066         475.613 Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board.— 
1067         (1) There is created the Florida Real Estate Appraisal 
1068  Board, which shall consist of seven members appointed by the 
1069  Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate. Four members of 
1070  the board must be real estate appraisers who have been engaged 
1071  in the general practice of appraising real property in this 
1072  state for at least 5 years immediately preceding appointment. In 
1073  appointing real estate appraisers to the board, while not 
1074  excluding other appraisers, the Governor shall give preference 
1075  to real estate appraisers who are not primarily engaged in real 
1076  estate brokerage or mortgage lending activities. One member of 
1077  the board must represent organizations that use appraisals for 
1078  the purpose of eminent domain proceedings, financial 
1079  transactions, or mortgage insurance. Two members of the board 
1080  shall be representatives of the general public and shall not be 
1081  connected in any way with the practice of real estate appraisal, 
1082  real estate brokerage, or mortgage lending. The appraiser 
1083  members shall be as representative of the entire industry as 
1084  possible, and membership in a nationally recognized or state 
1085  recognized appraisal organization shall not be a prerequisite to 
1086  membership on the board. To the extent possible, no more than 
1087  two members of the board shall be primarily affiliated with any 
1088  one particular national or state appraisal association. Two of 
1089  the members must be licensed or certified residential real 
1090  estate appraisers and two of the members must be certified 
1091  general real estate appraisers at the time of their appointment. 
1092         (a) Members of the board shall be appointed for 4-year 
1093  terms. Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the board 
1094  shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired 
1095  term. Upon expiration of her or his term, a member of the board 
1096  shall continue to hold office until the appointment and 
1097  qualification of the member’s successor. A member may not be 
1098  appointed for more than two consecutive terms. The Governor may 
1099  remove any member for cause. 
1100         (b) The headquarters for the board shall be in Orlando. 
1101         (c) The board shall meet at least once each calendar 
1102  quarter to conduct its business. 
1103         (d) The members of the board shall elect a chairperson at 
1104  the first meeting each year. 
1105         (e) Each member of the board is entitled to per diem and 
1106  travel expenses as set by legislative appropriation for each day 
1107  that the member engages in the business of the board. 
1108         (2) The board shall have, through its rules, full power to 
1109  regulate the issuance of licenses, certifications, 
1110  registrations, and permits; to discipline appraisers in any 
1111  manner permitted under this section; to establish qualifications 
1112  for licenses, certifications, registrations, and permits 
1113  consistent with this section; to regulate approved courses; to 
1114  establish standards for real estate appraisals; and to establish 
1115  standards for and regulate supervisory appraisers. 
1116         (3) Notwithstanding s. 112.313, any member of the board who 
1117  is a licensed or certified real estate appraiser and who holds 
1118  an active appraiser instructor permit issued by the department, 
1119  to the extent authorized pursuant to such permit, may offer, 
1120  conduct, or teach any course prescribed or approved by the board 
1121  or the department. 
1122         Section 38. Subsections (4) through (8) of section 477.019, 
1123  Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (3) through (7), 
1124  respectively, and paragraph (c) of subsection (2) and present 
1125  subsection (3) of that section are amended to read: 
1126         477.019 Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure; 
1127  supervised practice; license renewal; endorsement; continuing 
1128  education.— 
1129         (2) An applicant shall be eligible for licensure by 
1130  examination to practice cosmetology if the applicant: 
1131         (c)1. Is authorized to practice cosmetology in another 
1132  state or country, has been so authorized for at least 1 year, 
1133  and does not qualify for licensure by endorsement as provided 
1134  for in subsection (5) (6); or 
1135         2. Has received a minimum of 1,200 hours of training as 
1136  established by the board, which shall include, but shall not be 
1137  limited to, the equivalent of completion of services directly 
1138  related to the practice of cosmetology at one of the following: 
1139         a. A school of cosmetology licensed pursuant to chapter 
1140  1005. 
1141         b. A cosmetology program within the public school system. 
1142         c. The Cosmetology Division of the Florida School for the 
1143  Deaf and the Blind, provided the division meets the standards of 
1144  this chapter. 
1145         d. A government-operated cosmetology program in this state. 
1147  The board shall establish by rule procedures whereby the school 
1148  or program may certify that a person is qualified to take the 
1149  required examination after the completion of a minimum of 1,000 
1150  actual school hours. If the person then passes the examination, 
1151  he or she shall have satisfied this requirement; but if the 
1152  person fails the examination, he or she shall not be qualified 
1153  to take the examination again until the completion of the full 
1154  requirements provided by this section. 
