10 LC 25 5697
House Resolution 1648
By: Representatives Smyre of the 132nd, Hugley of the 133rd, Buckner of the 130th, Smith of the 131st, and Smith of the 129th


Urging the commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of transportation to act jointly to remove the current restriction and increase the maximum speed limit on Interstate 185 in Columbus-Muscogee County from the current 55 miles per hour to 65 miles per hour where standard road designs allow such increased speed; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of Code Section 40-6-181 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated provides for a maximum speed limit of "Sixty-five miles per hour on a highway on the federal interstate system which is inside of an urbanized area of 50,000 population or more, provided that such speed limit is designated by appropriate signs"; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Code Section 40-6-182 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of transportation may act jointly to determine and declare a different maximum speed limit than that specified by Code Section 40-6-181; and

WHEREAS, the maximum speed limit on Interstate 185 passing through Columbus, Georgia, is currently set at 55 miles per hour, which is less than the maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour provided by paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of Code Section 40-6-181; and

WHEREAS, by local resolution number 3-10, the city council of Columbus has requested the Department of Transportation to consider increasing the maximum speed limit on Interstate 185 in Columbus-Muscogee County from 55 miles per hour to 65 miles per hour where standard road designs allow such increased speed.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body urge the commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of transportation to act jointly to remove the current restriction and increase the maximum speed limit on Interstate 185 in Columbus-Muscogee County from the current 55 miles per hour to 65 miles per hour where standard road designs allow such increased speed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to the commissioner of public safety and the commissioner of transportation.