12 LC 33
Resolution 719
Senators Albers of the 56th, Chance of the 16th, Loudermilk of the 52nd and
McKoon of the 29th
the Tourism Promotion Joint Study Commission; and for other
the tourism industry is a vital component in Georgia's economic prosperity;
various factors impact the accessibility to and awareness of tourism
opportunities, including technology, branding, and planning tools providing
information for tourism destinations, attractions, and special events;
it is imperative that the State of Georgia develop policies to promote tourism,
conventions, and trade shows in Georgia and to ensure that all of the essential
stakeholders work in concert with each other towards such end; and
the General Assembly is committed to studying and determining the best and most
efficient path to such goal.
created the Tourism Promotion Joint Study Commission to be composed of 12
members as follows:
One member of the Senate Economic Development Committee appointed by the
chairperson of the committee and one member of the Senate appointed by the
Senate Committee on Assignments;
One member of the House Committee on Economic Development appointed by the
chairperson of the committee and one member of the House of Representatives
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
Three individuals from the private sector, with one such member each being
appointed by the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives;
The commissioner of economic development or his or her designee;
The commissioner of natural resources or his or her designee;
The commissioner of transportation or his or her designee;
The commissioner of community affairs or his or her designee; and
The chairperson of the Georgia Ports Authority or his or her
Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate Committee on Assignments
shall each appoint a co-chair of the commission. The commission may establish
various subcommittees with subject matter expertise to advise the commission on
specific matters, which shall be chaired by a member of the study commission.
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall:
Inventory Georgia's existing tourism destinations, attractions, and special
events and determine the potential for the development of future destinations,
attractions, and special events in Georgia;
Identify stakeholders and community partners, including convention and visitors
bureaus, tourism councils, chambers of commerce, and other entities which play a
vital role in the tourism industry in Georgia;
Conduct review of state and national policies to discern best practices and
lessons learned with regard to public policy that encourages tourism to this
Conduct meetings around the state to solicit input from stakeholders with a
specific interest in identifying barriers to growth and progress;
Develop specific recommendations with regard to the scope and content of a
strategic plan for increasing tourism in Georgia. Such recommendations shall
stipulate what the commission recommends should be excluded from such a
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all executive departments, agencies, boards, and
commissions and other divisions of the executive branch of state government
shall fully cooperate with the commission, and any nonprofit entities designated
by the commission that promote and support tourism may assist the commission in
the performance of its duties and may provide staff assistance and any other
assistance as requested.
IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall undertake a study of the
conditions, needs, issues, and problems mentioned above or related thereto and
recommend any actions or legislation that the commission deems necessary or
appropriate. The commission may conduct such meetings at such places and at
such times as it may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to exercise fully
and effectively its powers, perform its duties, and accomplish the objectives
and purposes of this resolution. The legislative members of the commission
shall receive the allowances authorized for legislative members of interim
legislative committees. The members of the commission shall serve without
compensation. The funds necessary to carry out the provisions of this
resolution shall come from the funds appropriated to the Senate and the House of
Representatives. No later than January 14, 2013, the commission shall submit
its recommendations for the development of a strategic plan to the Governor, the
Senate Committee on Assignments, and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives. The commission shall stand abolished on January 14, 2013.