1155         (3) An application for the licensure examination for any 
1156  license under this section may be submitted for examination 
1157  approval in the last 100 hours of training by a pregraduate of a 
1158  licensed cosmetology school or a program within the public 
1159  school system, which school or program is certified by the 
1160  Department of Education with fees as required in paragraph 
1161  (2)(b). Upon approval, the applicant may schedule the 
1162  examination on a date when the training hours are completed. An 
1163  applicant shall have 6 months from the date of approval to take 
1164  the examination. After the 6 months have passed, if the 
1165  applicant failed to take the examination, the applicant must 
1166  reapply. The board shall establish by rule the procedures for 
1167  the pregraduate application process. 
1168         Section 39. Subsection (4) of section 509.211, Florida 
1169  Statutes, is amended to read: 
1170         509.211 Safety regulations.— 
1171         (4) Every enclosed space or room that contains a boiler 
1172  regulated under chapter 554 which is fired by the direct 
1173  application of energy from the combustion of fuels and that is 
1174  located in any portion of a public lodging establishment that 
1175  also contains sleeping rooms shall be equipped with one or more 
1176  carbon monoxide sensor devices that bear the label of a 
1177  nationally recognized testing laboratory and have been tested 
1178  and listed as complying with the most recent Underwriters 
1179  Laboratories, Inc., Standard 2034, or its equivalent, unless it 
1180  is determined that carbon monoxide hazards have otherwise been 
1181  adequately mitigated as determined by the Division of State Fire 
1182  Marshal of the Department of Financial Services. Such devices 
1183  shall be integrated with the public lodging establishment’s fire 
1184  detection system. Any such installation or determination shall 
1185  be made in accordance with rules adopted by the Division of 
1186  State Fire Marshal. 
1187         Section 40. Section 548.076, Florida Statutes, is created 
1188  to read: 
1189         548.076 Cease and desist notices.—When the department has 
1190  probable cause to believe that any person not licensed by the 
1191  commission has violated any provision of this chapter, or any 
1192  rule adopted pursuant thereto, the department may issue and 
1193  deliver to such person a notice to cease and desist from such 
1194  violation. The department shall issue and enforce such cease and 
1195  desist notices in accordance with s. 455.228. 
1196         Section 41. Subsection (1) of section 561.17, Florida 
1197  Statutes, is amended to read: 
1198         561.17 License and registration applications; approved 
1199  person.— 
1200         (1) Any person, before engaging in the business of 
1201  manufacturing, bottling, distributing, selling, or in any way 
1202  dealing in alcoholic beverages, shall file, with the district 
1203  licensing personnel of the district of the division in which the 
1204  place of business for which a license is sought is located, a 
1205  sworn application in the format prescribed duplicate on forms 
1206  provided to the district licensing personnel by the division. 
1207  The applicant must be a legal or business entity, person, or 
1208  persons and must include all persons, officers, shareholders, 
1209  and directors of such legal or business entity that have a 
1210  direct or indirect interest in the business seeking to be 
1211  licensed under this part. However, the applicant does not 
1212  include any person that derives revenue from the license solely 
1213  through a contractual relationship with the licensee, the 
1214  substance of which contractual relationship is not related to 
1215  the control of the sale of alcoholic beverages. Before Prior to 
1216  any application is being approved, the division may require the 
1217  applicant to file a set of fingerprints on regular United States 
1218  Department of Justice forms for herself or himself and for any 
1219  person or persons interested directly or indirectly with the 
1220  applicant in the business for which the license is being sought, 
1221  when so required by the division. If the applicant or any person 
1222  who is interested with the applicant either directly or 
1223  indirectly in the business or who has a security interest in the 
1224  license being sought or has a right to a percentage payment from 
1225  the proceeds of the business, either by lease or otherwise, is 
1226  not qualified, the division shall deny the application shall be 
1227  denied by the division. However, any company regularly traded on 
1228  a national securities exchange and not over the counter; any 
1229  insurer, as defined in the Florida Insurance Code; or any bank 
1230  or savings and loan association chartered by this state, another 
1231  state, or the United States which has an interest, directly or 
1232  indirectly, in an alcoholic beverage license is shall not be 
1233  required to obtain the division’s division approval of its 
1234  officers, directors, or stockholders or any change of such 
1235  positions or interests. A shopping center with five or more 
1236  stores, one or more of which has an alcoholic beverage license 
1237  and is required under a lease common to all shopping center 
1238  tenants to pay no more than 10 percent of the gross proceeds of 
1239  the business holding the license to the shopping center, is 
1240  shall not be considered as having an interest, directly or 
1241  indirectly, in the license. 
