10 LC 94 1973
Senate Resolution 944
By: Senators Pearson of the 51st, Harp of the 29th and Sims of the 12th


Recognizing March 24, 2010, as Intercranial Hypertension Day at the state capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the literal translation of intercranial hypertension is high fluid pressure within the skull; and

WHEREAS, cerebrospinal fluid, along with the blood supply from arteries and veins of the vasculature, is a major component inside the skull required for brain function; and

WHEREAS, cerebrospinal fluid cushions the brain, transports nutrients to brain tissue, and carries waste away from the brain; and

WHEREAS, cerebrospinal fluid is produced at a site within the brain called the choroid plexus; and

WHEREAS, when the body cannot effectively absorb or drain cerebrospinal fluid, intracranial pressure increases; and

WHEREAS, because the skull is made of bone and cannot expand, an increase in pressure from cerebrospinal fluid accumulation results in a decrease in blood flow; and

WHEREAS, intercranial hypertension is a rare disease, and someone with intercranial hypertension often does not appear sick, because symptoms of the disease occur internally rather than externally; and

WHEREAS, another challenge in diagnosing intercranial hypertension is that indications of its presence can be variable, with symptoms appearing in waves, and may include sudden changes in behavior or capabilities due to fluctuations in intracranial pressure; and
WHEREAS, in recognition of the importance of the ongoing fight against intercranial hypertension, March 24, 2010, is recognized as Intercranial Hypertension Day at the state capitol.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body recognize March 24, 2010, as Intercranial Hypertension Day at the state capitol and urge all citizens to educate themselves on this rare and life changing disease.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to members of the public and the press.