11 LC 18 9882S

The House Committee on Ways and Means offers the following substitute to HB 382:


To amend Code Section 48-13-51 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to county and municipal levies on public accommodations charges for promotion of tourism, conventions, and trade shows and other purposes, so as to authorize any municipality which currently has in effect a 7 percent levy under certain provisions of that Code section to impose an additional levy under certain conditions; to provide for the manner of imposition and certain requirements as to expenditure of proceeds; to require approval of the levy by local Act of the General Assembly; to provide for related matters; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


Code Section 48-13-51 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to county and municipal levies on public accommodations charges for promotion of tourism, conventions, and trade shows and other purposes, is amended by adding a new paragraph (7) of subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(7)(A) Any municipality which is levying an excise tax under paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of this Code section, so long as any obligation as described in division (a)(5)(A)(ii) or subparagraph (a)(5)(B) of this Code section remains outstanding, shall leave such excise tax in effect at the rate of 7 percent and may levy up to an additional 1 percent excise tax under this paragraph so long as the combined rate does not exceed 8 percent.
(B)(i) Such additional excise tax shall not be deemed to violate the provisions of subsection (d) of this Code section.
(ii) Such additional excise tax shall not count toward or be subject to the 14 percent rate limitations of subsection (c.1) of Code Section 48-8-6 and subsection (d) of Code Section 48-8-201.
(C) Any taxes collected in excess of 7 percent shall be expended by the municipality for the promotion of conventions and tradeshows by a not for profit destination marketing organization located within the municipality and in existence and operation on January 1, 2011, through a contract or contracts with the state, a department of state government, or a state authority. At least 80 percent of such tax amounts shall be segregated by the destination marketing organization and used in securing major conventions at facilities containing at least 1.3 million square feet of floor space used for convention hall purposes and events at facilities containing at least 70,000 seats used for major events under the control of a state authority, and amounts so segregated may be held by the destination marketing organization and expended in fiscal years subsequent to the fiscal year in which the taxes were collected.
(D) Any municipal levy of any additional excise tax under this paragraph must be approved by local Act and shall also comply with the resolution requirements contained in paragraph (4) of this subsection in regard to the additional excise tax levied under this paragraph only. The local Act of the General Assembly shall provide that the first 7 percent in excise tax levied under the authority of paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall continue to be levied under that paragraph and all amounts collected thereunder shall be expended as required therein and that the additional amounts collected under the provisions of this paragraph shall be expended as required in this paragraph."

This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law without such approval.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.