1242         Section 42. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1243  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1244  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 
1245  468.436, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1246         468.436 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
1247         (2) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1248  disciplinary actions in subsection (4) may be taken: 
1249         (a) Violation of any provision of s. 455.227(1). 
1250         Section 43. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1251  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1252  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1253  468.832, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1254         468.832 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
1255         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1256  disciplinary actions in subsection (2) may be taken: 
1257         (a) Violation of any provision of this part or s. 
1258  455.227(1); 
1259         Section 44. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1260  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1261  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1262  468.842, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1263         468.842 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
1264         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1265  disciplinary actions in subsection (2) may be taken: 
1266         (a) Violation of any provision of this part or s. 
1267  455.227(1); 
1268         Section 45. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1269  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1270  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1271  471.033, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1272         471.033 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
1273         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1274  disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken: 
1275         (a) Violating any provision of s. 455.227(1), s. 471.025, 
1276  or s. 471.031, or any other provision of this chapter or rule of 
1277  the board or department. 
1278         Section 46. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1279  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1280  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1281  473.323, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1282         473.323 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
1283         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1284  disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken: 
1285         (a) Violation of any provision of s. 455.227(1) or any 
1286  other provision of this chapter. 
1287         Section 47. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1288  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1289  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1290  475.25, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1291         475.25 Discipline.— 
1292         (1) The commission may deny an application for licensure, 
1293  registration, or permit, or renewal thereof; may place a 
1294  licensee, registrant, or permittee on probation; may suspend a 
1295  license, registration, or permit for a period not exceeding 10 
1296  years; may revoke a license, registration, or permit; may impose 
1297  an administrative fine not to exceed $5,000 for each count or 
1298  separate offense; and may issue a reprimand, and any or all of 
1299  the foregoing, if it finds that the licensee, registrant, 
1300  permittee, or applicant: 
1301         (a) Has violated any provision of s. 455.227(1) or s. 
1302  475.42. However, licensees under this part are exempt from the 
1303  provisions of s. 455.227(1)(i). 
1304         Section 48. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1305  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1306  reference thereto, subsection (1) of section 475.624, Florida 
1307  Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1308         475.624 Discipline.—The board may deny an application for 
1309  registration or certification; may investigate the actions of 
1310  any appraiser registered, licensed, or certified under this 
1311  part; may reprimand or impose an administrative fine not to 
1312  exceed $5,000 for each count or separate offense against any 
1313  such appraiser; and may revoke or suspend, for a period not to 
1314  exceed 10 years, the registration, license, or certification of 
1315  any such appraiser, or place any such appraiser on probation, if 
1316  it finds that the registered trainee, licensee, or 
1317  certificateholder: 
1318         (1) Has violated any provisions of this part or s. 
1319  455.227(1); however, certificateholders, registrants, and 
1320  licensees under this part are exempt from the provisions of s. 
1321  455.227(1)(i). 
1322         Section 49. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1323  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1324  reference thereto, paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section 
1325  476.204, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1326         476.204 Penalties.— 
1327         (1) It is unlawful for any person to: 
1328         (h) Violate any provision of s. 455.227(1), s. 476.194, or 
1329  s. 476.214. 
1330         Section 50. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1331  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1332  reference thereto, paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section 
1333  477.029, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1334         477.029 Penalty.— 
1335         (1) It is unlawful for any person to: 
1336         (h) Violate any provision of s. 455.227(1), s. 477.0265, or 
1337  s. 477.028. 
1338         Section 51. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1339  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1340  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1341  481.225, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1342         481.225 Disciplinary proceedings against registered 
1343  architects.— 
1344         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1345  disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken: 
1346         (a) Violating any provision of s. 455.227(1), s. 481.221, 
1347  or s. 481.223, or any rule of the board or department lawfully 
1348  adopted pursuant to this part or chapter 455. 
1349         Section 52. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1350  made by this act to section 455.227, Florida Statutes, in a 
1351  reference thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 
1352  481.325, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1353         481.325 Disciplinary proceedings.— 
1354         (1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the 
1355  disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken: 
1356         (a) Violation of any provision of s. 455.227(1), s. 
1357  481.321, or s. 481.323. 
1358         Section 53. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment 
1359  made by this act to section 468.832, Florida Statutes, in a 
1360  reference thereto, subsection (2) of section 468.8314, Florida 
1361  Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
1362         468.8314 Licensure.— 
1363         (2) The department shall certify for licensure any 
1364  applicant who satisfies the requirements of s. 468.8313 and who 
1365  has passed the licensing examination. The department may refuse 
1366  to certify any applicant who has violated any of the provisions 
1367  of s. 468.832. 
1368         Section 54. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.