09 LC 36 1202
Senate Resolution 13
By: Senator Hudgens of the 47th


Commending and recognizing the 2007-2008 Madison County High School Red Raider Softball Team as the highest ranked public school team in the nation; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the 2007-2008 Madison County High School Red Raider Softball Team has established and maintained a proud tradition of excellence in girls' softball, completing another successful season of competition; and

WHEREAS, the Red Raiders have been recognized by the National Fastpitch Coaches Association as the highest ranked public school team in the nation; and

WHEREAS, the team's GPA was 3.734, an achievement exemplifying extraordinary talent, discipline, and motivation of its members: Olivia Duncan, Samantha LaZear, Abby Atkinson, Cortney Boggs, Emily Mann, Brandi Osborne, Haley Peeples, Sarah Smith, Timia Skelton, Elizabeth Whieldon, Ariel Bates, Katie Bolin, Erin Gibson, Heather Echols, Megan Kesler, and Taylor Morgan; and

WHEREAS, their accomplishments reflect the expert training and encouragement provided by their very able coaches, Doug Kesler, Ken Morgan, Sarah Owen, Michael Thomas, and Brooke Kesler.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that this body commends the 2007-2008 Madison County High School Red Raider Softball Team for its achievements and recognizes it as the highest ranked public school team in the nation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to the above-named coaches and players of the Madison County High School Red Raider Softball Team.