09 LC 33
Resolution 281
Senators Orrock of the 36th, Butler of the 55th, Tate of the 38th, Henson of the
41st, Jackson of the 2nd and others
the United States Congress to enact the Prevention First Act (H.R. 463/S.21);
and for other purposes.
improving access to preventive health care and supporting healthy families
should be a shared national goal; and
according to the Georgia Department of Human Resources, Georgia has the 7th
highest number of AIDS cases in the United States; and
the Legislature further recognizes that Guttmacher Institute studies show
Georgia has the 8th highest teenage pregnancy rate of any state;
the Legislature further recognizes that Guttmacher Institute studies show that
even prior to current budget cuts, family planning clinics in Georgia served
only 41 percent of all women in need of publicly supported contraceptive
services; and
increased funding from the federal government would ameliorate the problems of
unintended pregnancies and high rates of sexually transmitted disease, as well
as the current insufficient levels of funds to address these crises;
the Prevention First Act (H.R. 463/S.21) introduced in the 111th Congress is an
omnibus family planning initiative that expands access to preventive health care
services and education programs to help reduce unintended pregnancy, improve
birth outcomes, prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections, and
support healthy families by improving women's health. This federal legislation
offers to amend public health legislation, including Title I, Title II, Title
III, Title IV, Title V, Title VI, Title VII, and Title VIII; and
Title I should be amended to authorize $700 million in funding for Title X
family planning clinics; and
Title II should be amended to require private health plans to cover FDA-approved
prescription contraceptives and related medical services; and
Title III should be amended to direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services
to develop and disseminate information about emergency contraception to the
public and to health care providers; and
Title IV should be amended to require that hospitals receiving federal funds
provide victims of sexual assault with information and access to emergency
contraception; and
Title V should be amended to provide annual funding to public and private
entities to establish or expand teenage pregnancy prevention programs;
Title VI should be amended to require federally funded programs that provide
information on the use of contraceptives to ensure that the information is
medically accurate and includes health benefits and failure rates;
Title VII should be amended to strengthen Medicaid coverage of family planning
services; and
Title VIII should be amended to provide for abstinence-based, comprehensive,
medically accurate sex education programs that teach young people about making
healthy, responsible decisions, and includes information about abstinence,
health, and contraceptives; and
sponsored by Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and Representative Louise Slaughter
(D-NY), respectively, such legislation is supported by public health advocates
groups across the nation.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body fully
support and strongly encourage the passage of the Prevention First Act (H.R.
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed
to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Governor Sonny Perdue,
President Barack Obama, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker
of the United States House of Representatives, and each member of the Georgia
Congressional Delegation.