11 LC 94 3704
House Resolution 37
By: Representatives Purcell of the 159th and Burns of the 157th


Recognizing and commending the Effingham YMCA Christian Leadership Academy of the Effingham YMCA; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Effingham YMCA has recently established the Christian Leadership Academy, a program which trains high school sophomores and juniors to carry Christian leadership principles into the future world of family, education, church, government, and business; and

WHEREAS, this program is in its second year and takes place over the seven months of September through March, with the participants meeting for monthly seminars, and concludes with a closing ceremony in April; and

WHEREAS, the program was established under the leadership of Dr. Darren Thomas, Minister of Education at the First Baptist Church of Springfield, Georgia, and Chairman of the Board of the Effingham YMCA; Kim Dennis, Effingham YMCA Director; and Peggy Smith, Missions and Program Committee Programming Director; and Emily Greene, Office Manager; and

WHEREAS, the students participating in the Christian Leadership Academy are Bryce Blewett, Tyler Burress, Kameron Dickerson, Amelia Edenfield, Caitlyn Fears, Morgane Hargrett, Jessi Kicklighter, Colsen Lee, Felicia Lunsford, Kailyn Mikulsky, Kiley Ward, Vanessa Williams, and Chanelle Wright; and

WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to recognize this outstanding program for the great credit it reflects on the community and the State of Georgia.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that this body does hereby recognize and commend the Christian Leadership Academy of the Effingham YMCA and its leaders and participants.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to the above named individuals.