12 LC 93 1233
Senate Resolution 1148
By: Senators Hill of the 32nd, Loudermilk of the 52nd, Tippins of the 37th and Thompson of the 33rd


Recognizing and commending the firefighters of Fire Station 19; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the firefighters of Fire Station 19 in Marietta, Georgia, assisted the Young family as Ms. Elizabeth Young gave birth to Fiona LeGreve Young on December 21, 2011, at 6:00 A.M.; and

WHEREAS, on a cold and rainy night, Ms. Young went into labor, five weeks from her expected delivery date; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Young was not able to make it to the hospital, and upon calling 911, he informed the operator that they were headed to the fire station on Powers Ferry Road; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Young immediately gave birth after stepping out of the vehicle and lying on the pavement in front of the fire station; and

WHEREAS, firefighters ran out with blankets, a stretcher, and oxygen and medical kits; and

WHEREAS, the firefighters were able to cut the umbilical cord, wrap Fiona in blankets, and take her inside to suction and do a preliminary exam; and

WHEREAS, the firefighters also wrapped up Ms. Young, placed her on a stretcher, and took her inside near a heater; and

WHEREAS, the seven heroic firefighters who work during the shift are Adam Linn, Shane Turner, Buck Fowles, Gary Beasley, Trevor Levy, Bill Johnson, and Kevin Gross; and

WHEREAS, upon the Youngs' arrival at the station, the firefighters sprang into action and took control of a situation that occurred within four minutes; and

WHEREAS, in placing the well-being of society above their personal concerns and, in many instances, risking their lives for the sake of others, the state's firefighters exemplify the highest nobility and greatest commitment to society and humanity; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the actions of these distinguished citizens be appropriately recognized.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend the care, fortitude, and dedication exhibited by the firefighters of Fire Station 19 in Marietta, Georgia, and recognize their remarkable actions the night of December 21, 2011.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to Fire Station 19.