12 LC 93 1067
Senate Resolution 1085
By: Senator Albers of the 56th


Recognizing and commending the 2012 Atlanta Sports Awards Finalist for High School Scholar Athlete of the Year, Cyrus Carrier Wilson; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Cyrus Carrier Wilson is being honored as the 2012 High School Athlete of the Year during the seventh annual Atlanta Sports Awards on February 27, 2012 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre; and

WHEREAS, the Atlanta Sports Awards is a gala event created by the Atlanta Sports Council to galvanize the high school, college, and professional sports community; and

WHEREAS, a high school senior at The Lovett School, Cyrus has played football and basketball for four years, lacrosse for two years, and track and baseball for one year; and

WHEREAS, an active member of his school and community, Cyrus has been on the Student Service Board, the Vestry Wardens, the National Honor Society, Trinity House, a leader in Habitat for Humanity, and completed a mission trip to Honduras where he helped lay a foundation for a church and distributed Christmas packages to children in several villages, and a mission trip to Guatemala where he helped construct a school; and

WHEREAS, he has received numerous honors, including the Math Department Award for Geometry his freshman year, the Yale Book Award his junior year, and the Athletic Department Award his junior and senior year; and

WHEREAS, his academic achievements have rewarded him with the Frank Carter Leadership Scholarship his freshman year and placed him on the Headmaster's List from ninth grade through 12th grade; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the extraordinary accomplishments of this distinguished Georgian be appropriately recognized.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Cyrus Carrier Wilson for his superlative scholastic endeavors and amazing athletic accomplishments and congratulate him for being named the 2012 High School Scholar Athlete of the Year.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Cyrus Carrier Wilson.