10 LC 94 1825
House Resolution 1176
By: Representative Sims of the 169th


Recognizing and commending Clark Heidenreich; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Clark Heidenreich has attained the rank of Eagle Scout, the most distinguished rank conferred by the Boy Scouts of America; and

WHEREAS, a candidate for the most exceptional award in scouting must complete a rigorous program of training and demonstrate his proficiency in selected scouting techniques and attainment of the highest ideals of scouting; and

WHEREAS, only one scout out of 97 ever reaches this lofty level of achievement, and Clark has ably evidenced his aptitude and competency in mastering the various special skills taught through the Boy Scout program; and

WHEREAS, this hard-working young man is a member of Troop 858 and has demonstrated great leadership skills and initiative during his years with the Boy Scouts of America program; and

WHEREAS, an outstanding Georgian, Clark has truly exhibited a commitment to the scouting principles of honesty and fairness and has consistently conducted himself in a manner becoming an Eagle Scout; and

WHEREAS, the perseverance and determination displayed by this exceptional young leader is an example for all Georgians, and great success is surely in this young man's future.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Clark Heidenreich for his diligence and dedication in pursuing the highest honor awarded by the Boy Scouts of America and congratulate him on attaining the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Clark Heidenreich.