09 LC 33 2909
Senate Resolution 256
By: Senators Thomas of the 54th, Orrock of the 36th, Johnson of the 1st, Unterman of the 45th, Weber of the 40th and others


Recognizing and commending the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter and declaring March 9, 2009, as Alzheimer's Awareness Day at the state capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the mission of the Alzheimer's Association is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research and promotion of brain health and to enhance care and support for all individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families and caregivers; and

WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately 200,000 Georgians have Alzheimer's disease, and more than 500,000 others are affected through their roles as caregivers; and

WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2007, the Georgia Chapter served over 124,000 individuals through its programs and services; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Chapter's vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease, and it plans to eliminate the disease through the advancement of research and the promotion of brain health and to enhance care and support for all individuals, their families, and caregivers.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body join together to recognize the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter, commend it for the outstanding job it is doing to fight this terrible illness.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that March 9, 2009, is declared Alzheimer's Awareness Day at the state capitol.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter.