10 LC 94 1697
Senate Resolution 872
By: Senator Tolleson of the 20th


Recognizing and commending the 2009 Georgia USGA women's golf team on winning the USGA Women's State Team Championship; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, through perseverance and iron determination, the 2009 Georgia USGA women's golf team earned national acclaim by winning the USGA Women's State Team Championship; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia women's team dominated their opponents at Sycamore Hills Golf Club in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with a nine-stroke win at the national event; and

WHEREAS, their victory marks Georgia as the first state to win multiple titles in the competition since it was established in 1995; and

WHEREAS, this 2009 dream team consisted of talented athletes Dori Carter, Laura Coble, Captain Sissi Gann, and Mariah Stackhouse; and

WHEREAS, the phenomenal performance of the team is a clear indication of the outstanding athletic ability, the dedication and hard work, and the unity of purpose and spirit of each member of the team; and

WHEREAS, as this magnificent team earned its well-deserved reputation for excellence by performing with courage and precision over months of training and competition, it is abundantly proper to call them champions.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body congratulate the 2009 Georgia USGA women's golf team for winning the USGA Women's State Team Championship and extend their sincere best wishes for future success.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit copies of this resolution to Captain Sissi Gann.