09 LC 94 0364
House Resolution 257
By: Representative Sims of the 169th


Recognizing and commending the Douglas-Coffee County Economic Development Authority and more than 50 years of successful economic planning and development in Douglas-Coffee County; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, in 1953, the Douglas-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce made a commitment to develop a plan to bring industry to Douglas County, Georgia; and

WHEREAS, two years later, Douglas became one of only two southern cities awarded a federal urban renewal grant, which included the designation of more than 200 acres of land for industrial development; and

WHEREAS, industrial development continued to be a vital part of the overall plan for the City of Douglas and Coffee County, and a ground breaking was held for an urban renewal project in the City of Douglas in 1957; and

WHEREAS, in 1958, Mr. Wendell Sears, a member of the Industrial Development Committee, made a motion for an effort to raise $200,000 in support of industrial development; and

WHEREAS, that same year, County Commissioner Dan Jardine chaired a capital campaign to raise funds for industrial development and succeeded in raising $250,000 within a two-week period from school children, factory workers, small business owners, and business leaders throughout the community; and

WHEREAS, these funds were used for construction of a facility for Swift & Company, which brought 200 new jobs to Coffee County and the region and provided for a continuous local poultry operation for more than 50 years, which now operates as Pilgrim's Pride with more than 800 employees; and

WHEREAS, a commitment to economic growth through industrial development allowed existing local industries to prosper and for the recruitment of new diverse industries to Coffee County, including Fleetwood Enterprises, Williams Institutional Foods, and Crider Poultry (now Wayne Farms), which have celebrated more than 50 years of continuous operations in Coffee County; and

WHEREAS, in 1958, Mr. Elie Holton ran for mayor on the platform of establishing an Industrial Development Authority, and the citizens of the City of Douglas and Coffee County voted to support industrial development through an increase in their millage rate; and

WHEREAS, in 1959, State Representative Tom Fellows introduced legislation calling for the creation of the Douglas-Coffee County Industrial Authority to develop and promote industry within the City of Douglas and Coffee County, which was adopted by the General Assembly of Georgia through a constitutional amendment; and

WHEREAS, for 50 years, the City of Douglas, Coffee County, the Douglas-Coffee County Chamber of Commerce, the Douglas-Coffee County Industrial Authority, and the citizens of Coffee County have embraced a never-ending commitment to partnership and collaboration for the good of industrial development and the retention and recruitment of jobs; and

WHEREAS, it is evident that Douglas-Coffee County has prospered from the work of the authority and has become known as a leader in rural economic development throughout the State of Georgia and the nation.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body recognize the Douglas-Coffee County Economic Development Authority and its members for the significant programs and projects supporting economic development, job retention, and job growth for the community, the region, and the State of Georgia and congratulate Douglas-Coffee County on 50 years of leadership and partnership for economic development.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Douglas-Coffee County Economic Development Authority.