11 LC 33 4109
Senate Bill 207
By: Senators Fort of the 39th, Tate of the 38th, Sims of the 12th and James of the 35th


To amend Article 31 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to charter schools, so as to provide that certain provisions relating to termination, suspension, nonrenewal, demotion, or reprimand of teachers and other school personnel may not be waived pursuant to a charter; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


Article 31 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to charter schools, is amended by revising subsection (b) of Code Section 20-2-2065, relating to waiver of provisions of Title 20 for charter schools, as follows:
"(b) In determining whether to approve a charter petition or renew an existing charter, the local board and state board shall ensure that a charter school, or for charter systems, each school within the system, shall be:
(1) A public, nonsectarian, nonreligious, nonprofit school that is not home based, provided that a charter school's nonprofit status shall not prevent the school from contracting for the services of a for profit entity and that nothing in this Code section shall preclude the use of computer and Internet based instruction for students in a virtual or remote setting;
(2) Subject to the control and management of the local board of the local school system in which the charter school is located, as provided in the charter and in a manner consistent with the Constitution, if a local charter school;
(3) Subject to the supervision of the state board, as provided in the charter and in a manner consistent with the Constitution, if a state chartered special school;
(4) Organized and operated as a nonprofit corporation under the laws of this state; provided, however, that this paragraph shall not apply to any charter petitioner that is a local school, local school system, or state or local public entity;
(5) Subject to all federal, state, and local rules, regulations, court orders, and statutes relating to civil rights; insurance; the protection of the physical health and safety of school students, employees, and visitors; conflicting interest transactions; and the prevention of unlawful conduct;
(6) Subject to all laws relating to unlawful conduct in or near a public school;
(7) Subject to an annual financial audit conducted by the state auditor or, if specified in the charter, by an independent certified public accountant licensed in this state;
(8) Subject to the provisions of Part 3 of Article 2 of Chapter 14 of this title, and such provisions shall apply with respect to charter schools whose charters are granted or renewed on or after July 1, 2000;
(9) Subject to all reporting requirements of Code Section 20-2-160, subsection (e) of Code Section 20-2-161, Code Section 20-2-320, and Code Section 20-2-740;
(10) Subject to the requirement that it shall not charge tuition or fees to its students except as may be authorized for local boards by Code Section 20-2-133;
(11) Subject to the provisions of Code Section 20-2-1050 requiring a brief period of quiet reflection; and
(12) Subject to the provisions of Code Section 20-2-211.1 relating to fingerprint and criminal background checks; and
(13) Subject to the provisions of Part 7 of Article 17 of this chapter relating to termination, suspension, nonrenewal, demotion, or reprimand of teachers and other school personnel."

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.